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Arrest warrant issued for Thai protest leader Suthep on rebellion charges


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The government is trying to intimidate the other leaders and hopefully kill off the momentum of the wave Suthep has been riding.

Suthep knew the risks all along. I'm sure he anticipated this and has a contingency plan.

The Thai saying "To kill the snake you have to cut off the head" doesn't always work for example when tackling corruption or terrorism and will neither work in this scenario.

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What exactly is a Thai arrest warrant? It doesn't appear to be the same as we have back home where the police invite themselves in and arrest you. From what I've seen it's more like an invitation to come round and see the police at your convenience...... almost like a ticket to the Policeman's Ball.

I wonder if the ones issued to the Hi-So's have RSVP at the bottom too?

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If Suthep is sentenced and jailed, the opposition may want to revive the amnesty bill.

That would be a very cleverly played move by the government. Suthep sending his message from prison in a few weeks time, expressing support for the amnesty bill and claiming he had been mis-understood.

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Khun Suthep certainly has caused some emotional outbursts and frothing from Thaksin supporters. It is to be expected whenever the establishment feels threatened by progressives. I never thought of Suthep as a progressive but here he is proving it, demanding reform of the police force to stop it being a mafia crime gang loyal to a fugitive criminal. Demanding free and fair elections, without the ever present vote buying and intimidation from corrupt establishmentarians.

His methods leave a lot to be desired, but now that the government and puppet PM is forever tainted with the blood of peaceful protesters on it's hands he is on the winning straight. It's all over but the crying and as a liberal democrat I have no need of tissues.

Question: was Suthep Deputy PM during Democrat government for almost 3 years?

Why didn't reform the police that time? Why didn't reform laws to avoid concentration of power during that time?

Careful to be blinded by the words of a dangerous fool. Take a look at the speeches of Hitler and Mussolini. They seemed logical and valid at the beginning then...

Playing the Hitler card are you? Where were you in 2009? Did you hear Jutaporn, Aristman and self exiled fearless leader (via big screen) calling for the destruction of the then existing government? They had no agenda but to topple the government, but I have a better question... where were you in 1936? There is no comparing Thailand's current situation to Nazi Germany.

While there is no comparision to Nazi Germany yet, the methods of Suthep and his speeches are in comparission to Hitler. He has is using force and thug tactics along with insighting riots which started out as peacfull demonstrations to try and overthow the current elected government. All to try and install a undemocratic system for his on agendas.

I would recheck how Hitler got in power and what he told......Very hard to find any similarities

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Khun Suthep certainly has caused some emotional outbursts and frothing from Thaksin supporters. It is to be expected whenever the establishment feels threatened by progressives. I never thought of Suthep as a progressive but here he is proving it, demanding reform of the police force to stop it being a mafia crime gang loyal to a fugitive criminal. Demanding free and fair elections, without the ever present vote buying and intimidation from corrupt establishmentarians.

His methods leave a lot to be desired, but now that the government and puppet PM is forever tainted with the blood of peaceful protesters on it's hands he is on the winning straight. It's all over but the crying and as a liberal democrat I have no need of tissues.

Question: was Suthep Deputy PM during Democrat government for almost 3 years?

Why didn't reform the police that time? Why didn't reform laws to avoid concentration of power during that time?

Careful to be blinded by the words of a dangerous fool. Take a look at the speeches of Hitler and Mussolini. They seemed logical and valid at the beginning then...

Playing the Hitler card are you? Where were you in 2009? Did you hear Jutaporn, Aristman and self exiled fearless leader (via big screen) calling for the destruction of the then existing government? They had no agenda but to topple the government, but I have a better question... where were you in 1936? There is no comparing Thailand's current situation to Nazi Germany.

In 2008 I was completely disgusted the way Democrat seized airports and blocked country.

In 2010 (not 2009, for your info) I was utterly sad and disgusted how Red Shirts seized city, endangered Bangkok population, and put fire to buildings.

In 2013 I am totally against a crazy corrupted fascist as Suthep is. And totally appalled how this government can be still in charge.

