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Colloidal Silver


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Seems we have established that those shouting ""troll , fraud, a charlatan and a quack,"" were correct in their assessment .

However, one last chance !

Explain in simple English exactly what the whole of that PubMed article ACTUALLY said and what its authors conclusions were.

Holy, we have another one!

Instead of repeating simple English language, I encourage you to go buy (because you evidently do not own one) a English dictionary, and start from the beginning of the article. I don`t mean to be patronizing, but if you went out of your trailer, took the bus to the nearest library, maybe they would lend you one for free. If that is not a friendly advice, I don`t know what is. smile.png

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Seems we have established that those shouting ""troll , fraud, a charlatan and a quack,"" were correct in their assessment .

However, one last chance !

Explain in simple English exactly what the whole of that PubMed article ACTUALLY said and what its authors conclusions were.

Holy, we have another one!

Instead of repeating simple English language, I encourage you to go buy (because you evidently do not own one) a English dictionary, and start from the beginning of the article. I don`t mean to be patronizing, but if you went out of your trailer, took the bus to the nearest library, maybe they would lend you one for free. If that is not a friendly advice, I don`t know what is. smile.png

Seems we have established that those shouting ""troll , fraud, a charlatan and a quack,"" were correct in their assessment .

Friendly advice would be for you to quite this nonsense !smile.png

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FG please Go back to my post #31 made on 10/8/14 where I said that silver has many legitimate medical uses.

No legitimate medical authority or doctor prescribes drinking a solution of AU particles for any reason. It is a scam.

I realize that in post #31 you said that silver has many legitimate medical uses. You said that in post #99 too. But in most of your other posts you say that it is a scam and a completely useless item sold by charlatans and quacksalvers.

You can't have it both ways. Either is has many legitimate medical uses or it does not have many legitimate medical uses.

Just a little surprised as the rest of your posts on various topics are entirely reasonable.

It's hard to be MORE reasonable than saying "I don't know." And that's all I've been saying all along.

I'll repeat it: I don't know if oral CS is effective or not. I simply do not know.

... and neither do you. You seem to change your mind about it with every other post...

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To Luk AJ. Please do 1 hour of research before you push your ignorant opinions on others. You have not got a clue what you are talking about. I consider this tread for ended.
I was 4 years part of an R&D team studying all the different disinfectants. I have a patent on one special natural disinfectant.

Tell us about the "patent" number and where it was registered.

I would like to undertake a patent search relating to this "natural disinfectant"

Patent nr WO 2007/039508 A1 registered in about 50 countries

How on earth can you compare Fuji film to nano silver? I repeat my statement.

I am afraid you ended up with the wrong patent search..and secondly where did I mention the patent was about silver?

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To Luk AJ. Please do 1 hour of research before you push your ignorant opinions on others. You have not got a clue what you are talking about. I consider this tread for ended.
I was 4 years part of an R&D team studying all the different disinfectants. I have a patent on one special natural disinfectant.

Tell us about the "patent" number and where it was registered.

I would like to undertake a patent search relating to this "natural disinfectant"

Patent nr WO 2007/039508 A1 registered in about 50 countries

How on earth can you compare Fuji film to nano silver? I repeat my statement.

I am afraid you ended up with the wrong patent search..and secondly where did I mention the patent was about silver?


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I have been entirely consistent. Silver nitrate is a toxic compound, not particles of pure metal in solution. When applied to a wound, a nosebleed, an oral sore,etc. it combines with moisture on mucous membrane or blood and there is a reaction resulting in "chemical cauterization".

Silver particles have no biological purpose in or on the the body. It does nothing but collect in tissues over time, perhaps causing the dupes who take it to change color.

"Colloidal Silver"t is also a good earner for dubious salesmen, who will invariably push (among other things), dodgy electronic devices , all manner of herbs, supplements, and miracle cures.

Edited by arunsakda
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What is that patent for it doesn't say. The fact it doesn't say and is being used as proof tells me it is for some thing else.

I believe that in his earlier post he said that the patent related to work/research done in anti-bacterial materials and disinfectants. The contents of this patent would seem to back that up nicely.

This ties in nicely with the effective anti-microbial behavior of colloidal silver and its uses for that purpose.

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What is that patent for it doesn't say. The fact it doesn't say and is being used as proof tells me it is for some thing else.

I believe that in his earlier post he said that the patent related to work/research done in anti-bacterial materials and disinfectants. The contents of this patent would seem to back that up nicely.

This ties in nicely with the effective anti-microbial behavior of colloidal silver and its uses for that purpose.

