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Homeless foreigners in Thailand 'lack assistance'


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"In some cases, these foreigners... often having being duped or robbed by Thai former wives or partners..."

...and of course the usual, emphatic reaction on TV is "som nam na", "what the f... do I care", "deport the idiots" etc.

Some of the calls to deport these people are actually based upon compassion.

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I think being a westerner Thailand would be the last place you would want to end up homeless and destitute. I wouldn't like to be homeless in Australia either but at least there are services available to offer some help.

A fair percentage of homeless people suffer from some form of mental heath and I would also guess that a few of the farang homeless in Thailand are suffering from shame and depression after being duped by a Thai women and don't want to return home to face family and friends who think they are living the good life in Thailand.

This may sound a little harsh but I think if you see a homeless farang in Thailand you should report them so they can be deported where they have access to social security and other services.

Would Agree Completely , I wouldn't like to be a homeless Australian ..BUT , I sure wouldn't want to be a homeless Farang in Thailand .

If deported back to Australia for example , it would be far from easy but there are services available to draw upon ..Including some Social Welfare .

On the assumption that you could keep subtance abuse under control it would be much safer to be deported . I really dont think its harsh to report them for at this point in the individuals life they may not be making rational discissions .

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If there are homeless western men on the streets, it seems to me that the country of nationality would be first up to provide assistance and/or repatriation. Let's be real; outside of the family there is zero safety net mechanisms for Thai nationals. The Thai government needs to address these issues first.

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To my knowledge, i bet u that no embassies will give you a ticket home unless you have family or friends in your home country giving the foreign department of mentined country a written promise that they will cover for the ticket, most countries i know of demand this. I myself come from one of the richest country in the bloody world, and they dont just dont hand out free tickets, so i cant see either US or f.eks UK handing out tickets to the down and outs. I have been living here for quite a few years now, and the stories i heard, not only heard, seen with my own eyes., I met many a 60 yr and up with their head on their knees, totally desperate, came down here with 40 50 mill bath and expected it to last out their life, and it could easily with a bit of bloody pure logic. Built nice houses 3 mill, swimming pool and all, open little shop for the wife, maybe a tatto shop for himself. Wife starts to gamble, pouring down Lao Kao, starting to borrow mone first on the car and house, then from the chinaman and before u know it you have a black helmet on the door demanding 50000 or else. Stupid one can say but is there not a saying, Love makes blind, so dont be so damned hard on this unfortunate buggers. A lot of people i have met and know from UK dont have pensions or if they have its bearly to live on. US the same, they dont hand out anything for free over there. Of course i dont in my wildest demand the Thais to sort this out, but maybe we could show some com passion and understanding in other ways, what do i know. Make a fund or something under the Ex pat system. I met several 60 plus taken for everything they had by greedy, well u know, wifes, having to go back to f.eks UK and start over. Who would give them housing when you have thousands of refuges from all over first in line bec ause the UN demands it. Who would give them jobs, friends are gone or died, no mommies anymore, sold everything they had before they left to live out their dream in the land of dreams, oh sweet buddah. Call them stupid maybe, a better and humane one would be,, unlucky and made some bad desicions. So dont sit on the high horse, stock marked in US could hit 10000, your individual sheres could go to hell, yes many things can happen from here to tomorrow.

I was in the consular section of the British Embassy a few years ago waiting my turn at 10 in the morning and there were two British drunks noisily talking about their planned applications for emergency funding on the basis they had become destitute. When the noise became a disturbance one of the Gurkha guards appeared and very politely but firmly escorted them off the premises and advised them to sober up without having a chance to talk to a consular officer.

Later I met the embassy official responsible for dealing with destitute Brits and he told me that there was no British government policy for helping them with emergency funding or plane tickets back to the UK. Destitutes were advised to seek charity at a local temple for immediate assistance. All were given access to a free internet phone at the Embassy given plenty of time to to call anywhere in the world to ask friends or family to wire out emergency funding. He said it was surprising how quickly some of them could achieve this, once they realised no funds were coming from the UK taxpayer, including those who had sworn blind they had no friends or family anywhere in the world. Failiing that they would overstay their visas and eventually rot in the Immigration concentration camp at Soi Suan Plu until funding arrived. If someone gave them an air ticket but no money to pay their overstay fines they had to rot in the Nonthaburi prison, paying off the overstay fine at the rate of one day's incarceration equals Bt 200. Ex-servicemen were eligible to be bailed out by the Royal British Legion and some other expat charities run by kindly farang ladies. sometimes took pity on others. He said it was surprising how people came out with minimal funding believing stories that they could just sleep on the beach and live almost for nothing. Many others had all their funds in cash and were ripped off by hookers of any of the three genders within days of arriving in the LoS, leaving them without a bean.