I am also tired of the crazy "leader" in charge, progressively destroying democracy, disrupting Country life, business, tourism.

And another fact: did I compare actual situation in Thailand with situation in Germany in 1936? NO!

You are good to manipulate other people words.

Read my post and try again...

P.s.: You can still try the "you Red-shirt, you Thaksinist" card.

You sure can. Nothing lower than being called that.

Edited by gemini81
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In 2008 I was completely disgusted the way Democrat seized airports and blocked country.

In 2010 (not 2009, for your info) I was utterly sad and disgusted how Red Shirts seized city, endangered Bangkok population, and put fire to buildings.

In 2013 I am totally against a crazy corrupted fascist as Suthep is. And totally appalled how this government can be still in charge.

I am also tired of the crazy "leader" in charge, progressively destroying democracy, disrupting Country life, business, tourism.

And another fact: did I compare actual situation in Thailand with situation in Germany in 1936? NO!

You are good to manipulate other people words.

Read my post and try again...

P.s.: You can still try the "you Red-shirt, you Thaksinist" card.

Why can't you? Who occupied the stadium? Who has the most violent history?

Can't you... what? Is it so hard to understand when I write?

"I am also tired of the crazy "leader" in charge, progressively destroying democracy, disrupting Country life, business, tourism."

It's time ALL the violent factions GO HOME. Welcome the wisthlers, unwelcome violents.

Do I have to do a drawing?

Or you want to tell me "Poor students they did not do anything, it's only Red Shirt fault!", yeah, that's your opinion, not mine.

Both sides have been violent with 3 deaths on Red Shirt side, 1 death on students side and dozen of wounded people.

So now what?

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You sure can. Nothing lower than being called that.

Allow me to reply you again after your edit...

It's not a matter of being low.

No, I just hate to be called "white", "yellow", "red", or "blue" when there's no reason for be called it.

Edited by newcomer71
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You sure can. Nothing lower than being called that.

Allow me to reply you again after your edit...

It's not a matter of being low.

No, I just hate to be called "white", "yellow", "red", or "blue" when there's no reason for be called it.

Well, that is how they refer to themselves. When people decide to proclaim it, wear the shirt, use red communism as the theme, and say red this and red that....

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If they arrest him all hell will breakout,the protesters will not sit down for this. It was a very silly thing to do.

The riots few yrs ago will look like a bad children's party to what would happen with this. I thought the protesters were going to show peace for theKingsBirthday on Thursday. Hope they do he must be very upset

With all this,God Bless Him

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You sure can. Nothing lower than being called that.

Allow me to reply you again after your edit...

It's not a matter of being low.

No, I just hate to be called "white", "yellow", "red", or "blue" when there's no reason for be called it.

Well, that is how they refer to themselves. When people decide to proclaim it, wear the shirt, use red communism as the theme, and say red this and red that....

That's not related to my post anyway.

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Khun Suthep certainly has caused some emotional outbursts and frothing from Thaksin supporters. It is to be expected whenever the establishment feels threatened by progressives. I never thought of Suthep as a progressive but here he is proving it, demanding reform of the police force to stop it being a mafia crime gang loyal to a fugitive criminal. Demanding free and fair elections, without the ever present vote buying and intimidation from corrupt establishmentarians.

His methods leave a lot to be desired, but now that the government and puppet PM is forever tainted with the blood of peaceful protesters on it's hands he is on the winning straight. It's all over but the crying and as a liberal democrat I have no need of tissues.

Question: was Suthep Deputy PM during Democrat government for almost 3 years?

Why didn't reform the police that time? Why didn't reform laws to avoid concentration of power during that time?

Careful to be blinded by the words of a dangerous fool. Take a look at the speeches of Hitler and Mussolini. They seemed logical and valid at the beginning then...

Playing the Hitler card are you? Where were you in 2009? Did you hear Jutaporn, Aristman and self exiled fearless leader (via big screen) calling for the destruction of the then existing government? They had no agenda but to topple the government, but I have a better question... where were you in 1936? There is no comparing Thailand's current situation to Nazi Germany.