Not at all, every substance for human use first go through a series of standard tests. One of them is a toxicity test on aquatic animals. In many cases this being daphnia or copepods. With amounts of nano silver at a few ppm ( dose necessary to reduce bacterial load) all copepods died within minutes which is not the case with the natural egcg although egcg is as effective as nano silver towards bacteria. If CS is killing copepods even at low dose this is for me a sign to be very careful!
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I have been entirely consistent.

Not even close... You've said it's good, bad, no use in medicine, used by physicians, back and forth, back and forth. I've already posted the numbers of the posts in which you waffle on this.

Silver particles have no biological purpose in or on the the body.

Yet, medical professionals use it all the time. You've said so yourself. Keep in mind, this thread is not about silver nitrate. It's about colloidal silver.

It would be more accurate to say that 'the human body' has no use for silver particles, and other than the possibility of them collecting in the skin cells if misused.

As an external anti-bacterial, its properties are well researched and found effective. As an external anti-fungal, it's properties are well researched and found effective. As an anti-viral, it's properties are well researched and found effective.

The only aspect that has NOT been considered effective by the medical profession has been its oral use. And this has been the only use that has ever been seen (and only in very rare cases of extreme misuse) to have any negative side effects.

It does nothing but collect in tissues over time, perhaps causing the dupes who take it to change color.

You mean just the way that aspirin destroys the liver when misused, right? Misuse of Aspirin kills, misuse of CS turns your skin a different color. Which, in your opinion, is worse?

"Colloidal Silver"t is also a good earner for dubious salesmen, who will invariably push (among other things), dodgy electronic devices , all manner of herbs, supplements, and miracle cures.

Yes, there is no denying this fact. But that doesn't mean that some of the things they sell aren't effective. Remember, these same folks sell vitamins, mineral supplements, herbal 'originals' for common medicines, and sunflower seeds... If you eat a balanced diet and have no physical impairments, the body has absolutely no need for supplemental vitamins. And as long as you aren't using a Reverse Osmosis water filter, no need for mineral supplements. Do you think all health food stores should close their doors?

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I think you are mistaking liver toxicity of aspirin with acetaminothin"Tylenol". I did not waffle, or go back and forth. I said only once that silver has many valid medical uses which I cleary explained in my previous post. Nothing at all to do with bunk "colloidal silver" which I doubt one could find in any Hospital or Surgery. Maybe 80 years ago. Bloodletting was once popular too and Doctors fed people mercury! As for topical antiseptics I'd stick with Neosporin or that powder that can be had at any Thai chemists for a pittance.

One of the fundamental misunderstandings that colloidal silver quacks push is how silver has certain properties in vitro, that somehow it is beneficial as some sort of broad spectrum antibiotic, which is not true. It is rubbish based on psuedoscience. Laetrile and Shark cartilage will kill cancer cells in a pertri dish. Ingesting them as a cancer treatment is ineffective, and legendary examples if the worst kind of quackery. Does that stop greedy tricksters from pushing it on desperate people to make a profit? No.

Edited by arunsakda
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I think you are mistaking liver toxicity of aspirin with acetaminothin"Tylenol".

There was no acetaminophen (Tylenol) around when Beethoven killed himself. Acetaminophen has a very high rate of deaths due to misuse too. As does ordinary aspirin.

MISUSE.... That is the key word. MISUSE.

One of the fundamental misunderstandings that colloidal silver quacks push is how silver has certain properties in vitro, that somehow it is beneficial as some sort of broad spectrum antibiotic, which is not true

On the contrary, it IS true that CS is beneficial as an antibiotic "when used externally." This has been proven time and time again. It will destroy virtually every known pathogen. What is NOT known is if it will do the same when taken orally.

Misuse CS and run the risk of staining your skin blue. And that's it.

Misuse any of the following and run a far more deadly risk...

Misuse Vitamin A and you definitely turn your skin orange, but worse than that, it WILL lead to intrahepatic cholestasis, where bile cannot flow from the liver into the intestines. In combination with certain antibiotics,Vitamin A is toxic to the liver,

Misuse Vitamin D and develop hypervitaminosis , is a potentially serious condition that occurs when you have excessive amounts of vitamin D. Vitamin D toxicity is usually caused by megadoses of vitamin D supplements.

Misuse Vitamin E and it can act as an anticoagulant and will increase the risk of bleeding problems. Easy bruising and bleeding - Prolonged prothrombin time.

Misuse Vitamin K leads to hemolytic anemia, and hyperbilirubinemia. Toxicity also blocks the effects of oral anticoagulants.

Misuse Vitamin B2 and run the risk of swelling of the face or tongue, hives and difficulty breathing

I won't bother to list the dangers of misusing the list of minerals found in most over-the-counter supplements. It's too frightening...

Nor will I list the health dangers of misuse of ordinary foods... sugar, vinegar, milk, In all cases, quite deadly if misused.

