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German Wants Social Workers To Provide Sex


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Frustrated German wants social workers to provide sex

A frustrated German man is taking social workers to court because they won't pay for him to visit a brothel.

Helmut H, 43, from Obererlbach says he has been sexually deprived ever since his wife left him.

Nitaya, 28, flew back home to her native Thailand to give birth to the couple's son but never returned.

"I get £150 social security each month, I can't afford the plane ticket," he told Bild daily.

He says he's suffering "sexual withdrawal" and has been forced to visit a brothel instead.

Initially, he asked the authorities to refund him the price of an inflatable doll he'd bought - but without success.

He then sent them a bill for 16 brothel visits, 32 porn movies, a magazine and costs for driving to the video store - a total of £1,650.

When authorities wrote back saying his request had been turned down, he took his case to the administration court in Ansbach.

Social welfare spokesman Manfred Walter, 55, says he expects the court "will turn down the claim".

--Ananova 2004-03-05

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HEHE, my wife used to supply me with heroin...my dealer will not give me a receipt but can you help me recover the cost as now my wife will not pay for my fix...


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German man jailed over sex payment request

The German man who wanted the country's social security to pay for his brothel visits and adult videos has been jailed for making "improper demands" from state officials.

A court in Weissenburg sentenced the unemployed man, named only as Helmut H, to six months behind bars.

The 43-year-old jobless mechanic took local authorities to court after they refused to pay £1,650 in bills for sexual services.

At the time Helmut H. said: "My wife Nitaya, 28, is from Thailand. She flew back to give birth to our son, Markus Guenther, but cannot afford the flight back as the unemployment benefit I receive is not enough to cover

the cost of the return flight - and I am being sexually deprived.

"I would never cheat on my wife, but brothels are merely about satisfying lust. I prefer 18 to 20-year-olds and like to experiment."

After the ruling, the man kept up his demands and has now been jailed for being a nuisance and for insulting behaviour to government officials.

--Agencies 2004-03-12

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"My wife Nitaya, 28,

"I would never cheat on my wife, but brothels are merely about satisfying lust. I prefer 18 to 20-year-olds and like to experiment."

Hmm, som nam na is too nice a sentence.

This guy is just plain crazy stupid,...

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Things people would say and do for free sex. MEN!!! LOL :o


Men DREAM about free sex but dreams are dreams and most of us learn the difference in between dreams and reality the hard way,...

This guy was obviously a VERY SLOW learner,... :D

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Who doesn't dream of free sex hehehe JK

Nowadays, people are always learning things the hard way. Doesn't matter if you're male or female. Like joinme2leave said, he'll probably be gettin his free sex in jail.

So, enjoy it, frustrated German. :o

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