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Thai Police to tag young street racers with electronic bracelets in November


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I have to confess that many years ago in my youth, I myself was a street racer.

The answer is to have more motorsport in Thailand. Kids want to race, and if they could race on a track they would not need to do it on the street.

Look at countries like Sweden where motorsports are accessible to huge numbers of regular people at low cost... that's what Thailand needs.

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Thank you all you Thai haters, the system works in every other country, why not here?

Won't be long until everyone of us has to wear such a thing in one or the other way.

Maybe as an unremoveable implant. So we can be tracked by NSA and CGHQ, identified by police, insurances, banks...

A lot of very practicle uses awaiting us.

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Help me please somebody.

How can such a bracelet prevent anyone from street racing ?

And is street racing the major problem in Thailand ?

Okey, the mass production of these things will make it easy to tag everything.

Good, I am always looking for my key and my glasses.

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Missing logic ?

The GPS bracelet helps locate the bracelet, not necessarily help locate a person. What happens if the offender leaves it at home for the evening ?

How about a microchip implant, as used in animal tracking ? No system is tamper-proof, but the implant might have a more sobering effect. It cannot be shown as a "badge of honour", but the wearer would know his guilty secret.

Maybe some "human rights" issues though.

Edited by attento
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Thank you all you Thai haters, the system works in every other country, why not here?

Won't be long until everyone of us has to wear such a thing in one or the other way.

Maybe as an unremoveable implant. So we can be tracked by NSA and CGHQ, identified by police, insurances, banks...

A lot of very practicle uses awaiting us.

Many people already are - the device is called the mobile phone.

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I *LOVE* this idea!

It works pretty fantastic stateside! In effect, they will be under "house arrest" and via GPS 24/7 be able to tell when the offender's position is on the planet. If they stray more than 100 meters from their home during the times of their "confinement", they will be in violation and carted off to jail.

As far a hacking them - not impossible I am sure, but what poor, uneducated kids will be able to hack them of be able to pay for someone else to hack them? Hacking them in the states - I haven't heard of one case yet.

Cut them off your ankle? The unit immediately sends a signal to police that the device has been removed. Get them wet? It stops updating the police of your where-abouts and they come looking for you.

I would LOVE to have one of these devices for personal use (for my kids) so I can PREVENT them from getting into trouble in the first place in thailand.

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