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Visa Exempt --> Non Immi --> Retirement - But when 800k in Bank?

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· I am going to enter Thailand next on a visa exempt – And hence this will give me 30 days

· I am then going to convert it to a non Immi – And gives me 90 days

· I will then convert non Immi to a Retirement visa when greater than 2 months left on the non Immi


1. Do I need to show the 800k in my Thai bank when at the point I convert from visa exempt to non immi?

2. Or is it just required to show the 800K (seeded for 2 months) when I convert to Retirement Visa

3. I have previously had a retirement visa and usually my seeding time (after first application) is 3 months – Since I have broken the retirement cycle (entering with a visa exempt) – Does this mean the seeding will revert to 2 months as I expect - Or will because I have had a retirement visa before mean that I require 3 months?

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The 800k baht just has to be in the bank on the day you apply for the non immigrant visa entry. Dependent on where you apply you may need a letter from the bank confirming the funds came from abroad. You will need 15 days remaining on your entry when you apply.

The 800k baht will need to be in the bank for 60 days when you apply for the extension.

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The 800k baht just has to be in the bank on the day you apply for the non immigrant visa entry. Dependent on where you apply you may need a letter from the bank confirming the funds came from abroad. You will need 15 days remaining on your entry when you apply.

The 800k baht will need to be in the bank for 60 days when you apply for the extension.

Thanks UboJoe - Perfect response - Its clear, definitive, concise data I can act upon - Thanks.

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The 800k baht just has to be in the bank on the day you apply for the non immigrant visa entry. Dependent on where you apply you may need a letter from the bank confirming the funds came from abroad. You will need 15 days remaining on your entry when you apply.

The 800k baht will need to be in the bank for 60 days when you apply for the extension.

I am about to do this and I was confused from reading somewhere and as you stated that I needed to have 15 days remaining on my 30 day visa exempt entry to apply to convert to a non 'O". I was told by Phuket immigration last week that this wasn't the case and I could convert on Day 29 if I wished to.
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The 800k baht just has to be in the bank on the day you apply for the non immigrant visa entry. Dependent on where you apply you may need a letter from the bank confirming the funds came from abroad. You will need 15 days remaining on your entry when you apply.

The 800k baht will need to be in the bank for 60 days when you apply for the extension.

I am about to do this and I was confused from reading somewhere and as you stated that I needed to have 15 days remaining on my 30 day visa exempt entry to apply to convert to a non 'O". I was told by Phuket immigration last week that this wasn't the case and I could convert on Day 29 if I wished to.

I can only state the rules. I cannot predict what one office might do or not do. Most offices go by the 15 day rule.

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The 800k baht just has to be in the bank on the day you apply for the non immigrant visa entry. Dependent on where you apply you may need a letter from the bank confirming the funds came from abroad. You will need 15 days remaining on your entry when you apply.

The 800k baht will need to be in the bank for 60 days when you apply for the extension.

I am about to do this and I was confused from reading somewhere and as you stated that I needed to have 15 days remaining on my 30 day visa exempt entry to apply to convert to a non 'O". I was told by Phuket immigration last week that this wasn't the case and I could convert on Day 29 if I wished to.

I can only state the rules. I cannot predict what one office might do or not do. Most offices go by the 15 day rule.
Yes that's what I thought also. I was told this by one of the farang immigration volunteers. I hope this is correct. Can anyone else confirm this for Phuket?
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The 800k baht just has to be in the bank on the day you apply for the non immigrant visa entry. Dependent on where you apply you may need a letter from the bank confirming the funds came from abroad. You will need 15 days remaining on your entry when you apply.

The 800k baht will need to be in the bank for 60 days when you apply for the extension.

UbonJoe - Just one last thought.

Do they require a letter from the bank to prove the funds are there when converting from except to the non immi? - Or is the bank book alone good enough?

- Obviously the proof letter will be required from the bank at non-immi conversion to retirement.

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The 800k baht just has to be in the bank on the day you apply for the non immigrant visa entry. Dependent on where you apply you may need a letter from the bank confirming the funds came from abroad. You will need 15 days remaining on your entry when you apply.

The 800k baht will need to be in the bank for 60 days when you apply for the extension.

I am about to do this and I was confused from reading somewhere and as you stated that I needed to have 15 days remaining on my 30 day visa exempt entry to apply to convert to a non 'O". I was told by Phuket immigration last week that this wasn't the case and I could convert on Day 29 if I wished to.

I can only state the rules. I cannot predict what one office might do or not do. Most offices go by the 15 day rule.
Yes that's what I thought also. I was told this by one of the farang immigration volunteers. I hope this is correct. Can anyone else confirm this for Phuket?

Can anyone confirm this ? confirm what ? 15 days or 29th day?

Really how complicated is it to ask a question.

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I am about to do this and I was confused from reading somewhere and as you stated that I needed to have 15 days remaining on my 30 day visa exempt entry to apply to convert to a non 'O". I was told by Phuket immigration last week that this wasn't the case and I could convert on Day 29 if I wished to.