....But you've enabled six pages of argument because misuse of something may turn your skin blue?

Could you clarify? Are you upset because something is sold that you don't believe works?

Are you upset because other people DO believe it works?

Are you upset because someone MISUSED a product?

Just what IS your reasoning?

Edited by FolkGuitar
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I think you are mistaking liver toxicity of aspirin with acetaminothin"Tylenol".

There was no acetaminophen (Tylenol) around when Beethoven killed himself. Acetaminophen has a very high rate of deaths due to misuse too. As does ordinary aspirin.

MISUSE.... That is the key word. MISUSE.

One of the fundamental misunderstandings that colloidal silver quacks push is how silver has certain properties in vitro, that somehow it is beneficial as some sort of broad spectrum antibiotic, which is not true

On the contrary, it IS true that CS is beneficial as an antibiotic "when used externally." This has been proven time and time again. It will destroy virtually every known pathogen. What is NOT known is if it will do the same when taken orally.

Misuse CS and run the risk of staining your skin blue. And that's it.

Misuse any of the following and run a far more deadly risk...

Misuse Vitamin A and you definitely turn your skin orange, but worse than that, it WILL lead to intrahepatic cholestasis, where bile cannot flow from the liver into the intestines. In combination with certain antibiotics,Vitamin A is toxic to the liver,

Misuse Vitamin D and develop hypervitaminosis , is a potentially serious condition that occurs when you have excessive amounts of vitamin D. Vitamin D toxicity is usually caused by megadoses of vitamin D supplements.

Misuse Vitamin E and it can act as an anticoagulant and will increase the risk of bleeding problems. Easy bruising and bleeding - Prolonged prothrombin time.

Misuse Vitamin K leads to hemolytic anemia, and hyperbilirubinemia. Toxicity also blocks the effects of oral anticoagulants.

Misuse Vitamin B2 and run the risk of swelling of the face or tongue, hives and difficulty breathing

I won't bother to list the dangers of misusing the list of minerals found in most over-the-counter supplements. It's too frightening...

Nor will I list the health dangers of misuse of ordinary foods... sugar, vinegar, milk, In all cases, quite deadly if misused.

....But you've enabled six pages of argument because misuse of something may turn your skin blue?

Could you clarify? Are you upset because something is sold that you don't believe works?

Are you upset because other people DO believe it works?

Are you upset because someone MISUSED a product?

Just what IS your reasoning?

Will this silver stuff "cure" Necrotizing Faciitis " (a skin infection) ?


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Vitamins are utilized by the body. Drugs are used for very specific purposes. Both can be misused or overdosed of course. (Most of what people spend on vitamins by the way

is literally pissed down the toilet.) Useful substances cannot be compared to "colloidal silver", which is pure bunk. The moment one buys the first bottle, one has been tricked, and when one takes the first eye-dropper full, it has been misused, as it can do nothing for a person but perhaps collect in their tissues, and possibly cause them to take on a strange bluish hue.

As "colloidal silver" is of no use or value, other than to the fortunes of Charlatans and Quacksalvers who push it, I'd reckon it should be avoided, and possibly banned for public sale.

Edited by arunsakda
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I think you are mistaking liver toxicity of aspirin with acetaminothin"Tylenol".

There was no acetaminophen (Tylenol) around when Beethoven killed himself. Acetaminophen has a very high rate of deaths due to misuse too. As does ordinary aspirin.

MISUSE.... That is the key word. MISUSE.

One of the fundamental misunderstandings that colloidal silver quacks push is how silver has certain properties in vitro, that somehow it is beneficial as some sort of broad spectrum antibiotic, which is not true

On the contrary, it IS true that CS is beneficial as an antibiotic "when used externally." This has been proven time and time again. It will destroy virtually every known pathogen. What is NOT known is if it will do the same when taken orally.

Misuse CS and run the risk of staining your skin blue. And that's it.

Misuse any of the following and run a far more deadly risk...

Misuse Vitamin A and you definitely turn your skin orange, but worse than that, it WILL lead to intrahepatic cholestasis, where bile cannot flow from the liver into the intestines. In combination with certain antibiotics,Vitamin A is toxic to the liver,

Misuse Vitamin D and develop hypervitaminosis , is a potentially serious condition that occurs when you have excessive amounts of vitamin D. Vitamin D toxicity is usually caused by megadoses of vitamin D supplements.

Misuse Vitamin E and it can act as an anticoagulant and will increase the risk of bleeding problems. Easy bruising and bleeding - Prolonged prothrombin time.

Misuse Vitamin K leads to hemolytic anemia, and hyperbilirubinemia. Toxicity also blocks the effects of oral anticoagulants.

