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Why do Western men marry Thai girls of ill-repute?

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easy way is to ask yourself : would you marry a prostitute in your own country, that had sex with hundreds or thousands of men ?

plus play to buy her from her parents ?

and buy them a house which you don't own, cars, montly fees, sick buffalo's ...

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Why do Western men marry Thai girls of ill-repute?

Lemme think...

Because they can't find Western girls of whatever repute who are willing to marry them ?

Because there aren't that many Thai girls of non ill-repute (especially the wealthy ones) who are willing to marry a Westerner ?

Because Thai girls of ill-repute are no fools, and they demand marriage in exchange for whatever it is they can give ?

Because they can ?

Because they're in love and totally amazed (not to mention blinded) by the fact ?

Because they are in a different culture, and not knowing the codes, they judge people (not just girls) differently ?

"Because they can't find Western girls of whatever repute who are willing to marry them ?"

i think you are jumping the gun with this conclusion. Should read

"Because they can't find Western girls of whatever repute who are willing to date them ?"

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easy way is to ask yourself : would you marry a prostitute in your own country, that had sex with hundreds or thousands of men ?

plus play to buy her from her parents ?

and buy them a house which you don't own, cars, montly fees, sick buffalo's ...

Ouch !!

PS; hundreds of thousands surely an exaggeration, more like hundreds to thousands.

Edited by atyclb
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easy way is to ask yourself : would you marry a prostitute in your own country, that had sex with hundreds or thousands of men ?

plus play to buy her from her parents ?

and buy them a house which you don't own, cars, montly fees, sick buffalo's ...

Ever met a prostitute in your home country?

If you had, you'll know why guys don't marry them (not that many would consider marriage to a customer).

Thailand, an entirely different product to purchase.

House, car, credit card, normal provision for any wife, if you don't give the judge will take.

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easy way is to ask yourself : would you marry a prostitute in your own country, that had sex with hundreds or thousands of men ?

plus play to buy her from her parents ?

and buy them a house which you don't own, cars, montly fees, sick buffalo's ...

Ever met a prostitute in your home country?

If you had, you'll know why guys don't marry them (not that many would consider marriage to a customer).

Thailand, an entirely different product to purchase.

House, car, credit card, normal provision for any wife, if you don't give the judge will take.

It would seem marriage with the "home country prostitute"is advantageous since theres no sick buffalos or extended family to also support.

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These girls are looking for an easy way out and for the better of themselves.

Most of the men I know who married such women are not with them anymore. The thing is, if they are willing to marry one of their clients, they are willing to screw him over too, usually once a house has been built.

Most of the mates I know that married 'such women' are still happily married with a couple of family homes and plots of land locally and up country. The kids have grown up and are being educated mostly overseas. In fact, of the exactly 8 parings that I am friends and keep in touch with, only 1 marriage has gone sour and ended in divorce but the guy had mostly done his homework and didn't lose the farm or bits of his anatomy.

I am sorry that the 'men you know' didn't appear to do their homework. Maybe they were fishing in the same shallow pond.

PS. My family are still coping with the social stigma when my sister married an American.

I believe your friends are the exception. I know literally dozens of falang men who married Thai/Vietnamese/Filipina ladies of negotiable virtue--whores. Rather than the majority being happily married, it is quite the opposite--just take a representative sample of the tales of woe on these TV forums. I agree, most of the men did not do their homework; they were blinded by the brown spot rather than seeing the light.

However, the question is why do farangs marry these girls. In many instances, the man is older and may not have the chance for sex with a good looking younger woman in their native countries. In others, the man may be smitten by the exotic and truly revels in the availability of so many choices of evening delights. Still others may simply want to rescue this poor damsel from the whoring life.

The apparent truth is the girls, after selling their wares for a while, actually come to think of themselves as commodities. Any long-term relationship is merely an indefinite bar-fine with a long-term customer. To be sure, there are exceptions. I know of three such marriages which have lasted over 40 years each. Two of them are still very happy and, apparently, very much in love; while in one, the man is a long-suffering cuckold in his own house.

However, happy marriages are the exception. Many have lasted because the man wishes to remain in an open relationship with the woman and she continues to feed his sexual fantasies. Unfortunately, it appears too many men may suggest they want this sort of relationship when they really want a good wife.

You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think.

