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Helpful change at Jomtien Immigration


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My wife and I went for our 90 day report on Wednesday, armed with the application and the supporting documentation.

The woman took her time, and worked the computer while reviewing our documents; when she finished she handed back all of our supporting documentation, and instead of a simple receipt with the date for the next report stapled into the back of the passport, she showed us a pre-completed application form with all the info already entered, and the date for the next report noted. She told us that now all of our supporting information was in the computer, and that we need not bring any with us next time.

I asked her what we should do in the event we took a trip out of the country and returned in the meantime, as that would change both the last entry stamp and the departure card. She said no worries, it would be in the computer and would be accessed when we came to report 90 days after our return.

She was very friendly and helpful, so I told her to tell her boss that I said it was OK to take Friday off and have a nice long holiday weekend...heh...

If this works, it will save having to make all the copies and fill out the application each time.

Now if they can just start issuing re-entry permits in the same process with the annual renewal rather than two distinct operations it would be very efficient.

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Great news, but not entirely clear. She "she showed us a pre-completed application form with all the info already entered, and the date for the next report noted." On her computer? Or printed out--if so, for what purpose? But she didn't give you anything at all. So you just jot down the date for the next report? And so next time, you just show up w/ your passport, that's it?

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Great news, but not entirely clear. She "she showed us a pre-completed application form with all the info already entered, and the date for the next report noted." On her computer? Or printed out--if so, for what purpose? But she didn't give you anything at all. So you just jot down the date for the next report? And so next time, you just show up w/ your passport, that's it?

She printed out the applications for the next 90 day report, folded it up, and stapled it in the back of our passports, as they used to do with the receipt form.

So it appears that if we show up with just our passports which have the application already stapled to it, and sign the forms, we will be all set.

First time around, I will still take copies of the documentation - passport face page, visa extension, latest entry stamp, departure card, and condo lease - with us just in case there is a hiccup, like a power outage or something like that.

Edited by WaywardWind
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This is strange, because I went in for my 90 Day Report two days LATER, on Friday, and received no such information. Same old process. Completed with the usual efficiency. I was in and out in about 3 minutes. But I did present the passport copy, and address verification document. The very courteous officer (a guy), made no mention of any future change.

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This is strange, because I went in for my 90 Day Report two days LATER, on Friday, and received no such information. Same old process. Completed with the usual efficiency. I was in and out in about 3 minutes. But I did present the passport copy, and address verification document. The very courteous officer (a guy), made no mention of any future change.

Same here ,no change for me either.

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I got the same treatment myself last month and was told next time I just need to bring my passport and the pre-completed form. No need for other photocopies etc and she even gave them back to me.

However I did note that the female Officer on the right of the three places (that served me) was doing this but the other officers were doing it the regular way. TIT.

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This has been happening for several months, possibly as much as 6 months.

You MUST see the lady at the far end of the 90-day counter. The other officials do not do this computerised procedure which appears to only be available to ..... well let's say "foreigners without a strong suntan". The other officials may point you in the right direction if they feel like it. They did for me.

And yes basically you provide your copies of supporting documents (passport, utility bill, entry stamp, etc etc) just once and next time all you need to show is the pre-printed reminder slip they previously stuck in your passport. Quick and simple.

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I was there 2 weeks ago and had to have copies of everything. No computer print out. I have gotten a computer print out in the past, but not for a long time. All 3 people sitting at the 90 day reporting desk were busy. So I couldn't get to that lady on the end.

Seems they change the rules every day. My last retirement visa renewal only required 1 copy of everything. Last year, 2 copies of everything including every Thai visa stamp in my passport.


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So what happens when you number is called, and the only empty seat is one of the men, not the lady? Do you just refuse to sit at that chair? I doubt that would work, so in reality, you still need to bring everything like before. Until everyone at the 90 day desk is on the same game, im sure not going to immigration without all the same old copies that I took before. TIT

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So what happens when you number is called, and the only empty seat is one of the men, not the lady? Do you just refuse to sit at that chair? I doubt that would work, so in reality, you still need to bring everything like before. Until everyone at the 90 day desk is on the same game, im sure not going to immigration without all the same old copies that I took before. TIT

You'd need to bring all the same old copies only if you didn't deal w/ the lady the last time you went.

