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British man rescued from Si Saket forest


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Happy ending for that guy ..... poor man !!! but I still dont understand why the wife has waited so long to inform the police ... anyway the essential is that he is alive .... Thanks to the rescuers.

What do you imagine the Thai police would have done if she'd reported him missing?

Maybe that's why she did not report him missing, and understandably so.

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Happy ending for that guy ..... poor man !!! but I still dont understand why the wife has waited so long to inform the police ... anyway the essential is that he is alive .... Thanks to the rescuers.

What do you imagine the Thai police would have done if she'd reported him missing?

Maybe that's why she did not report him missing, and understandably so.

Absolutely, anyone with any experience of the BiB out in the sticks will know exactly how pointless an exercise it can be in going to them for help.

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Happy ending for that guy ..... poor man !!! but I still dont understand why the wife has waited so long to inform the police ... anyway the essential is that he is alive .... Thanks to the rescuers.

What do you imagine the Thai police would have done if she'd reported him missing?

Maybe that's why she did not report him missing, and understandably so.

Absolutely, anyone with any experience of the BiB out in the sticks will know exactly how pointless an exercise it can be in going to them for help.

You live in SSK as well, so if your mrs went missing for a week with your car you would not bother reporting to the cops then, just sit at home and do nothing?

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All's well that ends well.Just hope he hasn't contracted Malaria or Dengue fever with so many yoong guts.With that amount of bites he must feel he's been to itchycoo park and back.Hope he's ok the poor guy.

Was staying in Rasi Salai recently and had to visit their hospital a few times, there were many people in that hospital with malaria, including the person I was visiting, due to the heat all windows and doors were open and no insect protection around the place. If you enter the hospital malaria free you will be lucky to leave the same way.

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You live in SSK as well, so if your mrs went missing for a week with your car you would not bother reporting to the cops then, just sit at home and do nothing?

Who said anything about doing nothing? I certainly didn't.

Being on the web and knocking back chang does not count, so what would you do?

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I kept outa the "missing" thread when I first saw it simply because

I had this feeling a walkabout may have been the reason for his

disappearance. I'm glad it turned out that way, regardless of his

mental disposition and the state he was found in. He's very

lucky nonetheless. The jungle is no place for the untrained.

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That forest out there is no joke. Used to hike into Cambodia with the GF's family to buy cigarettes. I always thought if they ditched me that I would be screwed. He is one lucky guy.

Thing is, Rasi Salai is no where near border with Cambodia, it's the other end of Sisaket in the north bordering Roi-Et. The report say he was found in "PaaTharm", or local name for seasonally flooded forest that borders the banks of the river Mun and other lowland rivers in Isaan. It is more often referred to as "paa boong paa thaam" and although there is not a lot left as it has mostly been cleared for agriculture and eucalyptus plantation, when you do wander into it unprepared, it is easy to get lost and disoriented. Added to which the shrubs, bamboo and trees tend to be very thorny and dense, especially in the rainy season, and one can imagine a stressed out elderly man panicing, possibly suffering from a blackout and getting hopelessly lost. For villagers it is a rich source of various food items, but he wouldn't have had a clue what was edible and what was poisonous without local knowledge. He was lucky he was found, but the question remains, what was he doing in there in the first place, so far away from his home in Kalasin? sad.png

Good point. I was in Kantharalak specifically. Do you know that area? Sounds like you know the region fairly well. Our village was in the area that got shelled by the Cambodian military during the flare ups a few years back.

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The poor man seems to be in a bad way in the pic. Judging by the description of his unconscious state when he was found, he may not have survived much longer. I hope that he recovers completely soon.

It's gratifying to see the offer of help and company for the man here amidst all of the dross. How sad that some people are repeating the same old unfounded, critical rubbish in the face of recent information that discredits what they write.

I'll add to the true examples of relationships that have been posted. My wife has never done a dishonest or deceitful deed to me and takes very good care of me. I can't say that we never have a disagreement but we get along very well and I do my part as a husband in taking care of her. She's a happy bunny who has worked hard over the years before we met and still insists on pottering around on her various patches of land growing and selling produce when she might, instead, be dragging me off to gold and clothes shops. Her family is honest and have never put pressure on her to dip into my pocket for them.