Misuse Vitamin B2 and run the risk of swelling of the face or tongue, hives and difficulty breathing

I won't bother to list the dangers of misusing the list of minerals found in most over-the-counter supplements. It's too frightening...

Nor will I list the health dangers of misuse of ordinary foods... sugar, vinegar, milk, In all cases, quite deadly if misused.

....But you've enabled six pages of argument because misuse of something may turn your skin blue?

Could you clarify? Are you upset because something is sold that you don't believe works?

Are you upset because other people DO believe it works?

Are you upset because someone MISUSED a product?

Just what IS your reasoning?

Will this silver stuff "cure" Necrotizing Faciitis " (a skin infection) ?


No one can answer this question accurately unless it's been tried. Personally, I 'think' that if the bacteria are on the surface of the skin, it would work.

If the bacteria are internal, I really wouldn't hazard a guess. Any answer given will be just that... a guess.

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Vitamins are utilized by the body. Drugs are used for very specific purposes. Both can be misused or overdosed of course. (Most of what people spend on vitamins by the way

is literally pissed down the toilet.) Useful substances cannot be compared to "colloidal silver", which is pure bunk. The moment one buys the first bottle, one has been tricked, and when one takes the first eye-dropper full, it has been misused, as it can do nothing for a person but perhaps collect in their tissues, and possibly cause them to take on a strange bluish hue.

As "colloidal silver" is of no use or value, other than to the fortunes of Charlatans and Quacksalvers who push it, I'd reckon it should be avoided, and possibly banned for public sale.

Thank you for your opinion. Fortunately for millions of people who use it, that's all it is... an opinion.

Those who use it and are satisfied with the results will have a different opinion.

I use it externally and am very happy with the results I get. My opinion is based on personal use, not reading some report.

It has done exactly what was claimed it would do. Repeatedly.

I couldn't ask for more with a topical disinfectant.

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Vitamins are utilized by the body. Drugs are used for very specific purposes. Both can be misused or overdosed of course. (Most of what people spend on vitamins by the way

is literally pissed down the toilet.) Useful substances cannot be compared to "colloidal silver", which is pure bunk. The moment one buys the first bottle, one has been tricked, and when one takes the first eye-dropper full, it has been misused, as it can do nothing for a person but perhaps collect in their tissues, and possibly cause them to take on a strange bluish hue.

As "colloidal silver" is of no use or value, other than to the fortunes of Charlatans and Quacksalvers who push it, I'd reckon it should be avoided, and possibly banned for public sale.

Thank you for your opinion. Fortunately for millions of people who use it, that's all it is... an opinion.

Those who use it and are satisfied with the results will have a different opinion.

I use it externally and am very happy with the results I get. My opinion is based on personal use, not reading some report.

It has done exactly what was claimed it would do. Repeatedly.

I couldn't ask for more with a topical disinfectant.

I am struggling to understand !

Please list Exactly what this "silver stuff" is alleged to cure !

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Vitamins are utilized by the body. Drugs are used for very specific purposes. Both can be misused or overdosed of course. (Most of what people spend on vitamins by the way

is literally pissed down the toilet.) Useful substances cannot be compared to "colloidal silver", which is pure bunk. The moment one buys the first bottle, one has been tricked, and when one takes the first eye-dropper full, it has been misused, as it can do nothing for a person but perhaps collect in their tissues, and possibly cause them to take on a strange bluish hue.

As "colloidal silver" is of no use or value, other than to the fortunes of Charlatans and Quacksalvers who push it, I'd reckon it should be avoided, and possibly banned for public sale.

Thank you for your opinion. Fortunately for millions of people who use it, that's all it is... an opinion.

Those who use it and are satisfied with the results will have a different opinion.

I use it externally and am very happy with the results I get. My opinion is based on personal use, not reading some report.

It has done exactly what was claimed it would do. Repeatedly.

I couldn't ask for more with a topical disinfectant.

I am struggling to understand !

Please list Exactly what this "silver stuff" is alleged to cure !

When used externally, properly made Colloidal Silver in a 10ppm-30ppm suspension will act as an effective anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral agent.

What would YOU cure with that?

Personally, I prefer to think of is as a disinfectant, as an antiseptic, and as something that will kill fungus when used as a topical application.

Some people claim it has positive effects when taken orally in small doses, but I have no personal opinion on this usage. I simply don't know.

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Vitamins are utilized by the body. Drugs are used for very specific purposes. Both can be misused or overdosed of course. (Most of what people spend on vitamins by the way

is literally pissed down the toilet.) Useful substances cannot be compared to "colloidal silver", which is pure bunk. The moment one buys the first bottle, one has been tricked, and when one takes the first eye-dropper full, it has been misused, as it can do nothing for a person but perhaps collect in their tissues, and possibly cause them to take on a strange bluish hue.