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A few more stories like this in Thai media will add traction to the push to force foreign tourists and those on long stay visas to buy some sort of medical insurance to avoid Thai government hospitals getting stung with unpaid bills. I think this would be difficult to enforce for transit visas but I can easily see it coming in for any type of longer stay visa. At any rates Thais are forced to do buy medical insurance to get Schengen visas, so there would be some poetic justice in this.

Perhaps they will also get around to revising up the financial requirements for retirement and marriage extensions. It has been some years since they did this and it would be easy to justify an increase in line with inflation.

Some may even push for a contribution to a repatriation fund, as is already in force for labourers from neighbouring countries, although the Thais seem quite happy to shove overstayers in the immigration jail at Suan Plu at minimal expense since hardly any food is provided and they don't care how full it gets.

These potential measures are ranked in order of likelihood of happening earlier rather than later. I think the compulsory medical insurance for longer stay visas is very likely to happen within the next couple of years, since this has come up quite often lately. The financial requirements for longer stay visas will definitely be raised at some point but probably not for the time being while they are trying to encourage tourism. The repatriation fund for farang nationals is a remote possibility.

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Just wondering why not get a list of these homeless foriegner with name and nationality, and we all instead of debating share some bucks to get their ticket to return home. If overstay let them be in IDC till they can clear the fine either pay cash or live till you complete your period and back to home, what i feel the biggest problem for consulate or embassy is to arrange ticket for them, but usually they help in getting lost passport or travelling documents.

Frankly IDC already taking a lot of burden, by facilitating these overstayed foriegners, homeless or not homeless.

no offense but first time i can understand they had misfortune, but 2nd time i could not.. so you are homeless with your own choice..

I'm assuming by homeless foreigners, most people on this thread meant from the West? Just curious, but has anyone seen/heard of any homeless foreigners from the East (Japan, China/HK, Korea, Singapore, etc)?

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A few more stories like this in Thai media will add traction to the push to force foreign tourists and those on long stay visas to buy some sort of medical insurance to avoid Thai government hospitals getting stung with unpaid bills. I think this would be difficult to enforce for transit visas but I can easily see it coming in for any type of longer stay visa. At any rates Thais are forced to do buy medical insurance to get Schengen visas, so there would be some poetic justice in this.

Perhaps they will also get around to revising up the financial requirements for retirement and marriage extensions. It has been some years since they did this and it would be easy to justify an increase in line with inflation.

Some may even push for a contribution to a repatriation fund, as is already in force for labourers from neighbouring countries, although the Thais seem quite happy to shove overstayers in the immigration jail at Suan Plu at minimal expense since hardly any food is provided and they don't care how full it gets.

These potential measures are ranked in order of likelihood of happening earlier rather than later. I think the compulsory medical insurance for longer stay visas is very likely to happen within the next couple of years, since this has come up quite often lately. The financial requirements for longer stay visas will definitely be raised at some point but probably not for the time being while they are trying to encourage tourism. The repatriation fund for farang nationals is a remote possibility.

Oh good. We can have a tax to fund medical insurance AS WELL AS another tax to cover a repatriation fund. The list just grows & grows. Maybe a third tax to help TAT with their tourist encouragement program. They're going to need it...

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However it came to be deportation is the right answer

I do not understand how a problem like this can even exist.

Why any Tom, Dick and Harry must show 0.8 M Bt parked in their bank account or a proof of income up to 65 K Bt/mth and report every 90 days, yet these guys need assistance from Thai Gov't renown for not assisting their own poor?

They should be all collected and delivered to their Embassy's doors with request of deportation to their countries.

Asking Thais to help them is just going too far.

So, maybe they were duped by their Thai sex partners. Whose fault is this? And whose problem is it?

I criticize many aspects of Thai reality, but this isn't Thai problem.

