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Malaysia 'has hidden agenda in Thailand's deep South'


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Malaysia 'has hidden agenda in deep South'

Prapasri Osathanon
The Nation

A member of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal team shares his water with a comrade after they were ambushed in Narathiwat yesterday. The shootout saw three members of the team wounded.

Democrat says KL scheming to benefit from role in talks

BANGKOK: -- Deputy Democrat Party leader Thavorn Senniam yesterday accused Malaysia of scheming to benefit from its role as facilitator in the ongoing peace negotiations between Thai authorities and the insurgent group Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN).

Thavorn claimed that Malaysia intended to profit from the economies of Thailand's three southern-most provinces, if the region was ever granted half- or full-autonomy as a special administrative zone by the Thai government once it had struck a peace deal with insurgents.

In a speech made at Democrat Party headquarters, Thavorn spoke about "his suspicions" that Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat, and the business district of Sadao in Songkhla, would also be used as a buffer zone by Malaysia, once the region was consolidated as a special administrative area, a precondition of the BRN.

"I am afraid that Thailand is going to lose these three provinces while this government runs the country, because there are secret talks between them," he said.

Thavorn did not clarify what he meant by "buffer zone" or who was the "them" he referred to in the "secret talks". He added that Malaysia, which is the facilitator of the peace dialogue, had proposed that Sadao be included with the three provinces - as was demanded by the BRN in its set of preconditions. However, he did not make any further claims on Malaysia's proposal for Sadao.

Meanwhile, four policemen were killed and seven others wounded in Narathiwat yesterday, after their speeding pickup truck carrying 11 special operations police, ran over spikes placed on the road by insurgents and turned over. Two officers died instantly at the scene and four others were wounded.

Two more officers were later pronounced dead at a hospital, and three others were reported wounded from the impact. The occupants were on their way to relieve a 15-member Explosives Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit, which was ambushed by a team of insurgents on its return trip to its base, after helping out an Army team, who had escaped a roadside bomb earlier in the day.

The bomb attack, which occurred in the Rue Soh district at around 9.30am, narrowly missed an Army patrol escorting teachers to work. However, the 15-member EOD unit, which was departing the scene, came under attack, and three policemen in this team were wounded. Police later said the well-coordinated ambush had deliberately targeted the EOD unit. The policemen in the speeding car were on their way to relieve the EOD team, before their vehicle turned over.

Security sources said the bomb attack and the ambush were likely the work of two groups of insurgents - the first based in Yi Ngor district belonging to slain leader Jantharawadee Marohso, and the other from Ba Cho district, led by a man identified only as "Chalee".

-- The Nation 2013-09-28

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The only thing I see KL gaining from the talks is it makes them look good. They know the BRN and Thailand all know nothing is going to come out of these talks except unreasonable demands.

Even if Thailand was to agree tio them there are still a lot of active groups that will ignore them.

the answer is not a military one it is a humane one. treat the residences of the provinces with respect and they will tire of the violence and start turning in the perpetrates of the violence.

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Deputy Democrat Party leader Thavorn Senniam yesterday accused Malaysia of scheming to benefit from its role as facilitator in the ongoing peace negotiations between Thai authorities and the insurgent group Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN).

...duh... ;-} rap. ph34r.png

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the answer is not a military one it is a humane one. treat the residences of the provinces with respect and they will tire of the violence and start turning in the perpetrates of the violence.

I don't believe they are treated with ill-respect. Your average Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat resident is sh*t-scared of them, with hordes moving into to neighbouring Songkhla, Muslims included.

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Why isnt the United nations and a real peackeeping force been applied .Its about time to admit they are losing and whats with the lack of real army personnel trucks they seem to be using isuzu and vigo to carry troops around in .

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Indeed the whole matter bodes well for the future of A.S.E.A.N. whistling.gif

Perhaps this is going to be the excuse for Thailand to exit A.S.E.A.N. as the country is certainly not in a position to succeed in A.S.E.A.N. nor much to the chagrin of the politicians is Thailand going to be a leader of A.S.E.A.N.

Why isnt the United nations and a real peace keeping force been applied .Its about time to admit they are losing and whats with the lack of real army personnel trucks they seem to be using isuzu and vigo to carry troops around in .

Yes the military along with the para military's police forces transport is some how reminiscent of Fred Karno's army or the Keystone cops mobile force.

The United Nations!!

Well as Thailand is so keen on seeking a seat on the security council it would indeed be a noble gesture and no doubt a positive move to actually securing the desired seat if the United Nations were to be invited to establish and operate a peace keeping force in the affected area's.

However one needs to remember that daddy of the P.T.P. stated that ''The United Nations is not my father,'' hence no doubt the idea of United Nations involvement is a filial no no.sad.png

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This is a very confusing statement by the Democrat Party Deputy Leader. It is very vague and seems to fly in the face of decades of history of the Deep South. (Malaysia has repeatedly indicated over decades it does not want any of the following:- a maverick unpredictable state of Pattani, a conflict zone or repeated massacres of Malays occurring on its doorstep. Any of those three have a destabilising effect on Malaysia.)