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easy way is to ask yourself : would you marry a prostitute in your own country, that had sex with hundreds or thousands of men ?

plus play to buy her from her parents ?

and buy them a house which you don't own, cars, montly fees, sick buffalo's ...

Ouch !!

PS; hundreds of thousands surely an exaggeration, more like hundreds to thousands.

belg wrote, hundreds OR thousands, not hundreds OF thousands.

Any hooker who'd had hundreds of thousands of men would be in the workshop for a rebore and sleeve!!!

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By here I Thank all the Thai or other ladies that spend some time with me regardless if there was money or not involved,....every one was precious to me......they helped me to keep my sanity and my good humor. and above all thank you to my Thai wife to give me the most wonderful time in my life........

Edited by off road pat
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The apparent truth is the girls, after selling their wares for a while, actually come to think of themselves as commodities. Any long-term relationship is merely an indefinite bar-fine with a long-term customer.

What's wrong with that?

I wasn't saying it was wrong, I was saying that is the way it is. If you are not aware of that, let the buyer beware, comes to mind.

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Most farang men that marry thai postitutes already have herpes. It is impossible for them to get a partner in the west. Most thai postitutes already have herpes, and so the guy is so releived at the prospect of sex without a condom that he proposes instantly.

Edited by Bulldozer Dawn
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Most farang men that marry thai postitutes already have herpes. It is impossible for them to get a partner in the west. Most thai postitutes already have herpes, and so the guy is so releived at the prospect of sex without a condom that he proposes instantly.

Three things wrong with this post.

1. Half the world has herpes in some form (US survey suggested 1 in 6 US citizens, but that was 10 years ago).

2. Condoms don't offer any protection from herpes as the infectious blisters don't cover the same areas that condoms cover.

3. Almost everyone susceptible to herpes virus, already has it.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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One of the things that always seems to be missed when talking about this is: Opportunity. By this I mean the opportunity to meet women at home. When I left the UK the pc aspect of the workplace meant it was virtually impossible to develop a relationship other than a professional one. So a traditional meeting place for couples has been struck off the list. Likewise the pub. With increasing prices, smoking bans and the higher cost of living people went out less making another traditional meeting ground less effective.

Then you have the men who are most likely to be 40+ and divorced. Probably too old to go clubbing. So where on earth are these people going to meet a woman who is a possible mate? Believe me I had a good job, lived in a nice part of London and would consider myself good looking and fit and I had to go to the internet to meet women. There are a lot of men who still think the internet is a bit seedy and won't use it. And if they live in a small town it is even harder.

Then they come to Thailand!!!! Bingo! It is like a mirror image of the life they were leading. Suddenly they are meeting more attractive women than they can cope with. Some are out to get their money but some are just out to get their man, and with it security and a better life. What is not to like about that?

So the girls have used their assets to survive. He who is without sin etc. I am not justifying, celebrating or condoning what they do. But I do accept it. And the situation creates a place where a western man can get an attractive Asian lady and not be lonely anymore. THAT IS A GOOD THING.

I am firmly of the opinion that when you meet someone you judge them by what they do now not what they did before. I know if I was judged in the same way i would be found wanting.

And if every farang who is married to a hiso rich thai-chinese doctor was lined up they would reach from here to the end of my nose.

As Talk Talk said, "Life's what you make it". Look back in anger or look forward in hope.

How pleasant to see a post that is on topic, intelligent, and not hateful or sarcastic!

I talk to some of these women and some had worked for years in factories for 300 Baht per day, six days each week, then were forced to work overtime every day for very little more.

Some of them still work at a "regular" job, but still can't meet their financial obligations, so they also work as freelancers

Some were pushed into prostitution by parents or family members! Many of them support parents, children and other relatives, and they can't make ends meet by other means.

I try to withhold judging someone without knowing their circumstances, and as Sigurris said, :"He who is without sin...", is certainly apt.

I agree with both of you guys and I find it ironic that this subject brought quite a lot of interesting comments from people who are obviously keen to withold their judgment and see things from more understanding perspectives ...

The words 'of ill repute' I found very unsavoury in the first post, even though I realize they were just a cliché. But they do say something about the person who uses them, and one has to ask whether we live strictly to feed and polish our 'repute'..; because if that is so, then the world is nothing but a bunch of hypocrites... which it is not, thankfully, and all the sensible comments along this thread are definitely a good counterweight to creepy hypocrisy in all its depressing avatars.