It is like saying, - Life's tough for everybody else, but I need assistance and a free lunch. Despicable.

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It's sad to see, but i think what are the Wats for and the monks aren't they there to help the poor,, i'm missing something

also,,, "often having being duped or robbed by Thai former wives or partners..."

and on and on and on it goes, and it will go on for ever i suppose all over South East Asia,, that's why i set a limit to what

my Thai family would squeeze out of me then i got booted out when i told them " i have no money" a year later they are trying

to get me back (no chance no way Ho-se) and on and on it goes, good luck all,, it's sad to see homeless people but sending

them back to their original country could be the best outcome for them,, at least they will have the same language and support.

We hate religion these days ... until we need a place to help the poor... I don't actually think, at least with respect to the foreign poor, that's what the "Wats are for". But I've heard some heart-warming stories, and my hat's off to them.

(In the US we're much more civilized when it comes to the poor; we hand out food (we practically force people into the foodstamp program these days), housing, and now medical insurance - why we're so civilized we have some families who've been on welfare for 3 straight generations now! Now THAT'S progress! facepalm.gif )

Free food, housing and healthcare with no occupation (work, business, service) makes ideal condition for uncontrolled breeding.

The 3 generations you mentioned seem to be the proof.

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It's sad to see, but i think what are the Wats for and the monks aren't they there to help the poor,, i'm missing something

also,,, "often having being duped or robbed by Thai former wives or partners..."

and on and on and on it goes, and it will go on for ever i suppose all over South East Asia,, that's why i set a limit to what

my Thai family would squeeze out of me then i got booted out when i told them " i have no money" a year later they are trying

to get me back (no chance no way Ho-se) and on and on it goes, good luck all,, it's sad to see homeless people but sending

them back to their original country could be the best outcome for them,, at least they will have the same language and support.

We hate religion these days ... until we need a place to help the poor... I don't actually think, at least with respect to the foreign poor, that's what the "Wats are for". But I've heard some heart-warming stories, and my hat's off to them.

(In the US we're much more civilized when it comes to the poor; we hand out food (we practically force people into the foodstamp program these days), housing, and now medical insurance - why we're so civilized we have some families who've been on welfare for 3 straight generations now! Now THAT'S progress! facepalm.gif )

Free food, housing and healthcare with no occupation (work, business, service) makes ideal condition for uncontrolled breeding.

The 3 generations you mentioned seem to be the proof.

Oh, and trust me, gen4 is well on the way...

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It's sad to see, but i think what are the Wats for and the monks aren't they there to help the poor,, i'm missing something

also,,, "often having being duped or robbed by Thai former wives or partners..."

and on and on and on it goes, and it will go on for ever i suppose all over South East Asia,, that's why i set a limit to what

my Thai family would squeeze out of me then i got booted out when i told them " i have no money" a year later they are trying

to get me back (no chance no way Ho-se) and on and on it goes, good luck all,, it's sad to see homeless people but sending

them back to their original country could be the best outcome for them,, at least they will have the same language and support.

We hate religion these days ... until we need a place to help the poor... I don't actually think, at least with respect to the foreign poor, that's what the "Wats are for". But I've heard some heart-warming stories, and my hat's off to them.

(In the US we're much more civilized when it comes to the poor; we hand out food (we practically force people into the foodstamp program these days), housing, and now medical insurance - why we're so civilized we have some families who've been on welfare for 3 straight generations now! Now THAT'S progress! facepalm.gif )

Free food, housing and healthcare with no occupation (work, business, service) makes ideal condition for uncontrolled breeding.

The 3 generations you mentioned seem to be the proof.

Oh, and trust me, gen4 is well on the way...

Well, to tell the truth, I'm not from US so I wouldn't know for sure, but from where I stand it may be:

* A truly humanitarian effort to help;

* A part of defense measure - Romans had land and citizenship offered to their Legionairs. French had their Foreign Legionairs. Americans have their Special Forces. Not sure who had offered better terms. But just in case, one must keep the population growth at about 2,5 average kids per couple, or China wins;

* A self-preservation measure - to keep the social Revolution at bay;

* A proof that "In God We Trust" is not just a motto on the US Dollar Note;

There could be entirely different reason I do not know about, but sure as hell it is not new or original.

But we are getting off topic here.