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So what happens when you number is called, and the only empty seat is one of the men, not the lady? Do you just refuse to sit at that chair? I doubt that would work, so in reality, you still need to bring everything like before. Until everyone at the 90 day desk is on the same game, im sure not going to immigration without all the same old copies that I took before. TIT

You'd need to bring all the same old copies only if you didn't deal w/ the lady the last time you went.

Seems a valid point, fakename. :-)

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So what happens when you number is called, and the only empty seat is one of the men, not the lady? Do you just refuse to sit at that chair?

When my number was called there was a gaggle of about 10 Asians clustered around the first official. When he saw me and my ticket he just said "go see the lady at the end". She was already dealing with someone but she saw me next.

In theory this will only happen once because when you have the printed reminder slip (which you only get when your details are on the computer) then the lady is the only one who can deal with you at all.

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I was there 2 weeks ago and had to have copies of everything. No computer print out. I have gotten a computer print out in the past, but not for a long time. All 3 people sitting at the 90 day reporting desk were busy. So I couldn't get to that lady on the end.

I think the point is that if your reminder slip is hand-written then you need to have your copies and you can see any of the officials. If you happen to see the lady at the end she will enter your details and give you a printed reminder, which means that next time you dont have to bring any documents but you must see her.

If you already have a pre-printed reminder slip then you cant see the regular officials (because you dont have your copies) and you just go directly to the lady, even if she has someone already.

I agree that this is not exactly clear.

Seems they change the rules every day.


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I was all excited about a year ago or so when it was computerized. Then that went away. It does look like they are improving things as there are now pretty much 3 people there full time at the 90 day desk.

It would be nice to not have to give them ANOTHER copy of everything. But even then, it's pretty easy to do.

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I was all excited about a year ago or so when it was computerized. Then that went away. It does look like they are improving things as there are now pretty much 3 people there full time at the 90 day desk.

I just wonder what will happen if you show up with just your pre-printed slip and no photocopies or originals, and the lady isn't there or the computer is broken or whatever.

Will they make you go home and get your copies/originals to do it all manually (no big deal for me as I live within walking distance, but could be a real pain for anyone who lives in the back of beyond)?

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I was all excited about a year ago or so when it was computerized. Then that went away. It does look like they are improving things as there are now pretty much 3 people there full time at the 90 day desk.

I just wonder what will happen if you show up with just your pre-printed slip and no photocopies or originals, and the lady isn't there or the computer is broken or whatever.

Will they make you go home and get your copies/originals to do it all manually (no big deal for me as I live within walking distance, but could be a real pain for anyone who lives in the back of beyond)?

I have a plastic accordion portfolio with tabbed slots in which I keep 2 copies of every document that they could possibly ask for, and that always goes with me to Immigration. If I don't get the woman next time - and that appears to be the catch after our latest experience - I'll still be ready for them.

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Well, in the worst case you'll have your passport anyway and a Thai DL will do for proof of address. You can fill out a new form on the spot and make the copies at the nearby shop. No need to go home and return.

Just a bit less convenient. Kind of retro, really. smile.png

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Well, in the worst case you'll have your passport anyway and a Thai DL will do for proof of address. You can fill out a new form on the spot and make the copies at the nearby shop. No need to go home and return.

Just a bit less convenient. Kind of retro, really. smile.png

A Thai DL works for the address? That's great. I went last time with just my passport and copy of my house papers. I think I paid 10B next door to have them make the copies I needed for the 90 day report. They seem to what the current requirements are.

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Well, in the worst case you'll have your passport anyway and a Thai DL will do for proof of address. You can fill out a new form on the spot and make the copies at the nearby shop. No need to go home and return.

Just a bit less convenient. Kind of retro, really. smile.png

A Thai DL works for the address? That's great. I went last time with just my passport and copy of my house papers. I think I paid 10B next door to have them make the copies I needed for the 90 day report. They seem to what the current requirements are.

That's what I always use. Copy both sides of the license onto one sheet of paper. It's Thai logic working in its mysterious ways.

