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Off Road (honda Raiders Etc) Vehicle Legislation In The Uk

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A friend turned up with a buggy yesterday that I would like to send back to the UK however I am unsure of what sort of legislation governs off-road vehicles only

I see people racing around on hover crafts, quads and raider type machinery off road.

Have they been checked over by a governing body or not?

I am sure that the small hovercraft manafacturers can't afford to put their machines through rigorous testing.

Any ideas?


Mr A

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Here's a question I've always had, can I purchase an enduro style motorcycle in Thailand, not the moped or other family bike, but an actual enduro or even MX style cycle if so where.

Thanks in advance

iono :o

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What about safety wise then?

If little Tommy flips his buggy and loses and arm who is repsonsible for that?

Do the manafacturers have to take this into account. I would presume so.

Do they kitemark things like this?

Your confusing certain aspects of the law. iIf you want to buy/make/assemble any such item and use it on private land there is no offence (subject to local by law).

"If little Tommy flips his buggy and loses and arm who is repsonsible for that? "

Answer, You are. Not the manufacturer as they do not control the circumstances of use. If as the owner of the vehicle you allow ANYONE to ride it and they injure themselves as a result your liable to investigation and prosecution by both the police and authorities such as the HSE. If the injured party is a minor then it really hits the fan. Even if its an adult the same laws apply. Senna was an adult, an expert well informed adult, when he piled into a wall at Monza but that didn't stop his racing team from undergoing investigation for negligent homicide. And thats only the criminal law, you don't even want to think about civil law and what you can be sued for.

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UK construction and use regulations apply to "motor vehicles" that are used "on a road". If you stay off road none of these will apply. Only a manufacturer would have to worry about the safety aspects of off road vehicles as they would need product liability insurance cover. You could quite easily make your own if you wanted. Of course, anyone injured as a result of what you do with it could sue you.

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