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foreign police in Chiang Mai


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I would be embarrassed to read a blog like this for any thing other than to check this individual out.

..................SNIP................... To allow this person to be in an official position where there is even the tiniest chance of his being able to use the position to take advantage of Thai girls is totally outrageous.

There is no question that this fellow is a sleeze. But the fact is, one rotten apple does NOT ruin the barrel. Not to people who are aware of what is in front of them. If 49 members are helpful, don't reject their efforts because of the one member who isn't. That makes no sense at all.

But I'm still quite confused... How would any of these people ever be able to use their position as a translator or facilitator to "take advantage" of Thai girls. Or any girls, for that matter. Let's give people a little more credit than that. An English teacher has more 'leverage.' Even without a uniform. And we live in a culture where girls have been preying on men for years. Most are not victims.

Reading the story about this fellow's encounter with the college girl doesn't ring true. Either he is making it up, or this girl is really, really foolish.

She's never met the guy...

Without any preamble he takes her to a love hotel and she goes in?


Please... Even the sluttiest round-heel would ask for a drink first. Or in this case, her bowl of noodles.

And when you get right down to it, who used who?

Did he need to flash a badge or wear a uniform to get this girl into bed (or into his fantasy?)

There is 'some reason' several people are turned off by these volunteers, and I begin to doubt it's the uniform.

They have no power, they have no authority, nor do they have any interest in poking their noses into people's lives without being asked.

Apparently there is a need for their services, which is why the Royal Thai Police keep creating these units. The Thais don't do it to make more work for themselves.

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...... They should only be allowed civilian dress but perhaps with a name tag that tells you who they are and that they are 'volunteer translators' with the RTP.

Why? What is your objection to their uniforms?

They are not policemen. They are volunteer translators.

The Thai Royal Police refer to the foreign police volunteers as "Tourist Police," not volunteer translators. When Tourist Police wear uniforms, it makes it easy for the tourists to identify them. Sometimes the Tourist Police have to respond to different locations in the city to assist tourist and Thai police, so they drive vehicles that are marked as being tourist police. I can't for the life of me see why anyone would have a problem with this. A country having "Tourist Police" is good for public relations.

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The guy who painted his car to look like a police car tells you whether he sees himself as a volunteer helping the community or as a pseudo policeman with the assumed authority that goes with a police uniform. It shows their intention. Volunteers don't need uniforms or police cars.

Which one of these 'volunteers' does the fake police car belong to?

What makes you think it is someone's personal vehicle? It looks like something that might be in the police fleet to me.

The standard-issue private vehicle registration plates imply that this is a non-official vehicle.

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To All The Post Writers on Here, writing nothing other than uneducated and non factual attacks on nice people volunteering there time and skills and helping the CM community.

YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUR SELF'S, but i surmise indeed shame is beyond your persona, for that it is you that has the real issues hiding behind comic book profile pictures hurling those childish playground traits, slander (Using slander is really not an intelligent way to bolster your own argument or opinion, as opinions may construed under liable defamation )

Here are some real Facts for your perusal:

1. Indeed the Foreign Police Liaison Officers do help with Thai Translation with nine languages to their credit. FACT

2. They liaise on cases such as Criminal Detainees, Accidents, lost and stolen even Deaths aiding the deceased family's through the difficulties. FACT

3. Not all wear uniforms some walk among us and are credited with convictions of Drug Dealers and Pedophiles. FACT

4. They can arrest under the supervision or direction of the Royal Thai Police assisting once again with the difficulty of translation. FACT

5. The Car in question is used in operational duties with the Royal Thai Police. FACT

6. Background Checks are carried out on the Volunteers of which they need to pass. FACT

'uneducated' - oh, the irony.

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Can I get a link to this. Guy's blog?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I found the blog by doing a Google search. Two hours later the same Google search didn't find the page and I don't understand why. I had to go through my history to find the link which is below.


Mods: Please spend a few minutes to read the blog referred to above to see the state of this person's mind before rejecting posts. I can't express my true feelings which would include expressions such as sick without this post being rejected. To allow this person to be in an official position where there is even the tiniest chance of his being able to use the position to take advantage of Thai girls is totally outrageous.

Many of us are happy to escape the political correctness of the West but there are limits which should not be exceeded.

Alert: you may be imposing your morals and missing sense of humor on to others. wink.png

But thank you for the link, I thought it was hilarious. Also nothing illegal happens anywhere in the story, which is clearly written to make it a 'good' story and I enjoyed it as such.

It's a little more audacious than what I used to do, but it's not like I've never been in similar situations myself. And in between the lines there is some reasonably sound advice. (Specifically that the best way to make first contact with girls who aren't bargirls (or otherwise in the tourist scene) is online, but not the friend-finder sites and the like.)

