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Asok Cat


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Does anyone know what the story is with the asok cat?

Is he just a stray? I see him laying around there even at 6pm rush hour.

I noticed a couple of cat dishes hidden in the corners of the station that people have left for him. He looks very happy, but isn't the healthiest looking cat I've ever seen.

In any case he's the best part of my commute to and from work smile.png

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It's amazing no one has accidentally stepped on him, I know I've come close a few times.

The first few times I thought it was dead as it always seems to be in the same spot, and is always sleeping.

Always see lots of people, mostly women, snapping pix of said feline and holding everyone up.

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wow, i checked out the facebook page, thats a huge fanbase for a station cat...maybe not as big though as the one in japan where the station workers turned their resident cat into the official station manager....the result was their tiny bankrupt station/line that was close to closing became an overnight success with tourists and they finally started making a profit, all because of their cat

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There used to be two of them. I've seen two of them of the same colour! but not recently, only the one with the collar now

Was there today and I was looking for him but couldn't find him anywhere - silly isn't it a grown man running around looking for a cat but it makes me smile when I see him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There was a very nice cat who used to hang out at my favourite Coffee Bean, around the outside seats. He was smart, friendly and affectionate and always looked in the best of health. I first saw him when he was little more than a kitten and after I befriended him (or the other way around) I had a hard job leaving as he kept following me, right by my feet. He walked about 100 yards with me once until I had to pick him up and take him back, he just refused to take a hint and didn't understand I had appointments. I had to enlist the help of the motorbike taxi drivers to distract him so he wouldn't folllow me all over again, they thought it was very funny.

He seemed to have quite a few fans there, including the staff, and it wasn't just me that gave him milk and food, for years. I saw him everytime I was in Bangkok and visited that cafe only for that reason. It was an essential part of my schedule. Thats why it was my favourite cafe, it always cheered me up to be able to say hello and sit with him for a while. He was a big grey cat and he would often lie right in front of the doors, maybe he enjoyed the cool air. Other times he would jump up on the next seat where I put my bag, i think it made a soft and comfortable chair for him.

Then one day after I hadn't seen him for a while the staff told me he had been taken away.

Edited by paddyjenkins
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Missed the edit to turn the picture - apologies

I should have added my nephew in the picture was gobsmacked how comfortable Asok was with thousands passing by hourly. We actually bought a slice of pizza from Pala and just stood watching the smiles of people taking pictures, petting and offering him treats - the little celebrity loved every moment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw him a few days ago, looking well.

There was also a begger girl with a immaculately clean and well kempt pure White fluffy wuffy, furry wurrry little bunny wabbit that was attracting a lot of attention.

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  • 1 month later...

In case you guys don't know. Asoke cat got very bad wound and very sick. Somebody took him to vet and now he has recovered.

However, she decided to adopt Asoke cat. Since she has realized that Asoke cat life wouldn't last long out there.

That means you guys won't see him again at Asoke bts. You can see him how he is doing here.


Don't go back to the old page. It's not about Asoke cat anymore.


Don't worry he is recovered and got new friends.


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