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Arsenal - Barcelona Final Champions League


Champions League 2006  

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ARSENAL - BARCELONA will play the Final of the Champions League 2006 in Paris, May 17th - 2006

Tonight the second match between Barcelona and AC Milan took place in Barcelona.

It was a SUPERB match between 2 brilliant playing teams and it was a fantastic match.

Unfortunately it ended in 0-0 and since Barcelona won in Milan with 0-1, Barcelona will go to the final.

Who will win the match in Paris......?? :o

I assume, since there are so many Brits here and just a few Spanish, the votes will be in favour of Arsenal...

We will see :D


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My english league team is arsenal, my spanish league team is Barce... We´ve got the world cup coming up, I don´t see why the local teams have to play eachother....

Well, that's because it's the most prestigious Cup in Europe and played every year and the European Championship every 4 years interchanging with the World Cup also every 4 years (with a 2 year difference)

There's also the Asian Cup and African Cup.

That's to keep the Multi-Millionaires footbal players busy and keep working for their money :o

It's ALL about money, money, money...it's so funny......(Abba... :D )


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I am sitting on the fence regarding the outcome of this match.....Arsenal have set a record for having the best defence in CL history... Barca's attack is becoming the stuff which legends are made of.

I really HOPE that Arsenal win.....but where would that leave Spurs?.. as it stands right now if The Gooners win then Spurs clinching 4th spot and even though I don't support them it will count for nothing and that NOT FAIR :o

FIFA MUST re-visit this situation again.. if Arsenal win but finish outside the top four they should be able to go into the qualifying rounds as Liverpool did last year

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I agree with Pauly totally. Merely because Spurs are not one of the more fashionable, less marketable sides UEFA will be able to brush them under the carpet without the fuss that surrounded Liverpool's potential omission.

For that reason I'm cheering for Barcalona along with the fact that they have been head and shoulders above any other side in the tournament.

I reckon that as a game its going to be a stinker decided by the odd goal. With the exception of last year and the Bayern/Man U game, Champions League Finals are seldom good games.

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i agree i hope spurs dont get shunted as i think they really deserve to be in the champions league if they finish 4th.

i can see the final like last years f a cup, where man utd played arsenal off the park did everything but score, and arsenal won on penalties.

i just hope it is a great game and arsenal play like they did against madrid, then it will be a great open game.

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Barcelona are significantly better than Arsenal and should win. As to the entertainment value of the game, a lot depends on how Arsenal intend to play, because Barcelona will take the game to them. I am not convinced that Arsenal will have the confidence to open the game up against them, and will probably look to contain and counter.

I would like to see Tottenham take the fourth Champions League spot, it's good for English football to have things shaken up at the top occasionally. Consequently i hope Ronaldinho and company turn on the style.

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From the English Premiership's point of view, this year's Barcelona v Arsenal final seems to mirror last season's final between Liverpool v Ac Milan. Liverpool's league form was dissapointing last season and they seemed to save their best performances for the Champions League. They ended up fifth in the league table behind local rivals Everton. Wind the clock forward one year and insert Arsenal/Spurs instead of Liverpool/Everton.

Last season AC Milan were strong favourites and this year Barcelona appear strong favourites on paper. It would'nt surprise me if the outcome was similar to last season's final with the English side winning on penalties albiet not in the same dramatic circumstances.

Edited by Spit the Dog
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Barca for sure, I'm going to put on a lot, if I get good odds. Evens would be great!

I've been a Barca fan for years, since I studied in there. I used to think that Celtic rangers games were the biggest and most imporant games in the world until I went to the Camp Nou.

Madrid v Barca is an amazing atmosphere!

Edited by Neeranam
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If Thierry Henry is on song, anything is possible.

If Henry is playing on his top form, I think Arsenal will pull it off.

As long as Ronaldinio has a poor match.!! :D

Henry usually never comes out to play for he big games, bottle and all that........... :o

Barca all the way....!


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If Thierry Henry is on song, anything is possible.

If Henry is playing on his top form, I think Arsenal will pull it off.

As long as Ronaldinio has a poor match.!! :D

Henry usually never comes out to play for he big games, bottle and all that........... :o

Barca all the way....!


Well, Redrus, that's not fair......have a look here:


Personally I'm a Barca fan too, but one should give credit to the Frenchman when he deserves it, right? :D


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If Thierry Henry is on song, anything is possible.

If Henry is playing on his top form, I think Arsenal will pull it off.

As long as Ronaldinio has a poor match.!! :D

Henry usually never comes out to play for he big games, bottle and all that........... :o

Barca all the way....!


