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EC meeting with political parties to be shown on Thai TV


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EC meeting with political parties to be shown on TV

BANGKOK: -- The meeting on Tuesday between Election Commission (EC) and political parties will be broadcast live, the government's Centre of Administration for Peace and Order (CAPO) announced on Monday.

Modernine and the state-run NBT stations are being assigned to broadcast the event, in which 42 political parties are expected to participate.

Supachai Somcharoen, the EC chairman, has said that the Tuesday meeting will be a chance for discussions on revising certain rules that proved to be an obstacle during the previous election. The EC will ask the opinion of each party on the appropriate day to hold the election.

The ongoing political disputes resulted in the annulment of the February 2 snap election. The EC has initiated Tuesday's meeting in a bid to find way out of the political crisis.

-- The Nation 2014-04-21

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The article says the two stations have been ' assigned ' to cover the meeting but a news text I received used more pointed language

It seems CAPO under the direction, if that's the word, of Chalerm and Tarit have decided their remit allows them to do and say whatever they want and it's unlikely YL would ever try to reel them in but I suppose the poor dear has more on her mind than even pretending to run the country.

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Without explanation, somehow 64 parties have evolved into 42 parties. It's wonderful that Chalerm is actually allowing the public to view these discussions, however. Being for television, and having 42 parties participating, it should be a riotous show, although it would be painfully ironic if after viewing it one ended up actually more pessimistic about the state of affairs than before. Doubtless everyone will be on their best behavior, though there will likely be different definitions of what that actually means. Expect nasty little digs from Pheu Thai at the Democratic party, just the same - for old times sake - as they continue to hone the sugar and cream approach they're so famous for. Abhisit will likely acquit himself well. On the side of Pheu Thai, Charupong will likely not refer to the UDD platform of February 23 he attended. Still, Pheu Thai singling him out to represent their party for this particular event shows a hilarious fundamental lack of vision. And then, one wonders if anyone will bring up Yingluck's absence. She is the prime minister, after all, and the one who has so mightily defended democracy, even when she's had to do it from a wheelchair. Would she withstand the glare of the TV lights, as well ? Would she do that for democracy ? But - will anyone actually refer to Yingluck at any point during this ? Will she be referred to in the third person at any point in this broadcast ? ( Of course, the real question people are interested in is do they refer to Yingluck in the third person even when she's in the same room. ) Like all reality television, however, there is always a danger ( and excitement ) of things going off script. And this particular event has all the earmarks of an event that could go wildly off script very quickly. If something unexpected happened and things devolved into an actual real discussion upon all that's happened in the last six months, one is not quite sure if the broadcast would experience sudden technical difficulties. But it certainly would be worth tuning in just to find out.

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The Election Commission today aborted the plan of the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order to assign Channel 9 and Channel 11 to broadcast live the meeting between the election commissioners and political parties to discuss the next general election today.

EC said the meeting is an internal affairs and therefore the requested live broadcast is prohibited.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/37750/

-- Thai PBS 2014-04-22

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The Election Commission today aborted the plan of the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order to assign Channel 9 and Channel 11 to broadcast live the meeting between the election commissioners and political parties to discuss the next general election today.

EC said the meeting is an internal affairs and therefore the requested live broadcast is prohibited.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/37750/


-- Thai PBS 2014-04-22

would be interesting to know which law prohibits the live broadcast......

One more reason that Suthep is right and the country needs reforms.

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EC refuses to allow live broadcast of meeting

BANGKOK: -- The Election Commission (EC) on Tuesday resolved not to allow a live broadcast of its meeting today with political parties.

EC secretary general Puchong Nutrawong said the EC will however allow the media to observe and listen throughout the meeting.

The resolution shot down the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order’s decision to assign ModernNine and NBT to broadcast live the meeting, which is scheduled to start at 2pm.

Puchong said the EC has never allowed live broadcasts of its meeting. "A live broadcast will make it difficult to control the meeting. If a speaker implicates another person, a lawsuit could possibly follow," he said.

-- The Nation 2014-04-22

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Hey WoopyDoo,

now I understand. You are not human beeing.

You are a propaganda software. I think a software designer created you just to spam this forum.

...but wait there is a another possibility:

Your brain is not connected to your body anymore. It´s just a brain surviving in a test tube. biggrin.png

I dont want to insult you but you are taking everything too serious. Find some joy in life.


Again CAPO seems to think it is actually running the country.