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I have a plastic accordion portfolio with tabbed slots in which I keep 2 copies of every document that they could possibly ask for, and that always goes with me to Immigration. If I don't get the woman next time - and that appears to be the catch after our latest experience - I'll still be ready for them.

This is a valid approach but for me the whole point of not having to provide copies and originals is not having to take the said copies and originals with me. ie I just take my passport and the pre-printed slip in my pocket, and that's it.

I always do my copies elsewhere to avoid the rip-off 5B charge at the nearby photocopy shops and so would like to be sure that I wont need them.

Still, no big deal personally for me to go back the next day as I live nearby.

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This is strange, because I went in for my 90 Day Report two days LATER, on Friday, and received no such information. Same old process. Completed with the usual efficiency. I was in and out in about 3 minutes. But I did present the passport copy, and address verification document. The very courteous officer (a guy), made no mention of any future change.

Same here. Reported on Friday and there were no changes at all and no one mentioned anything about changes.

Perhaps after sleeping on it for 2 nights they decided their new idea was not going to work.

Edited by tropo
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This is strange, because I went in for my 90 Day Report two days LATER, on Friday, and received no such information. Same old process. Completed with the usual efficiency. I was in and out in about 3 minutes. But I did present the passport copy, and address verification document. The very courteous officer (a guy), made no mention of any future change.

Same here. Reported on Friday and there were no changes at all and no one mentioned anything about changes.

But did you see the lady at the far end? She is the only one who does this. All the others do it the old way.

And it seems to be up to the individual to go and see that lady for the first time. Having seen her once and obtained your pre-printed slip she will tell you to come straight to her next time and not go to the other officials.

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This is strange, because I went in for my 90 Day Report two days LATER, on Friday, and received no such information. Same old process. Completed with the usual efficiency. I was in and out in about 3 minutes. But I did present the passport copy, and address verification document. The very courteous officer (a guy), made no mention of any future change.

Same here. Reported on Friday and there were no changes at all and no one mentioned anything about changes.

But did you see the lady at the far end? She is the only one who does this. All the others do it the old way.

And it seems to be up to the individual to go and see that lady for the first time. Having seen her once and obtained your pre-printed slip she will tell you to come straight to her next time and not go to the other officials.

Yes, that lady at the left end stapled the slip into my passport - as she has done on previous occasions.

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Yes, that lady at the left end stapled the slip into my passport - as she has done on previous occasions.

The lady with the computer is (was) at the right end of the 90-day counter, furthest from the main entrance.

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Yes, that lady at the left end stapled the slip into my passport - as she has done on previous occasions.

The lady with the computer is (was) at the right end of the 90-day counter, furthest from the main entrance.

Correct, she is at the right end, and is the only lady working the 90 day counter, and has stapled that computer generated slip in my passport for the last 3 reports.

I always have the copies but each time she even doesn't have a look at them, and gives the back with the words, keep for next time.,

By the way, I thought she had it for me, but now it seems she's friendly to everyone biggrin.png

Edited by JesseFrank
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Yes, that lady at the left end stapled the slip into my passport - as she has done on previous occasions.

The lady with the computer is (was) at the right end of the 90-day counter, furthest from the main entrance.

Correct, she is at the right end, and is the only lady working the 90 day counter, and has stapled that computer generated slip in my passport for the last 3 reports.

I always have the copies but each time she even doesn't have a look at them, and gives the back with the words, keep for next time.,

By the way, I thought she had it for me, but now it seems she's friendly to everyone biggrin.png

This is all sounding a bit silly. I'm wrong because the lady was standing at the left side of the 90 day reporting counter? I know exactly where she was standing.

.. but who cares where she was located - there were no changes on Friday, May 2... the very last day the immigration office was open.

Do you people really think it's being done differently depending on where the lady is sitting or standing? She cuts off the bottom part of the form and staples it into the back of the passport - no changes.

I never get any copies of anything back. They keep it all. They were busy and doing exactly the same for everyone.

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I have to correct me last post, the lady doesn't seem to be friendly to everyone. probably with reason whistling.gif

By the way never seen them standing behind the 90 day reporting counter, and I have insider info that Friday wasn't the very last day immigration was open.

It will be open again on Tuesday.

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