At the end of day each Gov't of any Nation is responsible for their Citizens abroad and within the Country - whether they like it or not! And visa-versa.

Hence, any Embassy must repatriate or deport or in any other way remove its Citizen from a foreign country if/when requested.

Edited by ABCer
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At the end of day each Gov't of any Nation is responsible for their Citizens abroad and within the Country - whether they like it or not! And visa-versa.

Hence, any Embassy must repatriate or deport or in any other way remove its Citizen from a foreign country if/when requested.

Ah, the good ol' nanny state. The gummint is responsible for us! Maybe gummint should just examine us, check our bank records, our health records, and everything else, and and clear us all to travel (or not) in the first place. Well what in the WORLD has gummint done to earn so much blind trust?!

No, at the end of the day people must accept responsibility for themselves. It's the ONLY system, at the end of the day, that will ever work. Everything else is expensive, very expensive, bandaids. Neverending schemes, originated with do-gooders, and gobbled up by wide-eyed, hungry policiticans always eager to grow new programs, that shakedown the responsible ostensibly to pay for the irresponsible, but really just to extend their own parasitic careers. Bad luck? Sure, it happens. And when it does, good people should step in and help. The problem is, the moment you try and legislate that, the no-loads, the irresponsible, even the criminally minded start wading ashore in legions to take advantage. Worse, the government claims a piece, a BIG piece, of the pie for itself. When WILL we learn what really makes governments work? It's not like it's that hard to grasp, except maybe by the terminally naive.

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At the end of day each Gov't of any Nation is responsible for their Citizens abroad and within the Country - whether they like it or not! And visa-versa.

Hence, any Embassy must repatriate or deport or in any other way remove its Citizen from a foreign country if/when requested.

Ah, the good ol' nanny state. The gummint is responsible for us! Maybe gummint should just examine us, check our bank records, our health records, and everything else, and and clear us all to travel (or not) in the first place. Well what in the WORLD has gummint done to earn so much blind trust?!

No, at the end of the day people must accept responsibility for themselves. It's the ONLY system, at the end of the day, that will ever work. Everything else is expensive, very expensive, bandaids. Neverending schemes, originated with do-gooders, and gobbled up by wide-eyed, hungry policiticans always eager to grow new programs, that shakedown the responsible ostensibly to pay for the irresponsible, but really just to extend their own parasitic careers. Bad luck? Sure, it happens. And when it does, good people should step in and help. The problem is, the moment you try and legislate that, the no-loads, the irresponsible, even the criminally minded start wading ashore in legions to take advantage. Worse, the government claims a piece, a BIG piece, of the pie for itself. When WILL we learn what really makes governments work? It's not like it's that hard to grasp, except maybe by the terminally naive.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This is the first time I have been called a naive person.

Let us agree on disagreeing on this issue.

It wasn't me who said that each nation deserves the Gov't they have. How your Gov't is operating inside your country or outside - is a matter between you and your Gov't. Including the right to check you given to them.

Back to the topic.

Thais should collect these distressed foreigners and deliver them to their Embassy's doors with a written request not to let them out.

Question of funds, costs, upkeep and relocation of such individuals becomes a problem of their Gov't, whether they like it or not. Letting them out on Thai territory against Thai Gov't wish will create a Diplomatic/International precedent.

No money? - Fine, but they have to keep them on Embassy's sovereign territory. You may feel uncomfortable about this, but in the eyes of International community you and your Gov't are responsible for each others actions.

And where did you see a 'nanny' attitude in my posts? I am responsible for myself. Most likely you are responsible for yourself.

If these people in distress cannot take responsibility for their lives their Gov't must do it. How they will do it - is between them to decide. Alcoholics can be treated. Drug addicts can be treated. Who will pay at the end I'm not concerned.

But it sure as hell shouldn't be Thais. If you can't see this - something is terminally wrong with you, not me.

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No one in Thailand should ever be without food, clothing and shelter.

Anyone can go and live at the local temple with the monks. All that's required is that they give a little bit of assistance with cleaning out the temple and respect the monks and their Buddhist beliefs (so don't drink/smoke/do drugs/kill animals/blaspheme) while in the temple.

There's a western guy in my town who is in a similar situation, he lives and eats at the temple. I think he's better off here than what he would be in his home country, and he always seems reasonably happy and upbeat.