In 2008 I was completely disgusted the way Democrat seized airports and blocked country.

In 2010 (not 2009, for your info) I was utterly sad and disgusted how Red Shirts seized city, endangered Bangkok population, and put fire to buildings.

In 2013 I am totally against a crazy corrupted fascist as Suthep is. And totally appalled how this government can be still in charge.

I am also tired of the crazy "leader" in charge, progressively destroying democracy, disrupting Country life, business, tourism.

And another fact: did I compare actual situation in Thailand with situation in Germany in 1936? NO!

You are good to manipulate other people words.

Read my post and try again...

P.s.: You can still try the "you Red-shirt, you Thaksinist" card.


Naw... I'm color blind, and yes, I'm good at twisting words, but I do appreciate your response.

Cheers, LD

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Playing the Hitler card are you? Where were you in 2009? Did you hear Jutaporn, Aristman and self exiled fearless leader (via big screen) calling for the destruction of the then existing government? They had no agenda but to topple the government, but I have a better question... where were you in 1936? There is no comparing Thailand's current situation to Nazi Germany.

In 2008 I was completely disgusted the way Democrat seized airports and blocked country.

In 2010 (not 2009, for your info) I was utterly sad and disgusted how Red Shirts seized city, endangered Bangkok population, and put fire to buildings.

In 2013 I am totally against a crazy corrupted fascist as Suthep is. And totally appalled how this government can be still in charge.

I am also tired of the crazy "leader" in charge, progressively destroying democracy, disrupting Country life, business, tourism.

And another fact: did I compare actual situation in Thailand with situation in Germany in 1936? NO!

You are good to manipulate other people words.

Read my post and try again...

P.s.: You can still try the "you Red-shirt, you Thaksinist" card.


Naw... I'm color blind, and yes, I'm good at twisting words, but I do appreciate your response.

Cheers, LD

I did not tell you are color blind or sided with anyone smile.png

Cheers, and glad we can close the debate in civil way thumbsup.gif

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RT@MimiSawitta: Suthep: If u see police climbing down ropes from helicopters like in the movies don't look up long, look at me in case they pull me away.

Can someone please turn off the movie channel for Suthep? It's already bad enough that he's taking photos like a movie star, but this is now becoming really bad for his mental health.

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Chopper distributes arrest warrant of Suthep

BANGKOK: -- A chopper this morning flew over Rajadamnoen rally iste and distributed copies of arrest warrants of rally leader Suthep Thaugsuban

The strategy is aimed to warnthe protesters that their leader is under warrant on charge of treason.


-- The Nation 2013-12-03


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Pt completely brought this on themselves. They made the bogus murder charges against Suthep and Abhisit to try and force them to agree to the amnesty for the convicted fugitive and they declined deciding instead to stay their ground and fight the bogus charges. Then the government tried to ram it through anyway enraging hundreds of thousands of people with enough brains to understand what they were in a terribly underhanded fashion trying to do. The more arrest warrants and charges they try to heap on Suthep the less likely he is to stop, the more pressure they add is just adding to the problem. It has gotten to the point where if he loses he could be executed but if he wins then he was right, so he must win at all costs. So stop blaming Suthep for being crazy, he is fighting for his life here, desperate times call for desperate measures and all that, how do you thi8nk you would react in such a situation....?

Bogus murder charges? Can you back up that statement with facts or are they just present in your mind? Over 80 people died. Please stop your yellow propaganda machine for a moment and show some respect. We know that on your side of the fence that is a rare thing but I encourage you to try anyways.

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Don't know why so many of you are moaning and b*tching about Suthep...he's the only one with the balls to do anything about the PTP here. No one else is taking a stand. It is a much better option than you know who returning, then you'd really be complaining. At least it preventing the country'e biggest coward and dictator from trying to come back and avenge anyone he doesn't like, including tourists/foreigners, as he stated.

Because eliminate a "dictator", for allow a new "dictator" to step on is not much of a step further...

Knowing Suthep history, if he will lead this "people council" (he said he won't, will you believe him?), I foresee big big troubles. Not only for Shin clan, but for all the nation.