You sound as if he clubs girls on the head and shoves them in his van. laugh.png

Summary: Men are dogs. News @ 11. wink.png

Try and live a little. Or at least appreciate it when other people (pretend they) do.

pretty much what i said earlier. strictly entertainment.

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I don't hide behind a comic book picture profile....

Why should I be ashamed of myself because I disapprove of someone working as a tourist police who operates a sex tourism website where he promotes prostitution....uses and exploits girls and then brags about it to a hand full of strangers...

How to find a sponsor or a Thai escort cheap

The real cost of sex in Thailand 2013

Sex with a Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Girl

How to arrange a threesome online in Thailand

How to date multiple Thai girls at once

Mongers nightlife guide to Chiang Mai

I DID NOT come to Thailand for that....

I have no problem with the tourist police, I think it's a great idea, I don't like phonies who are only in this country to sell sex. I have met many decent people on these boards and in town and I believe a person who comes to Thailand with the sole purpose of using and exploiting girls, it gives the rest of us a bad name...

As far as background checks go, I believe a member already mentioned on page 1 that the head of the pattaya TP was a convicted pimp and the head of the Phuket TP was busted for dealing drugs and using his badge to extort money from other Westerners.


Up most respect to you, you dont hide behind a picture and i believe you comment as a concerned law abiding decent man. Bravo

How ever please take some time to ponder. A man is innocent until proven guilty

Do you know for fact that the man in question is the owner of the website just because others post he is this may not be the fact, many blog websites have multiple authors in the back ground, some websites have been sold with webmasters writing for better or worse? the registered name to the site does not match with the name accused on posts here by some members? As to the Pattaya and Phuket TP maybe they were guilty maybe not i cannot comment i dont know. However in all walks of life you will find bad apples and they need pulling from the barrel, but please be sure when pointing the finger in the olden days innocent people have been burned due to a mob mentality that same mentality appears on here YOU SIMPLY CANNOT BELIEVE WHAT IS WRITTEN.

Good Day To You

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I don't hide behind a comic book picture profile....

Why should I be ashamed of myself because I disapprove of someone working as a tourist police who operates a sex tourism website where he promotes prostitution....uses and exploits girls and then brags about it to a hand full of strangers...

How to find a sponsor or a Thai escort cheap

The real cost of sex in Thailand 2013

Sex with a Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Girl

How to arrange a threesome online in Thailand

How to date multiple Thai girls at once

Mongers nightlife guide to Chiang Mai

I DID NOT come to Thailand for that....

I have no problem with the tourist police, I think it's a great idea, I don't like phonies who are only in this country to sell sex. I have met many decent people on these boards and in town and I believe a person who comes to Thailand with the sole purpose of using and exploiting girls, it gives the rest of us a bad name...

As far as background checks go, I believe a member already mentioned on page 1 that the head of the pattaya TP was a convicted pimp and the head of the Phuket TP was busted for dealing drugs and using his badge to extort money from other Westerners.


You don't hide behind a comic book picture profile but you do hide behind a false name , which

only makes you half righteous. Unfortunately, we're not all as young and handsome as you so some of us need to hide the fact. Myself, I chose an avatar of someone younger, more handsome and thoughtful looking than me so people would pay more attention to my words and not judge me by my hideous looks.

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I don't hide behind a comic book picture profile....

Why should I be ashamed of myself because I disapprove of someone working as a tourist police who operates a sex tourism website where he promotes prostitution....uses and exploits girls and then brags about it to a hand full of strangers...

How to find a sponsor or a Thai escort cheap

The real cost of sex in Thailand 2013

Sex with a Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Girl

How to arrange a threesome online in Thailand

How to date multiple Thai girls at once

Mongers nightlife guide to Chiang Mai

I DID NOT come to Thailand for that....

I have no problem with the tourist police, I think it's a great idea, I don't like phonies who are only in this country to sell sex. I have met many decent people on these boards and in town and I believe a person who comes to Thailand with the sole purpose of using and exploiting girls, it gives the rest of us a bad name...

As far as background checks go, I believe a member already mentioned on page 1 that the head of the pattaya TP was a convicted pimp and the head of the Phuket TP was busted for dealing drugs and using his badge to extort money from other Westerners.



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Waffle, on 17 Feb 2014 - 19:29, said:snapback.png

I don't hide behind a comic book picture profile....

Why should I be ashamed of myself because I disapprove of someone working as a tourist police who operates a sex tourism website where he promotes prostitution....uses and exploits girls and then brags about it to a hand full of strangers...

How to find a sponsor or a Thai escort cheap

The real cost of sex in Thailand 2013

Sex with a Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Girl

How to arrange a threesome online in Thailand

How to date multiple Thai girls at once

Mongers nightlife guide to Chiang Mai

I DID NOT come to Thailand for that....