If you can afford to smoke, drink or do drugs, then you have enough money to put a roof over your head and food in your belly.

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But then again perhaps the gloating zeal in condeming homeless farangs which so many here have taken to is explained in the observation that

"we despise in others most that which we fear in ourselves"

Here is something else to dwell on. Proportionally are their more (or less) farang living off the Thai Social Welfare system than there are impoverished Thais living in farang countries living off their host country's Social Welfare System.

That an easy one. There is no Social Welfare System. for a farang to live off of in Thailand. However, in my home country, if a Thai or other foreigners can set foot on our sovereign land , especially with their kids in tow, that family will be well cared for by the State. And if you stay in my country long enough, even illegally, your on a fast track to citizenship.

I love the most vehemently self righteous TVs who have never had to struggle financially during their lives. Having a silver spoon jammed up your posterior all your life tends to deflate the level of compassion you can accumulate over your lifetime. 'Eh? Just saying.

I, and most of my friends and acquaintances, were not born with silver spoons in our mouths - or any other part of our bodies. We made the best of our opportunities and talents, realised that fighting the system was non productive we put our noses to the grindstone. We didn't moan about the inequalities of Life but rolled our sleeves up and got on with it. Our successes, of varying proportions, was achieved by our endeavours, often meeting with derision from our contemporaries. I, and most of my social circle, have no intention of sharing the fruits of our labours with the idle, the lotus eaters and those indigent primarily through their own poor decisions.

Some of my social circle are wealthy, the majority are not, and comfortable may best describe their lifestyles. All have something in common. We do not drink copious amount of poison into the early hours on the pretext of enjoying ourselves, we do not use forbidden substances, and we provide for our tomorrows i.e. we choose to live sensibly and with a sense of responsibility to our families and ourselves. I'm all for going one's own way in life so if somebody chooses to waste their lives and let the devil take the hindmost, than so be it. Best of luck with that. I choose not to stand by and watch them on their way to purgatory and see no point in investing any of my resources in bailing them out from the result of their stupidities. To do so would be much the same as them in that I would be throwing my hard earned resources down the drain. They have made their beds, then let them lie in them.

To those living on fixed incomes of decreasing value I have some sympathy and they should realise that will have to cut their cloth accordingly if they wish to continue to reside in Thailand. For those with mental problems and those subject to the ravages of old age then a civilised Government, which automatically excludes any Thai Government, should provide relief and ship them home. I cannot speak of other countries but the UK has saved a great deal of money by freezing State Pension payments of ex-pats and by not having to meet the costs of medical treatment and prescriptions, bus passes and TV licences. The costs of repatriation could be met by using some of the substantial savings they have made.

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At the end of day each Gov't of any Nation is responsible for their Citizens abroad and within the Country - whether they like it or not! And visa-versa.

Hence, any Embassy must repatriate or deport or in any other way remove its Citizen from a foreign country if/when requested.

Ah, the good ol' nanny state. The gummint is responsible for us! Maybe gummint should just examine us, check our bank records, our health records, and everything else, and and clear us all to travel (or not) in the first place. Well what in the WORLD has gummint done to earn so much blind trust?!

No, at the end of the day people must accept responsibility for themselves. It's the ONLY system, at the end of the day, that will ever work. Everything else is expensive, very expensive, bandaids. Neverending schemes, originated with do-gooders, and gobbled up by wide-eyed, hungry policiticans always eager to grow new programs, that shakedown the responsible ostensibly to pay for the irresponsible, but really just to extend their own parasitic careers. Bad luck? Sure, it happens. And when it does, good people should step in and help. The problem is, the moment you try and legislate that, the no-loads, the irresponsible, even the criminally minded start wading ashore in legions to take advantage. Worse, the government claims a piece, a BIG piece, of the pie for itself. When WILL we learn what really makes governments work? It's not like it's that hard to grasp, except maybe by the terminally naive.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This is the first time I have been called a naive person.

Let us agree on disagreeing on this issue.

It wasn't me who said that each nation deserves the Gov't they have. How your Gov't is operating inside your country or outside - is a matter between you and your Gov't. Including the right to check you given to them.

Back to the topic.

Thais should collect these distressed foreigners and deliver them to their Embassy's doors with a written request not to let them out.