I can only state the rules. I cannot predict what one office might do or not do. Most offices go by the 15 day rule.
Yes that's what I thought also. I was told this by one of the farang immigration volunteers. I hope this is correct. Can anyone else confirm this for Phuket?
Can anyone confirm this ? confirm what ? 15 days or 29th day?

Really how complicated is it to ask a question.

Isn't it clear? My question is, can anyone confirm (other than the farang immigration adviser) that conversion to a non 'O' in Phuket can happen anytime up until expiry of the 30 day visa exempt and does not have to be done within the first 15 days.

Edited by ubonjoe
removed one quote to fix broken quote (4 is maximum number of quotes allowed)
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Being as you quoted both then it wasn't to clear. As for the answer, you can accept what the law says i.e. before the last 15 days or you can take a chance of what side of the bed the IO gets out of the morning you go there. Good luck.

Edited by bertty
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The 800k baht just has to be in the bank on the day you apply for the non immigrant visa entry. Dependent on where you apply you may need a letter from the bank confirming the funds came from abroad. You will need 15 days remaining on your entry when you apply.

The 800k baht will need to be in the bank for 60 days when you apply for the extension.

UbonJoe - Just one last thought.

Do they require a letter from the bank to prove the funds are there when converting from except to the non immi? - Or is the bank book alone good enough?

- Obviously the proof letter will be required from the bank at non-immi conversion to retirement.

You will need a letter from the bank when doing the conversion to a non immigrant visa entry.

You will also need the letter when you apply for the extension of stay you do not convert anything then.

I can recall some reports of Phuket doing the conversion after the 15 days. I would not count on being able to do it on the last day.

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Being as you quoted both then it wasn't to clear. As for the answer, you can accept what the law says i.e. before the last 15 days or you can take a chance of what side of the bed the IO gets out of the morning you go there. Good luck.

Just a thought... under the new provision of a 30 day Extension being available for someone who is here on a 30 day Exemption .... then if someone has gone over the first 15 days... it is reasonable to believe that they could just file for the 30 Day Extension - then before the 15th. day of the Extension - file for the Non 'O' at immigration as has been described. If this can be done then the confusion and apprehension that some people have on this issue can be greatly reduced or eliminated...

I hope this can be done and I hope my suggestion is helpful.


My advice in the past has been to suggest that those whose eventual goal is to get an extension of stay - First - if they can - get a Non Imm. Multi Entry 'O' Visa in their home country before leaving. Yes - it cost $200.00 in America - not sure elsewhere... Not sure if available elsewhere.... But this situation of a short time fuse as is well exemplified in this thread and the worries and confusion it causes can be totally eliminated by taking my suggestion... With a Non Imm Multi Entry 'O' visa one can take up to 15 months to get it all straightened out... But more likely most would get in done in the first 90 days after entry ... But they would not be pressured to do so... My method allows for hiccups in setting up bank accounts and transferring money ... thus paving the way for a leisurely process for one to get an Extension of Stay based on Retirement. And the worst that could happen if not done in the first 90 days would be to make a border run to get another 90 days. Those of us age 50 and over do not always make the best decision when under time pressure.

Some people don't like my suggestions - never the less -- one only has to read this thread and several others of the past few weeks very much like it - expressing the same concerns about understanding the process - especially the compressed time frame of getting it all done on a 30 day Exemption... which is unnecessary to say the least..

And - My Suggestion - is just a Suggestion. Why anyone wants to put themselves in a Time Box I will never understand.

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You cannot do a conversion on a 30 day extension.

That is not correct information as far as I know. Who told you that?

There have been many that have done the conversion with a 30 day extension of a tourist visa and it should exactly the same for one of a visa exempt entry. There have been some that got the 30 day extension and applied for the conversion during the same trip to immigration.

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You cannot do a conversion on a 30 day extension.

That is not correct information as far as I know. Who told you that?

There have been many that have done the conversion with a 30 day extension of a tourist visa and it should exactly the same for one of a visa exempt entry. There have been some that got the 30 day extension and applied for the conversion during the same trip to immigration.

Told by IO Phuket. Cannot convert if 30 day visa exempt is extended by a further 30 days.
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Why not just get a non o visa for retirement in the US, prior to heading to Thailand, and save all that trouble? The Thai Consulate in LA gives a multi entry visa for the $200, which, with a bit of planning can get you almost two years via making a single border run.

I find obtaining a non o visa for retirement prior to heading to Thailand fairly straightforward and easy.

Edited by SpokaneAl
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Why not just get a non o visa for retirement in the US, prior to heading to Thailand, and save all that trouble. The Thai Consulate in LA gives a multi entry visa for the $200, which. With a bit of planning can get you almost two years via making a border run.

I find obtaining a non o visa for retirement prior to heading to Thailand fairly straightforward, and easy.

Why go to the trouble and expense when you can just come in on a 30 day visa exemption and pay 1950 baht at immigration to convert to a non O. Much easier.
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I am over 50 and eligible to retire in Thailand but won't receive pension until 65.

