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Destructive Computer Worms Spreading In Thailand, Asia


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Warnings of 26 computer virus strains spreading over Asia

Spreading through "no subject" e-mails

BANGKOK: -- Computer users in Thailand and other Asian countries have been warned of 26 computer virus strains spreading across the region via electronic mails (e-mails), according to a leading computer software manufacturer.

As internet and viruses know no national boundaries, the warning applies to any country in the world.

The 26 computer virus strains are worms in the RONTKBR.GEN family, which were first identified last year but have been spreading in wider areas across the region, according to manufacturer Trend Micro Incorporated, a leading world provider of comprehensive antivirus, Internet content security, and outbreak management software and services.

The worms are spreading through "no subject" e-mails, and had reportedly destroyed nearly 16,000 computers so far, the company warned in a statement released to the local press on Sunday.

The company's experts concede it is hard to contain the worms as their attack begins once the "no subject" e-mails are temptingly opened and they immediately modify host files which prevent any anti-virus function.

The Silicon Valley (California)-based company is represented in Thailand by Trend Micro (Thailand).

Trend Micro said Thailand is now among the top ten Asian economies where the worms are mostly spreading and destroying local computer systems.

The other Asian economies include China, Taiwan and Japan; while the problem in neighbouring Malaysia and Indonesia is increasing remarkably, according to the company.

--TNA 2006-07-10

Download free AVG Anti-virus here

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Warnings of 26 computer virus strains spreading over Asia

Spreading through "no subject" e-mails

BANGKOK: -- Computer users in Thailand and other Asian countries have been warned of 26 computer virus strains spreading across the region via electronic mails (e-mails), according to a leading computer software manufacturer.

Obviously, step # 1 is to NOT open any e-mails which come in and without anything in the Subject Line.

I hope somebody can advise us as to step # 2 ? ? ?


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Step no 2: dont open any attachment if you dont know the extension of it. .doc files or obviously word documents but other attachments can have suspicious extensions. If you dont know them dont open them. Also beware of .exe files, only open them if you know what they are gonna do

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Who's worrying

We use Intel Macs for all our Internet work and Windows XP for specialty programs

Virus what is a Virus

Maybe others in Thailand need a trip to Panthrip Plaza and buy an Apple Mac

Then you can sit at your local bar and not worry what goes on at the office :o

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Obviously, step # 1 is to NOT open any e-mails which come in and without anything in the Subject Line.

I hope somebody can advise us as to step # 2 ? ? ?


Clearly upping the Spam effectiveness of your email is another step.

Also, delete straight away any emails you doubt. YOu may delete one you wanted, but over time that'll happen less and less. My SPAM filter is very tough and I don;t even look in it any more. If it's important, they'll let me know. E-Mail is only one form of communication.

Computer Basics 101 when there are scumbag turds attacking your computer.....


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Get Mozilla Thunderbird, it is the sister program to Firefox the well known browser. It has junk mail controls, etc built in.


Next use a decent firewall program like Kerio Firewall and permanently block Outlook Express from accessing the internet.

I only use anti-virus to scan files I download, it is never running and I have not had an infection since my mate deliberately infected me about 6 years ago.

Don't open emails from people you don't know, easy. Do not open attachments without downlaoding them, updating your AV tehn scanning the file. Don't use Microsft products if you can help it.

Also technically this is a virus not a worm, a worm enters your computer via the network, this is another boring virus that requires people to actually run it on their computer to activate it.

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Here's another free anti-virus program:


I use it on my system. It catches emails or downloads that have suspicious content or viruses.

I use Eudora, and when I'm curious about a likely spam email (want to make sure it is not from someone I know) I use the File->Save As feature to save a text file of the email. I open the text file in Edit. That way I can see who sent it and the text content of the email without actually opening it in Eudora.

Edited by Upcountry
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Obviously, step # 1 is to NOT open any e-mails which come in and without anything in the Subject Line.

I hope somebody can advise us as to step # 2 ? ? ?


Step 1 - install a virus checker (e.g. AVG Free edition from free.grisoft.com)

Step 2 - keep the virus signature files up to date (e.g. update daily)

Step 3 - install a firewall (e.g. ZoneAlarm free edition from www.zonelabs.com)

Step 4 - use spam blockers/filters etc - more as a convenience than a protection. Online filters are better than client ones installed on your PC as the mail doesn't get downloaded to your PC in the first place.

Step 5 - turn off any preview panes, image display etc: text only mail readers offer a lot more protection than full-blown WYSIWYG previews. Try eprompter (www.eprompter.com) and/or mailwasher (www.mailwasher.net) or similar. When you've previewed/filtered/deleted the rubbish, then you can download and view as normal.