Question of funds, costs, upkeep and relocation of such individuals becomes a problem of their Gov't, whether they like it or not. Letting them out on Thai territory against Thai Gov't wish will create a Diplomatic/International precedent.

No money? - Fine, but they have to keep them on Embassy's sovereign territory. You may feel uncomfortable about this, but in the eyes of International community you and your Gov't are responsible for each others actions.

And where did you see a 'nanny' attitude in my posts? I am responsible for myself. Most likely you are responsible for yourself.

If these people in distress cannot take responsibility for their lives their Gov't must do it. How they will do it - is between them to decide. Alcoholics can be treated. Drug addicts can be treated. Who will pay at the end I'm not concerned.

But it sure as hell shouldn't be Thais. If you can't see this - something is terminally wrong with you, not me.

Where you said, "...at the end of day each Gov't of any Nation is responsible for their Citizens abroad and within the Country - whether they like it or not!". = nanny state. A pretty succinct statement of the concept actually.

'Nope. Like I said. there are always legions of slackers waiting to take advantage. If they know they can get a free ride home, they'll LINE UP at the embassy - you won't HAVE to round them up and put them there. (And yet once again, who'll be paying for those rides home?) Some people need to learn some hard lessons. Catering to them, letting them know there's a "safety net" waiting for them, doesn't teach them a thing. Third-generation welfare families in the US have taught us that (not that it came as much of a surprise to some). A work camp in Thailand (or wherever they maroon themselves), with a free phonecall home to beg their own family for money, sounds like a much better idea.

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what is the moral of this story?

I would say, that the moral is... Here in Thailand they do not care about Farangs, only there money and everything elsa is up to you, so if you have problem, UP TO YOU and other things UP TO YOU, everything around money UP TO YOU. In my country we woul take care of people like that, with cloth, food and money.... Here they do ot give a dam_n... Sorry for Thailand in this matter... I will not say bad worth, so I say, stay strong and have money, without you will and will always be a big looser in Thailand....

Like I stated before if things don't work out you can live at a temple, teach a little English and the Thai people will reward you for your work.

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  • 4 months later...

I was 5 weeks in London, ruined, living on the street, because of betting, until someone call me from Thailand offer me be a Chef in a new restaurant is due to open, pay me the travel, the accomodation and give some money in advance to manage, after one month the place is no open yet, but likely they have another one, so i can compesate more or less. The problem is that they never told me what is my duty there, my time table, nothing, so I try to do as mush is possible to help and thanks they generosity and chivalry, until I start to have no explanations for another important question, like what is going a be my salary until the place is open of if im going a have any day off at all.

The situation star to be a bit unconfortable because of that and the behavior of the Thai workers with me, until I fell the cross my honor, more important thing for me, so I live sudenly during the rush time and now I will be a homeless in Thailand, may be no in Phuket, because I fell very disapoint with the moods of they habitants, compare with another place of Thailand where I lived, worked or visited in pass.

What would you do in this situation, apart to find where I can by pentobarbital?

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their wifes / partners cheated them

yes with the complicity of thai laws, never allowing a foreigner to have 100% control of the company.

Condemning this ways to many people to be in other ones hands.

Also with the despite of many luckily expats that feel ashamed of them instead of feeling pity of them.

I am not going to say that all farang beggars were business men, but many of them of course.

Also those ones who have been in love with thai women, I feel pity for them I will never can feel despite or

feel ashamed of them, they were victims.

Don't you have to show you have many founds to marry with a thai?

It is very different when you got divorced.

Do they ask if you have enough founds to come back home?

Do they worry about you?

I will never make business in a country which such as laws as thailand has,

but I really wish good luck for all those ones who make business here, I hope their business don't broke

and they keep calm if some day they realize that they have not been so lucky choosing their partners/wifes.

Also I advice them to keep some money in a safer place to can buy a ticket back home.

Or perhaps it might be a requirement for all those who want to start business or marry with thais,

to have a bank account with a 3000 eur reserve, just in case they break with companies or wifes,

like a non-refundable guaranty found, just to be used to cover the expenses to come back home.

In a country where is everybody trying to clean up the farang we farangs can not be so hypocrite as thais.

Often they are not the only culpable.