As "colloidal silver" is of no use or value, other than to the fortunes of Charlatans and Quacksalvers who push it, I'd reckon it should be avoided, and possibly banned for public sale.

Thank you for your opinion. Fortunately for millions of people who use it, that's all it is... an opinion.

Those who use it and are satisfied with the results will have a different opinion.

I use it externally and am very happy with the results I get. My opinion is based on personal use, not reading some report.

It has done exactly what was claimed it would do. Repeatedly.

I couldn't ask for more with a topical disinfectant.

Yes just an opinion. Same opinion as the NHS, the US FDA, the Mayo clinic, Aussie TGA, many more. (The stuff is banned in the EU). The persistent nature of pseudoscience, conspiracy theory, and superstition never ceases to amaze. There are worse things than people selling CS on the internet but it is a fact that otherwise rational and intelligent people insisting on clinging to irrational and discredited ideas is probably the greatest threat humanity has ever faced. Think deadly religious conflicts and climate change denial.

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Vitamins are utilized by the body. Drugs are used for very specific purposes. Both can be misused or overdosed of course. (Most of what people spend on vitamins by the way

is literally pissed down the toilet.) Useful substances cannot be compared to "colloidal silver", which is pure bunk. The moment one buys the first bottle, one has been tricked, and when one takes the first eye-dropper full, it has been misused, as it can do nothing for a person but perhaps collect in their tissues, and possibly cause them to take on a strange bluish hue.

As "colloidal silver" is of no use or value, other than to the fortunes of Charlatans and Quacksalvers who push it, I'd reckon it should be avoided, and possibly banned for public sale.

Thank you for your opinion. Fortunately for millions of people who use it, that's all it is... an opinion.

Those who use it and are satisfied with the results will have a different opinion.

I use it externally and am very happy with the results I get. My opinion is based on personal use, not reading some report.

It has done exactly what was claimed it would do. Repeatedly.

I couldn't ask for more with a topical disinfectant.

Yes just an opinion. Same opinion as the NHS, the US FDA, the Mayo clinic, Aussie TGA, many more. (The stuff is banned in the EU). The persistent nature of pseudoscience, conspiracy theory, and superstition never ceases to amaze. There are worse things than people selling CS on the internet but it is a fact that otherwise rational and intelligent people insisting on clinging to irrational and discredited ideas is probably the greatest threat humanity has ever faced. Think deadly religious conflicts and climate change denial.

Sorry, but neither the NHS, the US FDA, nor the Mayo clinic have EVER stated that it is not an effective anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral agent when applied as a topical dressing. In fact, many topical ointments, burn dressings, and washes contain colloidal silver and are used by US medical professionals all the time. If you can show ONE citation from any of these organizations that say this, please do post it. I'll be happy to apologize to you.

The ONLY point these agencies make is that their studies have shown no statistical value when used internally. The key words being 'statistical value.' They didn't say it didn't work. They said it didn't work often enough for statistical value.

Let's be sure to make this distinction.

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You claim that topical preparations containing “colloidal silver” and are used by Medical professionals all the time. I don’t think that is true. I am not sure you are not confusing ointments, topical solutions, and washes that contain silver compunds. Not particles of jewelers metal suspended in an aqueous solution. ​I want to make that distinction as clear as I can and if you can provide evidence to the contrary I would know I have been wrong. I know you said you don't drink it and only use it externally, Think Silver sulfadiazine, silver nitrate, etc. One must understand and distinguish the difference between a compound and tiny pieces of metal in water.

So once again, we are back to “colloidal silver” and entirely discredited preparation.