What the f-ck has it got to do with them?

The elections won't be agreed with unless there are drastic reforms on the behaviour of parties and the accountability for the actions of their supporters.

Also no more Thaksin involvement... sufferable by dissolution.

No coalitions in the case of an outright victory.

The list goes on and on. That is how crap the election system is here.

The Dems won't accept anything other than100% free and fair.... and the PTP won't accept anything that IS free and fair.

So there will be a stalemate, and the PTP will crank on about their coalition of loads of mini ass-kissing 'also rans'... are the majority... so what they say goes... When we all know that Thaksin owns just about every party that is non-dem.

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Again CAPO seems to think it is actually running the country.

What the f-ck has it got to do with them?

The elections won't be agreed with unless there are drastic reforms on the behaviour of parties and the accountability for the actions of their supporters.

Also no more Thaksin involvement... sufferable by dissolution.

No coalitions in the case of an outright victory.

The list goes on and on. That is how crap the election system is here.

The Dems won't accept anything other than100% free and fair.... and the PTP won't accept anything that IS free and fair.

So there will be a stalemate, and the PTP will crank on about their coalition of loads of mini ass-kissing 'also rans'... are the majority... so what they say goes... When we all know that Thaksin owns just about every party that is non-dem.

Have a heart. This is the closest Chalerm will ever get to being Prime Minister.

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Without explanation, somehow 64 parties have evolved into 42 parties. It's wonderful that Chalerm is actually allowing the public to view these discussions, however. Being for television, and having 42 parties participating, it should be a riotous show, although it would be painfully ironic if after viewing it one ended up actually more pessimistic about the state of affairs than before. Doubtless everyone will be on their best behavior, though there will likely be different definitions of what that actually means. Expect nasty little digs from Pheu Thai at the Democratic party, just the same - for old times sake - as they continue to hone the sugar and cream approach they're so famous for. Abhisit will likely acquit himself well. On the side of Pheu Thai, Charupong will likely not refer to the UDD platform of February 23 he attended. Still, Pheu Thai singling him out to represent their party for this particular event shows a hilarious fundamental lack of vision. And then, one wonders if anyone will bring up Yingluck's absence. She is the prime minister, after all, and the one who has so mightily defended democracy, even when she's had to do it from a wheelchair. Would she withstand the glare of the TV lights, as well ? Would she do that for democracy ? But - will anyone actually refer to Yingluck at any point during this ? Will she be referred to in the third person at any point in this broadcast ? ( Of course, the real question people are interested in is do they refer to Yingluck in the third person even when she's in the same room. ) Like all reality television, however, there is always a danger ( and excitement ) of things going off script. And this particular event has all the earmarks of an event that could go wildly off script very quickly. If something unexpected happened and things devolved into an actual real discussion upon all that's happened in the last six months, one is not quite sure if the broadcast would experience sudden technical difficulties. But it certainly would be worth tuning in just to find out.

I hope to read your review of the meeting when it is done. Even if you don't have translations, you can describe attitude, manners, volume. posture, posing, etc.

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Hey WoopyDoo,

now I understand. You are not human beeing.

You are a propaganda software. I think a software designer created you just to spam this forum.

...but wait there is a another possibility:

Your brain is not connected to your body anymore. It´s just a brain surviving in a test tube. biggrin.png

I dont want to insult you but you are taking everything too serious. Find some joy in life.


Again CAPO seems to think it is actually running the country.

What the f-ck has it got to do with them?

The elections won't be agreed with unless there are drastic reforms on the behaviour of parties and the accountability for the actions of their supporters.

Also no more Thaksin involvement... sufferable by dissolution.

No coalitions in the case of an outright victory.

The list goes on and on. That is how crap the election system is here.

The Dems won't accept anything other than100% free and fair.... and the PTP won't accept anything that IS free and fair.

So there will be a stalemate, and the PTP will crank on about their coalition of loads of mini ass-kissing 'also rans'... are the majority... so what they say goes... When we all know that Thaksin owns just about every party that is non-dem.

Remember, Tom, you only see in others what you have in you. Criticism often reveals more about the critic than it does about the person being criticized. I know you care about WoopyDoo, or you wouldn't have taken the time to give him your friendly advice (as I'm doing now). I believe he's happy being who he is and if this forum is a good outlet for him, and he's certainly not hurting anyone, then let him live as he sees fit. Thanks for reading this far. p.s. you can always choose the 'ignore' feature of this forum.

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