I have no problem with the tourist police, I think it's a great idea, I don't like phonies who are only in this country to sell sex. I have met many decent people on these boards and in town and I believe a person who comes to Thailand with the sole purpose of using and exploiting girls, it gives the rest of us a bad name...

As far as background checks go, I believe a member already mentioned on page 1 that the head of the pattaya TP was a convicted pimp and the head of the Phuket TP was busted for dealing drugs and using his badge to extort money from other Westerners.


Up most respect to you, you dont hide behind a picture and i believe you comment as a concerned law abiding decent man. Bravo

How ever please take some time to ponder. A man is innocent until proven guilty

Do you know for fact that the man in question is the owner of the website just because others post he is this may not be the fact, many blog websites have multiple authors in the back ground, some websites have been sold with webmasters writing for better or worse? the registered name to the site does not match with the name accused on posts here by some members? As to the Pattaya and Phuket TP maybe they were guilty maybe not i cannot comment i dont know. However in all walks of life you will find bad apples and they need pulling from the barrel, but please be sure when pointing the finger in the olden days innocent people have been burned due to a mob mentality that same mentality appears on here YOU SIMPLY CANNOT BELIEVE WHAT IS WRITTEN.

Good Day To You

I presume by your post that you are of Thai nationality and transcribing the best you can, if that is true it is very good

for Kon Thai to participate in this post....congratulations to you, However I sincerely wish that you get someone proficient in English to translate the contents of 'a mongers guide to Chiang Mai'....to you in Thai.....Imagine if it was your daughter the man was referring to.....this will interest somebody that is for sure

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I don't hide behind a comic book picture profile....

Why should I be ashamed of myself because I disapprove of someone working as a tourist police who operates a sex tourism website where he promotes prostitution....uses and exploits girls and then brags about it to a hand full of strangers...

How to find a sponsor or a Thai escort cheap

The real cost of sex in Thailand 2013

Sex with a Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Girl

How to arrange a threesome online in Thailand

How to date multiple Thai girls at once

Mongers nightlife guide to Chiang Mai

I DID NOT come to Thailand for that....

I have no problem with the tourist police, I think it's a great idea, I don't like phonies who are only in this country to sell sex. I have met many decent people on these boards and in town and I believe a person who comes to Thailand with the sole purpose of using and exploiting girls, it gives the rest of us a bad name...

As far as background checks go, I believe a member already mentioned on page 1 that the head of the pattaya TP was a convicted pimp and the head of the Phuket TP was busted for dealing drugs and using his badge to extort money from other Westerners.


Up most respect to you, you dont hide behind a picture and i believe you comment as a concerned law abiding decent man. Bravo

How ever please take some time to ponder. A man is innocent until proven guilty

Do you know for fact that the man in question is the owner of the website just because others post he is this may not be the fact, many blog websites have multiple authors in the back ground, some websites have been sold with webmasters writing for better or worse? the registered name to the site does not match with the name accused on posts here by some members? As to the Pattaya and Phuket TP maybe they were guilty maybe not i cannot comment i dont know. However in all walks of life you will find bad apples and they need pulling from the barrel, but please be sure when pointing the finger in the olden days innocent people have been burned due to a mob mentality that same mentality appears on here YOU SIMPLY CANNOT BELIEVE WHAT IS WRITTEN.

Good Day To You

We don't normally take people with 2 posts to their name seriously..

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And one more thing, would it not be a good idea for this bloggers site to be transcribed into the Thai language and

then sent to the Immigration police and see whether this is a fit and proper person or rather maybe an undesirable person who

has shown disrespect to the Thai people and the nation. Sent to the Bangkok Immigration police of course for serious consideration.....let them be the judge and being this is their country I and these are their people they deserve the right

to be aware......there is a reason why they call us aliens and with blogs like this who can blame them

A very good idea, but only if you're a snidey snitch.

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..............Which is another official role of the foreign tourist police. They are official 'snidey snitches' on the foreign community in Chiang Mai.

...... which is something you don't need to worry about unless you are breaking the law, right?

Like Barretta used to say, "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."

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You might trust whore mongers, girlie bar owners, convicted pimps and meth dealers to tell the truth about you in a police station or court of law, but I don't. Would you really trust these people, if they had a grudge against you, not to abuse their uniforms and police connections?

I wouldn't trust such people either. But I'd be damn sure that people WERE such before I started slinging mud...

The Comedian, Don Rickles, made his fortune by insulting others. He was a headliner in Vegas, the Catskills, and L.A. Nothing but insults... BUT... that was on stage. ONLY on stage, and only for show. When the cameras were off and the lights turned down, he was as kind and considerate as anyone. He was well liked by all who worked with him and all who know him. But on stage he was a bast@rd!

We need to 'know' before we speak.

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