  • A preparation that you will find in no US Doctors' surgery (clinic) or Hospital. Legally available only as a supplement, as long as no claims of health benefits are made.
  • A preparation that is banned in the EU and I think Australia.
  • A preparation that is universally associated with all types of online charlatanism, paranoia, and conspiracy theory.
So the more online I have look I have found not just a few but many people got agryia from this crap, including children. I don't find it comical that ignorant dupes turn blue when there is so much good information available that any reasonable person could easily understand. It is instead a tragedy and an outrage because these poor silly souls thought “colloidal silver" would help them. They got fleeced by unscrupulous quacksalvers. Feeding it to children is child abuse.
As for the topical effectiveness of ”colloidal silver" last week I had a blood blister from running that was not reabsorbing on it’s own and I decided to deal with it myself in a hygienic way before it broke suddenly (no need to get into the gory details). I got some Betadine at 7/11 for I think 15 baht. I could have purchased a sachet of local antiseptic powder for a similar pittance. I did not have to meet some expat at a food court like a drug deal, go online to order from a quack, or pay who knows what at a Health Food store. I probably could have used soap and water, just want minimize infection risk. There are reasons one can find Betadine (or similar) at any Hospital. So what they use at hospitals is for me. Happy you believe “colloidal silver" works better for you but IMHO you are wasting your money.
I hate to post any kind of link like this as the quacksalvers will surely follow with dozens of "scientific looking citations" but my brotha’ the Doctor pushed it to me.
"Wound dressings and creams containing silver are widely used. It is thought that silver may help wounds to heal faster and prevent infection, but we did not know if this was true. This review identified 26 trials (involving 2066 participants) comparing silver-containing dressings or creams against dressings or creams that did not contain silver. Twenty of the trials were on burn wounds, while the other trials were on a mixture of wound types. Most studies were small and of poor quality. After examining them all, the authors concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the use of silver-containing dressings or creams, as generally these treatments did not promote wound healing or prevent wound infections. Some evidence from a number of small, poor-quality studies suggested that one silver-containing compound (silver sulphadiazine) has no effect on infection, and actually slows down healing in patients with partial-thickness burns.”
17 March 2010
Storm-Versloot MN, Vos CG, Ubbink DT, Vermeulen H
Primary Review Group:
Edited by arunsakda
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As long as you brought this up, it would be good if you understood that CS is NOT tiny pieces of metal in water. You need to read the facts and not the anti-hype. 'Pieces' of metal would do absolutely nothing at all. If you are going to argue AGAINST something, you really should know just what it is that you are arguing against...

Legally available only as a supplement, as long as no claims of health benefits are made.

Yes... Legally available in stores all over the world, just as we have been saying. You are correct.

  • A preparation that is banned in the EU and I think Australia.

Well... that's not really accurate at all, is it! It is NOT banned for sale in the EU nor is it banned for sale in Australia. It has the same restrictions on it in those areas as in the US. Sorry.

  • A preparation that is universally associated with all types of online charlatanism, paranoia, and conspiracy theory.

Yes... we are being treated to a view of the paranoia and conspiracy theory in your posts. Prior to those, I wasn't aware of any. Certainly not from the people who use CS.

not just a few but many people got agryia from this crap, including children. I don't find it comical that ignorant dupes turn blue when there is so much good information available that any reasonable person could easily understand.

Gosh... As you have already learned, the ONLY way to develop Argyria is to MISUSE CS in absurd quantities, isn't it difficult to use the words 'reasonable people could easily understand' in the same sentence? Why do you continue to suggest that this condition can occur when CS is used correctly? When the suggested dosage is one teaspoon per day and people drink several 8oz glasses of it a day there is going to be problems. Just as if they ate a bottle of vitamins every day. It's called 'MISUSE."

As for your comment: "I did not have to meet some expat at a food court like a drug deal," why would ANYONE have to do such a thing when it's so easily available in stores for what amounts to less than the price of a plate of Som Tam for enough to last a person a year of cuts and bruises. That must just be your paranoia and conspiracy theory again...

Edited by FolkGuitar
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"ADRAC has received four reports of silver toxicity (argyria) following ingestion of homemade products containing colloidal silver (tiny particles of metallic silver suspended in liquid) prepared using a "colloidal silver generator":

  • A 5 year old boy who ingested colloidal silver daily for several months developed grey discolouration of skin and tongue and abnormal hepatic function.
  • An elderly man who drank colloidal silver daily for 6 months required hospital admission for debilitating fatigue accompanied by blue skin discolouration, dilated cardiomyopathy, amnesia and incoherent speech.
  • An elderly man consuming liquid made using a "colloidal silver generator" over a 4 year period developed grey skin discolouration.
  • An adult male ingesting homemade colloidal silver daily for 3 years and also applying it topically after shaving developed generalised skin discolouration.

In each case, the plasma silver concentration was many times higher than in subjects not knowingly exposed to silver (background levels up to 2.3 µg/L have been reported1).

There are no products containing colloidal silver approved for marketing in Australia.2 With the exception of registered topical silver preparations, there is no evidence to support the safety or efficacy of silver regardless of its form or method of manufacture.3 In addition, silver has no known nutritional benefit and its well-defined toxicity can occur with all forms of the metal, including silver salts and colloids3,4 Despite this, claims of therapeutic benefit continue to be made for colloidal silver products.

While the TGA will take action to stop the supply of unapproved colloidal silver products that make therapeutic claims, "colloidal silver generators" are currently exempt from regulation and therefore remain available in Australia.

Argyria is the main toxicity associated with chronic ingestion or topical absorption of silver, including colloidal forms of silver. It is characterised by an irreversible, generalised blue-grey discoloration of the subepithelial layer of skin. Later, the entire skin, deep tissues, mucous membranes, nails, conjunctiva, cornea, and lens may be affected.