Well, Redrus, that's not fair......have a look here:


Personally I'm a Barca fan too, but one should give credit to the Frenchman when he deserves it, right? :D


Was there a hint of sarcasm in there LaoPo, I don't take anything away from Henry. He is one of the best players in the world but, Wigan is not a big game,(no disrepect Wigan).

Henry seldom turns out for big games, once against United, where I wish he hadn't, LOL :D, he did that amazing scoop from outside the box.....!


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Was there a hint of sarcasm in there LaoPo, ..........


Sarcasm?...no, Redrus...no sarcasm from my side...no way! Just meant that Henry is a fabulous player, that's all.


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  • 2 weeks later...

:D OK Guys....are you staying up late tonight (in LOS)to watch THE Game?

aboutless than 5 hours to go...

Arsenal-Barcelona.....it will be quite a match to watch :o


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2 - 1

It was a thriller match, SPOILED by the Norwegian Referee :o

1st Half

In the 19th minute the Arsenal keeper got a red card AFTER Barcelona scored 1st goal.

The goal was declared not valid by this stupid referee.

Arsenal had to continue with 10 players.

In the 37th minute Arsenal/Campbell scored magnificently after a brilliant pass from Henry. 0-1

2nd Half

In the 76th minute Barcelona/Eto'o scored brilliant after a subtle pass from Larsson. 1-1

In the 81st minute subsitute Barcelona/Belletti scored between the legs of the Arsenal keeper, after, again a brilliant pass of Larsson. 2-1


Arsenal played a great part of the match better than Barcelona, even with 10 players, but Barcelona was better in the last 15 minutes.

Sorry for Arsenal!

Note: they should send this Referee to the end of the world, never to arbritate an important match like this again; he made unbelievable bad decisions for both clubs and thus spoiled the match :D

Curious what the media have to say tomorrow (today)


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Barcy 2 - Arsenal 1

Looks like the ref favoured Barcelona with that call in the first half against Lenman (sp?). I think that should have at most been a yellow card. C'est la vie.

As for Arsenal, I think they played a wonderful match during the first half, and a complacent one during the second, thus allowing Barcelona to use the rain and Arsenal's fatigue to their advantage.

Well played match. It could have gone either way for these two brilliant teams.

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I should also say that I am still not impressed with Ronaldinho. Why is this guy so popular? Is it because folks can say his name and feel like they are rolling their "n"s.

I can't wait to see how this chap does in the World Cup for Brasil.

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Barcy 2 - Arsenal 1

Looks like the ref favoured Barcelona with that call in the first half against Lenman (sp?). I think that should have at most been a yellow card. C'est la vie.

As for Arsenal, I think they played a wonderful match during the first half, and a complacent one during the second, thus allowing Barcelona to use the rain and Arsenal's fatigue to their advantage.

Well played match. It could have gone either way for these two brilliant teams.

Sorry, but I don't see your point that the Ref favoured Barca; on the contrary, he did a lot of harm to Arsenal by giving a red card. Because Barca was in favour AFTER Lehman (keeper of Arsenal) took the foot of the attacker (forgot name). After that attack, Barca scored.

He should have rewarded the goal (favour for Barca) and give yellow to the Keeper.

The rain?...well that counts for bot parties, right?

But, all-in-all, the ref certainly spoiled the match.

About Ronaldinho: I agree he was not playing his best match but he wasn't chosen Best Player of the World for nothing...


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Barcy 2 - Arsenal 1

Looks like the ref favoured Barcelona with that call in the first half against Lenman (sp?).

Sorry, but I don't see your point that the Ref favoured Barca;


Wasn't it the same ref that gave the phantom red card to Del Horno in their match against Barcelona? Of course he's a Barcelona fan. He shouldn't have been there after that descision against the Blues that effectively cost them the match.

I didn't see it. I opened for the match, but nobody came, and as I was so tired I closed again.

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Seen it now.........Lehmann's a <deleted>.....had to go

Just waiting for the rugby joke now.

Mike Catt; " He was just about to score when I stuck out my arm and grabbed his leg"

Lehmann ( thinking) Score,arm, grab his leg. :o

I'm not good enough on photoshop though.

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The ref was dead on, sorry to disapoint but thats the way it should have been.

Arsenal had more than enough chances to put it beyond Barca, Henry (although he did a lot of running) once again did not show when it counted. He had two clear cut chances.

I actually felt sorry for Arsenal at the end but, instead of taking losing in good grace, they complain, over and over again.

I'm not sure if Henry and Wenger would agree but, it was reported that after the game, some Arsenal fans spotted some Barca having a sing song in a bar. They promptly went over and with all sincerity told them, "the best team won". If others could have a little more grace eh........


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