One needs to think that either Thavorn had a particular audience regarding a particular issue so only that particular audience will have any idea what he is on about or he was shooting from the hip, making random accusations, possibly after drinking.

Both of these traits are common, as you will know if you follow Thai politics and are symptomatic of the lack of transparency both in politics in general and in particular, with regard to the Deep South.

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Fact of the matter is Thaksin stoked the fire of resentment down south by dismantling of administrative structures which my the late 1990's had created a calm situation down south. Today's violence can be directly traced back to those actions.

Now they are trying to play catch up.

Only a devolution of power and a peace agreement a la Northern Ireland is going to help the situation. If that means closer relations with Malaysia, so be it. The nationalist numnuts on both sides of politics just should suck it up.

Thanks for the comedy

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making unfounded comments about the Malaysians agenda does not help the situation, but they need an excuse to save face about there total incompetence to peacefully solve the problem. the attack and the thai response is a microcosm of how the Thais have been handling the problem. first they have no respect for there opponents, but theses guys have been kicking your ass for eight years with massive KIA,WIA that the government lies about the numbers. second the response load up the pick up truck every body with weapons in the back and drive cowboy style to the shooting, your opponents know you guys better than yourselves very nice spikes in the road for the cowboy relief. the Malaysians don't want this and the Thais dont want it but the thai heavy handedness started it , time to be good Buddhist and handle them with respect and kindness.

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"I am afraid that Thailand is going to lose these three provinces while this government runs the country, because there are secret talks between them," he said.

Oh I thought there was going to be more substance to this article ..... instead just another conspiracy theory from the dems

I guess thats all they have these days .... biggrin.png

Edited by metisdead
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" time to be good Buddhist and handle them with respect and kindness."

Impossible with the sort of nutcases behind the insurgency - and also (not coincidentally) behind the government in Malaysia. As someone else mentioned, Malaysia is 40% Muslim but the Muslim fanatics are gaining greater and greater control, the controlling regime there (BN) was voted out in May, but used multiple illegal tactics such as flying in voters from Borneo into key regions in the peninsula, to secure a win despite having only minority support. These people are bad, bad news, arrogant crooked corrupt a**holes who also think happen to think they are chosen by Allah to do what they do. No sympathy and I hope Thailand sorts this out forcefully.

Don't know where you and the other poster got the 40% Muslim figure. From the 2010 census

Islam was the most widely professed religion in Malaysia with the proportion of 61.3 per cent. As a multi-racial nation, other religions embraced were Buddhism (19.8%), Christianity (9.2%) and Hinduism (6.3%).

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You can not deal with fanaticism. You either convert or, at best, delay. There is no peace to be had because there is no peace wanted. Everywhere around the globe these Muslim extremists are growing and causing issue - including issue with their own moderates and peace keepers. A softly, softly approach will never catch this particular monkey - it is insidious. It is protected in out PC west under religious freedom and freedom of speech, but this is not a religious struggle and it is not a political pressure group - it is a cancer with the sole purpose of spreading until it has everything, and all else is infected or dead. This is not about Islam per se, as much which these people do is directly against the Qur'an - remember that the Qur'an accepts both the Christian and Jewish holy men as profits, and their words as truth - and that they follow the same God (Abraham's God!) - thus to kill any of them is a sin (it is the belief in Allah not in Mohammed that is immortalised in the Qur'an). It is brain washed, illiterate and uneducated fools that are tricked into believing the same crap that the Moors used to force other Muslim kings to help conquer a quarter of the world after the fall of Rome on through the dark/medieval ages - and laid waist to one of the greatest intellectual and scientific eras and communities ever in existence (centred on Baghdad). And yes, the same crap that caused the Crusades, the slaughter of the Cathars and even the Elizabethan Spanish war (sinking of the Armada) - by the Catholic Church. As always this is about greed, land grabbing and power - they do not have the military might to conquer the Judeo-Christian world, yet, so there will be no direct conflict - for all the threats of all out religious war, it will not happen - it is easier to conquer from within and use our own liberal laws against us to let it happen. Thailand is standing firm right now - but they are also wall sitting; watching the cancer grow and covering it with band aids.

It is a shame, but I feel there are only two options: Pull out completely or look at ways to eradicate the Muslim power base entirely in the area. The easiest way to do either, would be to start with a complete evacuation, with evacuees searched or allowed to return to Malaysia - then clear the area. Strengthen the border (like the Israeli wall), strengthen navy in the area. Then start again, first repopulate from the Thai evacuees - then when ready open the Malaysia walk over border with secure searches and monitoring. Logistical nightmare - but perhaps better than the continual nightmare that will, like an open sore, only ever get worse.

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Of course Malaysia has a hidden agenda, first take over the south of Thailand and then start planning for the next area to the north. Muslims intend to take over and reduce the world to the stone ages sad.png

Malaysia has never been up front as to the deep south problem , it is not in their interests to support Thailand, their religious brothers hold the upper hand , this religion wields enormous power, never take notice what is said by Malaysia, Malaysia will always support that power base, Muslim religion. bah.gif

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