Argyria discolouration may be misdiagnosed as cyanosis, methaemoglobinaemia or haemochromatosis. Other toxicities associated with ingested silver may include peripheral neuropathies, seizures, and haematological, cardiac, hepatic and nephrotoxic derangements.3,4

ADRAC has received no reports of argyria associated with legitimate therapeutic goods containing presentations of silver that remain appropriate, for example, topical silver nitrate for neonatal conjunctivitis or silver sulfadiazine for burns.

Patients seeking information on claimed benefits of colloidal silver should be advised of the lack of evidence for therapeutic benefit and the potential for toxicity associated with colloidal silver preparations. Patients should be strongly discouraged from using products made with "colloidal silver generators”. "


“Colloidal silver” is a suspension of metal particles in water, as clearly explained in the above link from the Aussie TGA. If you believe something else you have been misled by the “hype” or may be suffering from a fundamental misunderstanding of chemistry/physical science.
It is not used in hospitals or clinics. You have not provided evidence to the contrary.
This is because it has no medical use, as exposed by the NHS, Aussie TGA, US FDA, etc. and rejection by Doctors. There is nothing wrong with being blue, it is harmless. It is a symptom of another problem, having been duped. Yes you have to take mass quantities to turn blue, but there is no reason to take any. That is not difficult for any reasonable person to understand, unless they have been tricked. The only recommended dose is zero colloidal silver as it has no function or beneficial use.
If you are arguing CS is not banned in the EU you may be arguing semantics. It cannot be sold in any store or online as a supplement, as in the USA.
In Australia it is banned except for products used in the processing of drinking water.
If one want to sell products in the EU or AUS or America making therapeutic claims they are free to apply to the authorities. In the case of “colloidal silver" they cannot. This is because CS will not pass scientific review. It is bunk patent medicine best left to the dustbin of history.
“Preppers”, survivalists and other expecting (fanciful) apocalyptic futures are classic paranoids. In the so-called “prepper" milieu one of the common themes is hoarding of precious metals. Surfing the internet you will see how silver generators are pushed to such nut-jobs as they will allow them to “Make their own antibiotics” from the metals they already hoard, once society is collapsed. The more common conspiratorial theme regarding “colloidal silver” is the false idea that there is a conspiracy amongst Health authorities and Doctors to suppress information about CS, and other discredited nostrums. This is because they “cannot be patented”, or will compete with other more profitable and expensive drugs and medicines. The idea that Doctors and Health authorities would rather you suffer and be sick than to allow a cheap and easily available product, “the so-called wonders and benefits of colloidal silver” to be sold is crazed conspiracy.
Over the years I can’t tell you how many amway pimps, multi-level vitamin hawkers, Goji Berry gurus and other hucksters I have had to fend off. One of the guys who tried to sell me vitamins is a good friend from work. You’d think a person would have to be bat squeeze crazy to follow such rubbish, and otherwise he is a very respectable, intelligent and personally successful person. The man is literally in a cult (mormonism) the myths of which a Science Fiction novelist would be hard pressed to write, created out of whole cloth and by a known fraudster. I only mention this because it takes a certain type of person to believe in this kind of thing. And I don’t think he is a charlatan because in my estimation he really has been tricked into believing his vitamins are somehow better. (It can be argued that if somebody actually believes the untruths they tell, that they are not actually lying. ) And he makes money off it. As for the quacksalvers with all the netspace available do the “colloidal silver” dealers really need to push their wares on the TVF ChiangMai sub forum?
I just think it takes a certain kind of gullibility to believe in patent medicines. My good friend who I almost lost to multi-level vitamins, Freemasonry, and conspiracy theory was similar. Fortunately he came to his senses. I'll stick to medically approved medicines and preparations, and recommend other do the same. I'd rather get fleeced by Chiangmai Ram than give the hucksters a single satang.
Edited by arunsakda
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Good report from arunsakda, as a side note argyria is not curable the grey blue coloration is for life. There is enough proof that CS has strong antibacterial properties it is used as coating in washing machines, refrigerators etc..Ingesting such a strong disinfectant is IMO madness. Again even small doses can kill off aquatic animals within minutes so it is without doubt letal for some organisms. After all Silver is in the category of heavy metals.

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"ADRAC has received four reports of silver toxicity (argyria) following ingestion of homemade products containing colloidal silver (tiny particles of metallic silver suspended in liquid) prepared using a "colloidal silver generator":

  • A 5 year old boy who ingested colloidal silver daily for several months developed grey discolouration of skin and tongue and abnormal hepatic function.
  • An elderly man who drank colloidal silver daily for 6 months required hospital admission for debilitating fatigue accompanied by blue skin discolouration, dilated cardiomyopathy, amnesia and incoherent speech.
  • An elderly man consuming liquid made using a "colloidal silver generator" over a 4 year period developed grey skin discolouration.
  • An adult male ingesting homemade colloidal silver daily for 3 years and also applying it topically after shaving developed generalised skin discolouration.