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Most farang men that marry thai postitutes already have herpes. It is impossible for them to get a partner in the west. Most thai postitutes already have herpes, and so the guy is so releived at the prospect of sex without a condom that he proposes instantly.

You mention only Herpes, but did not mention HIV, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, or Trichomoniasis. I thought all Thai prostitutes had all those diseases.

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Most farang men that marry thai postitutes already have herpes. It is impossible for them to get a partner in the west. Most thai postitutes already have herpes, and so the guy is so releived at the prospect of sex without a condom that he proposes instantly.

You mention only Herpes, but did not mention HIV, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, or Trichomoniasis. I thought all Thai prostitutes had all those diseases.

Judging by your pic here, you seem to host quite an array of diseases yourself, Mister. And that's only the visible ones.

Edited by Yann55
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Western men think that bar girls are not actually prostitutes and that all Thai women would jump in a bus to Pattaya or Pat Pong if they had financial difficulties.

Also, they wouldn't have a chance of getting such a woman if they weren't for sale.

stupid men.

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easy way is to ask yourself : would you marry a prostitute in your own country, that had sex with hundreds or thousands of men ?

plus play to buy her from her parents ?

and buy them a house which you don't own, cars, montly fees, sick buffalo's ...

I already answered your question. Do try and keep up.

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easy way is to ask yourself : would you marry a prostitute in your own country, that had sex with hundreds or thousands of men ?

plus play to buy her from her parents ?

and buy them a house which you don't own, cars, montly fees, sick buffalo's ...

Ouch !!

PS; hundreds of thousands surely an exaggeration, more like hundreds to thousands.

belg wrote, hundreds OR thousands, not hundreds OF thousands.

Any hooker who'd had hundreds of thousands of men would be in the workshop for a rebore and sleeve!!!

LOL.... my mistake.

and that would be a rebore and sleeve for more than 1 cylinder

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easy way is to ask yourself : would you marry a prostitute in your own country, that had sex with hundreds or thousands of men ?

plus play to buy her from her parents ?

and buy them a house which you don't own, cars, montly fees, sick buffalo's ...

Ouch !!

PS; hundreds of thousands surely an exaggeration, more like hundreds to thousands.

belg wrote, hundreds OR thousands, not hundreds OF thousands.

Any hooker who'd had hundreds of thousands of men would be in the workshop for a rebore and sleeve!!!

or you just shove a whole ham in and pull out the bone.....

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easy way is to ask yourself : would you marry a prostitute in your own country, that had sex with hundreds or thousands of men ?

plus play to buy her from her parents ?

and buy them a house which you don't own, cars, montly fees, sick buffalo's ...

Ouch !!

PS; hundreds of thousands surely an exaggeration, more like hundreds to thousands.

belg wrote, hundreds OR thousands, not hundreds OF thousands.

Any hooker who'd had hundreds of thousands of men would be in the workshop for a rebore and sleeve!!!

LOL.... my mistake.

and that would be a rebore and sleeve for more than 1 cylinder

I suppose they could be inline cylinders.....or horizontally opposed? Perhaps a 'V' configuration?

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easy way is to ask yourself : would you marry a prostitute in your own country, that had sex with hundreds or thousands of men ?

plus play to buy her from her parents ?

and buy them a house which you don't own, cars, montly fees,

Ouch !!

PS; hundreds of thousands surely an exaggeration, more like hundreds to thousands.

belg wrote, hundreds OR thousands, not hundreds OF thousands.

Any hooker who'd had hundreds of thousands of men would be in the workshop for a rebore and sleeve!!!

LOL.... my mistake.

and that would be a rebore and sleeve for more than 1 cylinder

I suppose they could be inline cylinders.....or horizontally opposed? Perhaps a 'V' configuration?

A V-Twin would be ideal

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Most men just want a wife that will have sex with them whenever they want, and maybe produce a few babies.

These girls usually fulfil the first criteria nicely.

Cheaper than the respectable western ladies, that produce a few babies, never have sex again, then want your house and pension.


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What a retarded thread. The guy who started this thread actually thinks it's hard to marry a Western hooker or that it's somehow ok because Hollywood movies say so? Obviously this clown knows nothing about Western culture. Maybe he needs to stop watching those stupid Hollywood movies that glorify a sleazy, degenerate lifestyle.

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