And Step 0 - don't give your main email address out to anyone you cannot trust completely. Use other addresses where you risk spam - e.g. Yahoo or Gmail accounts, which will automatically filter out the majority of spam.

And finally - don't forget to backup frequently, so you can at least recover in the event of all the above failing to protect you. Everyone seems to forget about this nowadays! It may never happen, but how sorry will you be that you didn't take a backup if and when you do suffer from an "attack"?! :D

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Ah! So THAT'S what those blank emails are.

No worries for me since I use a Mac.

The biggest and worst virus you can find on any computer is Windows. I got tired of the Blue Screen of Death long ago and switched. For the last three years the Internet has been a completely safe environment for me.

Before some intellectually challenged individual opens his mouth with "when macs become popular you'll see viri for macs" I want to say that's an ignorant comment. People hate windows for windows sake and because it's Micro$oft.

Macs Rule!

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Warnings of 26 computer virus strains spreading over Asia

Spreading through "no subject" e-mails

BANGKOK: -- Computer users in Thailand and other Asian countries have been warned of 26 computer virus strains spreading across the region via electronic mails (e-mails), according to a leading computer software manufacturer.

Obviously, step # 1 is to NOT open any e-mails which come in and without anything in the Subject Line.

I hope somebody can advise us as to step # 2 ? ? ?


Forget step one and buy an Apple Mac or switch to Linux that way Virii and Worms etc. become a thing of the past. In the mean time stop using Outlook or Internet Explorer. Get a copy of Forefox and Thunderbird and you will seriously reduce the risk. Anti Virus software is too little, too late. The writers of the Anti virus software have to wait until a virus is encountered before they can add it to their software which takes time and then you will not have updated your software soon enough. It is far better to simply move away from the problem and avoid unsafe operating systems and software.

No one has yet explained to me why Microsoft insists on having the ability to format your hard drive etc. available to an email programme or web browser... They could if they wanted to, save us from all these threats but instead they include more i.e. WGA (included in the most recent updates to XP)which gives more root access to the outside world which can be used to do you harm. They want to have the power to control your computer but what happens is other people find the switches and use them to do harm. Any other operating system allows you the power to turn off those switches.

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Use this program to check your email before downloading it into your computer. I use it and have NEVER had a virus through email.

I also use the AVG anti-virus, and also AdAware. So far, touch-wood, my machine has stayed virus free.

But rule number one. Never open email with attachments from people you don't know.

Edited by mjcl
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Couple good suggestions before. There are a number of good products out there to protect against the assortment of attacks. If you are not keeping your computer up to date you are going to suffer more. The attacks will always change and the bad people are always developing new software and strategies. Security software and your operating system need to be up to date to give you the best protection.

I won't get into the Windows versus alternative debate. Suffice to say most people are running Windows and there is a lot that can be done to improve that situation. Windows - Windows XP SP2 has been out for over a year now. You should go to http://update.microsoft.com/ and make sure your computer is update to date with the latest security downloads. If you are running a version of Windows before XP you should upgrade. Windows 98 cannot be made secure. It was developed before the Internet. Windows XP SP2 was a good step forward and should be taken advantage of. Install it and accept the default to get automatic updates. This combined with good 3rd party virus, spyware, etc. software will help a lot.

You might also want to check out Microsoft OneCare: http://www.windowsonecare.com/purchase/default.aspx

I've made sure that my family's computers, my 80 year old mom, my kids, my sister, etc. all have auto-update, have current security software, etc. installed and up to date. So far (fingers crossed) they have been safe and secure for quite some time. There are behaviors everyone needs to learn but a PC can be set up to really make things better.

Here is a Microsoft site with a lot of information on making your PC more secure and being smart about how you use it: http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/default.mspx

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all good advise, however would like to add:

do not open attachment, regardless of who sent them to you unless you requested it and know exactly what it is and does, and as advised above, download it and scan it first with an updated AV, on a window computer which is up to date with patches...

You will get viruses sent to you in an email that might be from your boss or your best friend, because spam and virus writers always make sure that the virus uses a random address from an address book that it previously infected, so the from address is always fake. This is why there is no need to tell someone they sent you a virus, they certainly did not, their email address simply happenend to be in the address book of an infected computer.

firewall will not stop viruses, it is not what they are designed for, only common sense will...

you should treat email the same way you treat a mushroom in the forest, if there is a slight doubt, you don't touch it...

and yes there is no virus on mac yet,

and no preview in window does not activate a virus yet, you need to double click or open the attachment to trigger it.