All these bitches and scammers who has been obtaining profit from having business with the farang

should have to have some responsibility.

embassy can not pay you a ticket back

who has to do something then, my aunty?

It is, ( also with your family), your embassy that have more responsibility for you.

Because you are a citizen of the country they represent. If your embassy don't help you who will ?

( I am talking about that extreme cases of course, not a tourist who spent all his money in patpong )

Everybody know thai government don't help even thais - so it is better allow them to beg forever ?

Something it has to be done.

I'm just saying embassy could lend the money to be returned while arrived to their own countries.

Once back hold passports to those who have been deported and control them.

More sooner or more later everybody is gonna pay. They can take the money from your future incomes.

And no, I have never did business here or got married with a thai, and I never will.

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Many cannot go home because they have nowhere to go, They sold every thing to live the dream, some have mental issues, but how do you tell them, Would they understand. I know of one who lives in a Temple In Sahmut Sahkon. been there for a few years now. He lives on hand outs from the Monks, The Head Monk offered to pay his flight home, To The UK, i know because i and the wife have talk to the head monk , So whats stopping them , maybe the Police are waiting for them. This Monk even took him to the British Embassy in Bangkok, the guy ran away turned up back at the temple two days later. makes you think why they don't want to go home.

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It's my impression that the monks will help out anyone who is willing to make the effort to help themselves. The problem is (and the debate will go on forever I guess about why this true...), many of these penniless foreigners AREN'T willing to do that... The same is all too often true of the homeless back in our own countries as well (but back there benefits are available for the asking).

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it's very sad to know there are people who actually go to thailand with good intentions but somehow fail along the way and end up too poor to even go back home.

in a lot of cases they are not thinking with the right head and thats how they ended up in Thailand, have no plan B or any form of back up once they arrive, going to live in country where you have no legal recourse to goverment help and not having a back up plan in case something goes wrong is just plain stupidity and they say Thai are dumb !!

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it's very sad to know there are people who actually go to thailand with good intentions but somehow fail along the way and end up too poor to even go back home.

in a lot of cases they are not thinking with the right head and thats how they ended up in Thailand, have no plan B or any form of back up once they arrive, going to live in country where you have no legal recourse to goverment help and not having a back up plan in case something goes wrong is just plain stupidity and they say Thai are dumb !!

It is my principle to try to learn thai language to talk to the people. Farangs should not assume that just english alone is enough for the whole world. In european countries maybe english is sufficient since almost every european knows english but when u come to asia then very sorry english is not enough.

I think I'm quite fortunate because I know many languages. I speak hokkien in taiwan, cantonese in hongkong and chinese in china. Learning a new language opens up another world to u. That's why I'm learning thai now.

Edited by Jackson86
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it's very sad to know there are people who actually go to thailand with good intentions but somehow fail along the way and end up too poor to even go back home.

in a lot of cases they are not thinking with the right head and thats how they ended up in Thailand, have no plan B or any form of back up once they arrive, going to live in country where you have no legal recourse to goverment help and not having a back up plan in case something goes wrong is just plain stupidity and they say Thai are dumb !!

Agreed, there are plenty of them. Never understand why some people decided to come here without any exit plan.

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Its normal for countries worldwide to deport farang who no longer meet criteria for residency. Its normal for local NGOs to offer help like food, clothing, shelter.....to people left homeless or hungry. So a first step before deportation already exists as NGOs are providing it.

The truth is that often farang who've lost-it-all in Thailand don't want help from NGOs and don't want to go back to their countries - so they stay "out of contact" in whatever way they can. Khun Natee Saravari is talking as an NGO looking for more government support in managing the "farang poverty" problem.

Another first step which Khun Natee fails to see is this - troubled farang can always go to their embassies for help before deportation. But many are simply determined to hang on even when things look hopeless. Khun Natee we don't need more resources, we need a little common sense before you start making wild claims that the AEC and 2015 call for change. Thailand has lots of bigger problems leading up to the AEC and 2015.

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There are a large number of foreigners in Thailand who do not want to go home. The reasons are multitude! They hide from police, family and or wives and like the climate.

It is a pain to get people deported and so many police stations just ignore them if they do not cause problems.

As Thai people are kind and Buddhists feel sorry for these people and feed them and help them.

Temples have always been the place for displaced beings from ancient times and foreigners will take advantage of that until the end of the world.

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