If he'll step up, he will no need election, he clearly said it. Well, free field for him to do whatever he likes.

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Don't know why so many of you are moaning and b*tching about Suthep...he's the only one with the balls to do anything about the PTP here. No one else is taking a stand. It is a much better option than you know who returning, then you'd really be complaining. At least it preventing the country'e biggest coward and dictator from trying to come back and avenge anyone he doesn't like, including tourists/foreigners, as he stated.

Because eliminate a "dictator", for allow a new "dictator" to step on is not much of a step further...

Knowing Suthep history, if he will lead this "people council" (he said he won't, will you believe him?), I foresee big big troubles. Not only for Shin clan, but for all the nation.

If he'll step up, he will no need election, he clearly said it. Well, free field for him to do whatever he likes.

Well then pack your bags.

Edited by gemini81
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Don't know why so many of you are moaning and b*tching about Suthep...he's the only one with the balls to do anything about the PTP here. No one else is taking a stand. It is a much better option than you know who returning, then you'd really be complaining. At least it preventing the country'e biggest coward and dictator from trying to come back and avenge anyone he doesn't like, including tourists/foreigners, as he stated.

Because eliminate a "dictator", for allow a new "dictator" to step on is not much of a step further...

Knowing Suthep history, if he will lead this "people council" (he said he won't, will you believe him?), I foresee big big troubles. Not only for Shin clan, but for all the nation.

If he'll step up, he will no need election, he clearly said it. Well, free field for him to do whatever he likes.

Well then pack your bags.

Congratulations, really mature.

Everyone who doesn't like Suthep, please get your luggage ready! Gemini81 just told us the supreme and only truth!

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"He seemed to imply that the protesters could force their way into the Government House."

Well... the police just caved in at their HQ.

They didn't 'cave-in'; they removed the barriers before the protesters even got to the site en-masse and there was an announcement they would allow the protesters to camp in the grounds. IMO a clever and strategic move that knocks the wind out of Suthep's sails. This man loses face more and more with each passing day. And note that 'rent-a-thug' are the ones hurling stones, bomblets, stealing vehicles and breaking the barriers. They sure ain't office workers and middle class!

Yes they did cave... they ceded territory because they in no way could have stopped the anti government protesters today without out a lot of bullets being fired. It's the police that have lost face today and not the anti government protesters. I'm watching it now and they don't seem to have the wind taken out of their sails. Indeed, they rather seem emboldened.

Who's emboldened? Rent-a-thug? The plantation workers from down south? Of course they are because they're being paid to be here. No different from 2010 - just the financiers are different this time.

Can you prove that they are from the south or that they are paid? Do you think that the whistle blowers in Si Lom were from the south and paid? Do you think that the students at RU were from the south and paid? Do you think that I'm from the south and paid? Is everyone that disagrees with you from the south and paid?

I agree. It is obvious I missed collecting my crystal ball at the Thai Embassy when I got my long stay visa. A lot of people have them and seemingly know all sorts of factual material.

Edited by Benmart
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Chopper distributes arrest warrant of Suthep

BANGKOK: -- A chopper this morning flew over Rajadamnoen rally iste and distributed copies of arrest warrants of rally leader Suthep Thaugsuban

The strategy is aimed to warnthe protesters that their leader is under warrant on charge of treason.


-- The Nation 2013-12-03

Idiots! first the metro police chief says that he can come on police grounds, then when he is there he delcares that he is not going to stop until the "present" governmant is toppled, THAN! the police chief allows him to leave! the three stooges could not have done it better!

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Don't know why so many of you are moaning and b*tching about Suthep...he's the only one with the balls to do anything about the PTP here. No one else is taking a stand. It is a much better option than you know who returning, then you'd really be complaining. At least it preventing the country'e biggest coward and dictator from trying to come back and avenge anyone he doesn't like, including tourists/foreigners, as he stated.

And Suthep is better than Thaksin how? They're both the same, corrupt career politicians. The only difference between them is one of them can be bothered to reach out to poorer voters in order to win elections, the other can't and wants to get rid of elections altogether.

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