B, on ibookG4

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Step X is I am using a web based email for all my emails. Advantage is you can open it anywhere. Second is this particular mail called "Yah... mail" got its self anti virus build in. so all files send to you before you can open are being scanned for virus. very safe!!!!..

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Macs Rule!

Wake me up when you get a right mouse button :o

OK then, wake up. All Macs now come with a "three button" mouse. I put that in quotes since it really doesn't have three buttons per se, but rather the mouse is touch sensitive and has three button mouse capability. The new Apple mouse does a bit more than the average three button mouse as well, such as scrolling in two dimensions, which is sort of nice for large pages that do not fit entirely on your display.


Now then, back to work...and fortunately I don't have stacks of virus definition updates to install (since I am on a Mac). :-)

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I agree with a number of previous posters - Step 0 buy a Mac.

Beyond that, some of these things, there's absolutely nothing you can do. Attachments are kinda old school - any self-respecting virus doesn't need you to run a program, just view an email. Or if you're using Microsoft products, simply viewing a photo on a webpage can unlock a worm. You can get all the virus protection software you want, but by definition it's always a step behind, as it can't protect against worms or viruses that don't yet exist. Windows is an awful program security-wise, and Internet Explorer ain't too hot either. The only real protection is to get rid of them.

Re: the Mac doesn't have viruses because of it's small market share, there's a small element of truth to that. No platform is completely immune. However, the Mac/Linux/Unix ones have MUCH better architecture and thus to create a usable virus requires a lot more work. Sure, someone could - but given the difficulties and time it would take - and the fact that Macs have antivirus software that updates just as fast as Windows ones do - it just isn't worth it.

Macs are going to be much safer for a long, long time (computer-wise). At least the next four or five generations, and probably longer than that.

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Step X is I am using a web based email for all my emails. Advantage is you can open it anywhere. Second is this particular mail called "Yah... mail" got its self anti virus build in. so all files send to you before you can open are being scanned for virus. very safe!!!!..
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Who's worrying

We use Intel Macs for all our Internet work and Windows XP for specialty programs

Virus what is a Virus

Maybe others in Thailand need a trip to Panthrip Plaza and buy an Apple Mac

Then you can sit at your local bar and not worry what goes on at the office :o

even when that virus attacks only win os's. one cannot feel save when using a mac. :D

And mac's for inet.......abusive purpose! :D

and...when I live in Pattaya? Where can I buy hard- and soft-ware? :D

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Before the Techies get all excited...

1984. The Apple MacIntosh POPULARISED the 1960s designed Bug

(and it's subsequent tweaks)

This was a " Fly by Wire" concept of a scroller assistant.

It was an addition to the predominant keyboard commands.

(Ever had to design with logarithms - Old school?!)

Apart from the Lisa by Apple.

The Xerox Star utilised a similar bit of kit.






Apple MacIntosh

Macs now are 3 button, multi functioners.

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Who's worrying

We use Intel Macs for all our Internet work and Windows XP for specialty programs

Virus what is a Virus

Maybe others in Thailand need a trip to Panthrip Plaza and buy an Apple Mac

Then you can sit at your local bar and not worry what goes on at the office :o

Hear hear!

Get a Mac and leave those hassles behind. :D

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while all you PC guys have been worrying about Viruses I have been down at Walking street having a well earned drink

Hey whats this about 2 button mouse I've been using one for over 3 years ever since they introduced USB, maybe some one has been asleep to long

hey my Pattaya friend, I also stay in Pattaya and have all the latest Mac software, if you where not spending all your time chasing viruses, maybe you could get out a bit more and see what happening

Serious if there are any people in Pattaya with Mac problems :o:D (wash my mouth out) sorry I mean not with the computer, but with gettings software or tricking the system I am an ex Apple Service Tech and I would be glad to help

Or take you proud and joy and give it to a clown at the IT centre and South Pattaya Rd

I would rather give my girlfriend a 9" blade and let her see me in a bar beer :D:D:D

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Or take you proud and joy and give it to a clown at the IT centre and South Pattaya Rd

I would rather give my girlfriend a 9" blade and let her see me in a bar beer :o:D:D

:D, anyway where is that IT centre? Near centre condo or ...? thank you

cheers, boxida

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Seriously. Forget Microsoft. Try Linux. It isn't scary any more - it's free, it's supported and it's safe.


yeh I'm running Ubuntu for any internet work, I like it. Installs and updates very easily. I had Mandrake before, Ubuntu is much better. I have a couple of laptops running XP but I don't connect to the net with them, unless it's through my own firewall that I know how it's been configured...

I shudder at the thought of exposing a windoze PC to the internet...


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