Thank you for posting EXACTLY what I've been saying all along.... that when MISUSED it will create problems. One man drinking it daily for 4 years, another for 3 years... They are actually lucky it was only CS that they misused. Had it been Vitamins if would have been fatal. Instead of grey they would be dead. The suggested oral dosage is one teaspoon per day, but only for short duration to clear up the problem. It's not meant for prolonged usage.

As for your comment about 'particles of metal in water....'
You can't make particle of silver float... Pieces of metal don't. 'Pieces' of silver will not have any effect as an anti-microbial.
However... silver ions will suspend in solution, and are effective as an anti-microbial, but we are talking molecular, not 'pieces.'
. Yes you have to take mass quantities to turn blue,

THANK YOU! I'll repeat what you just said; "Yes you have to take mass quantities to turn blue." As I've said all along; MISUSE the CS. Debate over. smile.png

As for your comment, "If you are arguing CS is not banned in the EU you may be arguing semantics. It cannot be sold in any store or online as a supplement, as in the USA."
You're joking, right? I don't have the time nor the patience to list all the on-line sites selling it in most countries, including the USA.
Over the years I can’t tell you how many amway pimps, multi-level vitamin hawkers, Goji Berry gurus and other hucksters I have had to fend off. One of the guys who tried to sell me vitamins is a good friend from work. You’d think a person would have to be bat squeeze crazy to follow such rubbish, and otherwise he is a very respectable, intelligent and personally successful person. The man is literally in a cult (mormonism).....

I see.... the cult of Mormonism.... Umm hmmm......

My good friend who I almost lost to multi-level vitamins, Freemasonry, and conspiracy theory was similar.
My God! Not Freemasonry too! AND vitamins! You have been surrounded by 'them.' haven't you!
Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to end my participation about this subject. You have agreed that it's misuse of CS that causes the problems, and are willing to stipulate that I and millions like me believe that there is value in external use of CS, although you disagree. I think that pretty much sums up the situation.
Edited by FolkGuitar
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"THANK YOU! I'll repeat what you just said; "Yes you have to take mass quantities to turn blue." As I've said all along; MISUSE the CS. Debate over. smile.png

As for your comment, "If you are arguing CS is not banned in the EU you may be arguing semantics. "
You're joking, right? I don't have the time nor the patience to list all the on-line sites selling it in most countries, including the USA."
I wan't joking, just wasn't clear,wasn't clearly written sorry.
"It cannot be sold in any store or online as a supplement, as in the USA".
To mean illegal in EU legal in USA when sold s a supplement as long as no health claims are made. These are the facts. Many people buy supplements and drugs illegally through websites and the mails worldwide. You do not understand properly what a a colloid is or what is being sold as "colloidal silver". Smoke from a fire is an example of a colloid. Tiny particles of solid are suspended in air. Yes, the tiny particles of pure metal, so small you cannot see, are suspended, not floating, in another medium, water. You may have heard them referred to as nanoparticles.
They are not pure AG+ ions dispersed in water. This is false claim of the CS quacks and This a fundamental misunderstanding of materials science if one believes otherwise.
I don't wish to take "colloidal silver", but let us say I did.
What amount should I take to avoid "misuse"? And for what condition or ailment should I take this substance that has no use in the body, as reported by every legitimate medical authority on the planet? Obviously taking a small amount will not turn me blue, silver shows very low toxicity in the body.
Should I take it just to make me "feel" like I'm doing something worthwhile?
About vitamins If I want to take a vitamin, I will. I don't need special vitamins, that must be subscribed to on a long-term basis. And give my credit card or cheque account number for automatic billing. And where I am pressured by this "friend" to sell to and sign up other people in pyramid scheme for the same vitamins. Vitamins that are no better than those than that can be bought anywhere else. Why these are better they say "They have this or that special characteristics, and here is the scientific documentation" !
Always the same pattern of scam and the documentation never from a proper peer-reviewed source. I looked up some of these claims, always dodgy publishers and books that quote each other endlessly.
The same publishers that promote titles spouting "Lizard Alien" theory, pseudoscience and other wild conspiracy.
Edited by arunsakda
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Well this has been entertaining, I like folkguitars posts I read them just to see how many times he would repeat the same thing but in a slightly different way. Yes, we get it, silver in solution kills germs on contact, as does vineger, soap, salt, alcohol, iodine, peroxide etc.

To my knowlege that was never challenged.

Edited by daoyai
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