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Motorbike Registration / Green Book Confusion


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Hello! New here, but I've been following for a while.

I moved to Chiang Mai on July 1st, and I've been shopping around for motorbikes. Since the police are pulling people over more often, I really want to be sure I have all the paperwork so I can avoid fines or any other issues.

I know in the past having the green book was enough and not having it in your title was okay. My problem is that I don't have my work permit yet, but I would like to purchase a bike soon. I've heard from some that if I buy a bike secondhand from a seller, that they have to physically be at Transportation Bureau. I understand it would go a lot smoother, but I'm wondering if this a requirement now for transferring titles on green books.

  • Is this true?
  • Does not having the seller there with you affect the success of the green book transfer in any way?
  • Is it not enough to just have all the seller's identification paperwork and then I could later transfer the title in my name?

Please don't just tell me to 'search the forum'. I already did and I keep getting confusing information from people and the forum. I already know that I can find out about the required paperwork, but I'm just wondering if me and the seller need to both physically be there.


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You can register a bike in your name on a tourist visa.

Green book is the title

easier to have the seller with you, in case anything odd comes up (old parking tickets, VIN numbers don't match)

seller does not need to be there. you will need a copy of the id card and signed transfer document (best to go the Trans Office first and get them to tell you the exact pperwork needed)

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Go with the seller to transfer the title to your name. If there are any problems they will come up then. If you do not go with the seller, he can disappear and leave you with problems you never dreamed of, like the green book is counterfeit..... It is not required that you and the seller be there together but it is better for you to do it that way. It is also better if you pay him when the title is transferred, not before.

Should not be a problem if you do not have a work permit. Why do you think it is?

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Go with the seller to transfer the title to your name. If there are any problems they will come up then. If you do not go with the seller, he can disappear and leave you with problems you never dreamed of, like the green book is counterfeit..... It is not required that you and the seller be there together but it is better for you to do it that way. It is also better if you pay him when the title is transferred, not before.

Should not be a problem if you do not have a work permit. Why do you think it is?

Because I didn't want to get the certificate of residence yet. I was thinking maybe that I could buy a bike and have all the forms until I got my work permit which can act in place of my certificate of residence. I'm pretty sure that I don't need the certificate of residence if I have a work permit. My work permit will also be extended for a year.

But, I think the best thing to do is to wait until I have my work permit and then buy a bike and transfer everything once I get it like everyone else suggested.


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