It takes two to make a marriage work. Part of our responsibility is to learn about Thai family ways and adjust to them. If you sit around calling her to get another beer and complaining that Thailand is different from your own country, her respect for you will diminish. I recommend the book 'Thailand Fever' for those who have yet to read it.

I may not agree with everything you say Morden, but I wholeheartedly agree with your last comment.

The smart ones out there will be nodding with agreement, but the dumbos will just not understand. Some of them would not be happy if they lived in Heaven, would find something to whine about.


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Welcome home Walt, at least we all hope so from the home front. But as others have said, either 7 or 3 days is too long to wait before reporting a person as missing. Glad I am not one of her children, if she has any!w00t.gif.pagespeed.ce.fUUOmDCInI.gif

I would not be condemning the lady unless I knew all the facts. But you obviously do, mind sharing them with us ? Or did you base your comment on "guilty until proven innocent" ?

If I lived in the sticks and someone went missing the last people I would involve would be the police. Time would be better spent spreading the word that the man was awol.

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The poor man seems to be in a bad way in the pic. Judging by the description of his unconscious state when he was found, he may not have survived much longer. I hope that he recovers completely soon.

It's gratifying to see the offer of help and company for the man here amidst all of the dross. How sad that some people are repeating the same old unfounded, critical rubbish in the face of recent information that discredits what they write.

I'll add to the true examples of relationships that have been posted. My wife has never done a dishonest or deceitful deed to me and takes very good care of me. I can't say that we never have a disagreement but we get along very well and I do my part as a husband in taking care of her. She's a happy bunny who has worked hard over the years before we met and still insists on pottering around on her various patches of land growing and selling produce when she might, instead, be dragging me off to gold and clothes shops. Her family is honest and have never put pressure on her to dip into my pocket for them.

It takes two to make a marriage work. Part of our responsibility is to learn about Thai family ways and adjust to them. If you sit around calling her to get another beer and complaining that Thailand is different from your own country, her respect for you will diminish. I recommend the book 'Thailand Fever' for those who have yet to read it.

My wife is the same. That doesn't preclude the fact that I have seen at least a dozen dodgy marriages and was party to seeing one where the farang ended up getting executed.....

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You live in SSK as well, so if your mrs went missing for a week with your car you would not bother reporting to the cops then, just sit at home and do nothing?

Who said anything about doing nothing? I certainly didn't.

Being on the web and knocking back chang does not count, so what would you do?

One thing I wouldn't do is make unfounded accusations about people I do now know, that just makes anyone look like a speculative bigot.

What I would do is just a matter of pure common sense, if you don't know what that is, phone a friend, if you have one.

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Welcome home Walt, at least we all hope so from the home front. But as others have said, either 7 or 3 days is too long to wait before reporting a person as missing. Glad I am not one of her children, if she has any!w00t.gif

She does with him.All she wants is his best. His money, car, security in form of monthly payments from the UK. That's what she wants. She didn't wanted to have him back, was more about the car.

I'm on my way to find out, if his "mental problems" were caused by her. If so, I'll deliver her a broom as well.

Will see the guy soon and let you know what's up. wai2.gif

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Welcome home Walt, at least we all hope so from the home front. But as others have said, either 7 or 3 days is too long to wait before reporting a person as missing. Glad I am not one of her children, if she has any!w00t.gif

She does with him.All she wants is his best. His money, car, security in form of monthly payments from the UK. That's what she wants. She didn't wanted to have him back, was more about the car.

I'm on my way to find out, if his "mental problems" were caused by her. If so, I'll deliver her a broom as well.

Will see the guy soon and let you know what's up. wai2.gif

I truly look forward to the follow up story. Still think there is far more to this than meets the eye, but sirchai speaking directly to him without the fuzzy filter of the Thai media should give a clearer picture of what happened. Myself, along with a lot of others posters, assumed the wife offed him. Hmmm, now why would we think that ?? Oh I know, because it happens a lot....So we were just working the percentages... :-)

Pretty sure you could fill pages of this thread with stories of upcountry guys that were offed by the loving Thai wife. So am glad he is still alive ,although he certainly looks the worse for wear.......

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