I have saved all my life and could retire with adequate funds for my life.

I have worked legally in Thailand and a fair amount of money in Thai banks.

Do most consulates require the 800,000 is new money transferred from abroad?

From previous posts it sounds like not all require proof.

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I am over 50 and eligible to retire in Thailand but won't receive pension until 65.

I have saved all my life and could retire with adequate funds for my life.

I have worked legally in Thailand and a fair amount of money in Thai banks.

Do most consulates require the 800,000 is new money transferred from abroad?

From previous posts it sounds like not all require proof.

A consulate would not want to see anything other than a bank book to get a visa.

A immigration office office would only ask (not all want it) for proof of the funds coming from abroad if you were applying to do a conversion to a non immigrant visa entry. They do not ask for that proof when applying for an extension of stay.l

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I am over 50 and eligible to retire in Thailand but won't receive pension until 65.

I have saved all my life and could retire with adequate funds for my life.

I have worked legally in Thailand and a fair amount of money in Thai banks.

Do most consulates require the 800,000 is new money transferred from abroad?

From previous posts it sounds like not all require proof.

A consulate would not want to see anything other than a bank book to get a visa.

A immigration office office would only ask (not all want it) for proof of the funds coming from abroad if you were applying to do a conversion to a non immigrant visa entry. They do not ask for that proof when applying for an extension of stay.l

When I obtain a visa from the LA Thai Consulate I do everything by mail and just include a letter from my bank for proof of funds.

These days I suspect few US financial institutions issue bank books.

Edited by SpokaneAl
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I wonder if a letter from Fidelity Investment Company is sufficient.

When I bought a house they wanted a cashiers check.

Since Fidelity is not a bank they could not issue a cashiers check.

I assumed a check from Fidelity would have the same security but needed to transfer money to a bank and get a cashier check

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I am over 50 and eligible to retire in Thailand but won't receive pension until 65.

I have saved all my life and could retire with adequate funds for my life.

I have worked legally in Thailand and a fair amount of money in Thai banks.

Do most consulates require the 800,000 is new money transferred from abroad?

From previous posts it sounds like not all require proof.

A consulate would not want to see anything other than a bank book to get a visa.

A immigration office office would only ask (not all want it) for proof of the funds coming from abroad if you were applying to do a conversion to a non immigrant visa entry. They do not ask for that proof when applying for an extension of stay.l

When I obtain a visa from the LA Thai Consulate I do everything by mail and just include a letter from my bank for proof of funds.

These days I suspect few US financial institutions issue bank books.

I think he really meant immigration not a consulate.

If he did mean a consulate what makes you think it would be in the US?

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I am over 50 and eligible to retire in Thailand but won't receive pension until 65.

I have saved all my life and could retire with adequate funds for my life.

I have worked legally in Thailand and a fair amount of money in Thai banks.

Do most consulates require the 800,000 is new money transferred from abroad?

From previous posts it sounds like not all require proof.

A consulate would not want to see anything other than a bank book to get a visa.

A immigration office office would only ask (not all want it) for proof of the funds coming from abroad if you were applying to do a conversion to a non immigrant visa entry. They do not ask for that proof when applying for an extension of stay.l

When I obtain a visa from the LA Thai Consulate I do everything by mail and just include a letter from my bank for proof of funds.

These days I suspect few US financial institutions issue bank books.

I think he really meant immigration not a consulate.

If he did mean a consulate what makes you think it would be in the US?

UbonJoe, I was actually responding to your comment.

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I know terminology is important.

I believe I can go to the Thai consulate with proof assets and go to immigration in Thailand for extension based on retirement.

I think I read before that if apply for Non-O from America then I can use assets in America to qualify for visa. Correct?

It is valid rentry for 1 year- each time for 3 months. Then will need to do extension at immigration.

When I want to extend then I will need assets in Thai banks.

Am I correct?

I might need to consolidate my bank account. When I came to Thailand I was not sure which banks were best or which credit cards were best so I split assets among banks.

Should I consolidate to have the required funds in one bank?

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Why not just get a non o visa for retirement in the US, prior to heading to Thailand, and save all that trouble. The Thai Consulate in LA gives a multi entry visa for the $200, which. With a bit of planning can get you almost two years via making a border run.

I find obtaining a non o visa for retirement prior to heading to Thailand fairly straightforward, and easy.

Why go to the trouble and expense when you can just come in on a 30 day visa exemption and pay 1950 baht at immigration to convert to a non O. Much easier.

The point is making sure that one has plenty of time - regardless of any hiccups ... no rush ... get bank accounts established ... figure out were immigration is -- not a drop dead cinch for a newbie... make sure all paper work is in order... saunter over to immigration ... and problems - one has go back time...

And will the subject has been brought up ... Non Imm. Multi- 'O' Visa can also processed at Royal Thai Honorary Consul General offices in Portland, Dallas, Houston, Honolulu and other places... and very easy to get... I have the current contact information for Portland and Dallas offices...

Edited by JDGRUEN
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