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Bag snatches from bikes on samui

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Is this common here? Today 2 female tourist on a bike had 2 guys try and grab their bag. Police taking their report said same had been reported twice already today. Don't have more details unfortunately but just a heads up to be aware and to see how common this may be here ...

Ride safe :)

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Unfortunately the practice is prevalent & is perhaps best summed up in this photo:


CCTV footage might be available @Ampur if it occurred on a main road. A blade is usually carried therefore they need to be apprehended.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

bag snaches,shootings,stabbings what's happening to Samui?

are you a samui new comer also

this stuff has been going on for as long as i have been here which is the best part of 15 years

used to get local paper which had about 5 murders a month.

now with socially media though we hear things straight away

yes there has been allot of bag snatching recently

most vulnerable are women with hand bags lose round their necks

specially at night

please but valuables under your seat and be careful when riding a motorbike wearing you bug gold chains

these people drive around looking for victims

i drive around imagining i was one of them and i see hundreds of poetical targets.

i would tell them but who would listen

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bag snaches,shootings,stabbings what's happening to Samui?

No different then what's happening in George Town,KL, Bangkok, Phnom Phen, Sydney, New York, Addis Ababa , Hong Kong Etc...Etc...Etc...

except its on our doorstep!...........that's the difference and therefore a concern.

You ca't even sit in a London Starbucks with your phone on the table without fear of it being nicked. There are also daily shootings, stabbings, muggings and its all on your doorstep. Please stop over reacting!!

In answer to the OP's question, there was a spate of this about five years ago i remember well but i rarely hear of it happening here and not significant enough to enter into a judgement call on visiting here.

when i go back to london i have to modify myself as i cannot be as relaxed as in Thailand. during the last 4 weeks i lost my iPhone 4 times and had it returned.

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How about setting up a honey trap sting ? get some farangs to walk around the area where the snatches have been taking place with a big, fat, juicy bag just waiting to be snatched. As soon as it has been snatched A remote is used to trigger a device in the bag to cover them in hard to remove dye like they use in the money bags. thumbsup.gif

Surely something the BIB could manage You can guarantee it is the same little crew doing this

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How about setting up a honey trap sting ? get some farangs to walk around the area where the snatches have been taking place with a big, fat, juicy bag just waiting to be snatched. As soon as it has been snatched A remote is used to trigger a device in the bag to cover them in hard to remove dye like they use in the money bags. thumbsup.gif

Surely something the BIB could manage You can guarantee it is the same little crew doing this

Yes get a big fat juicy bag with a forang on the end of it filled with a trigger device that you can buy at any shop to jump out of the bag and cover them in dye or maybe orange juice

It has been done best thing to do is to put a drone up in the sky which can auto find bag Snatchers and follow them home

Or even drone speed cameras.

Becareful as the future is going to be filled with drones mugging people

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bag snaches,shootings,stabbings what's happening to Samui?

No different then what's happening in George Town,KL, Bangkok, Phnom Phen, Sydney, New York, Addis Ababa , Hong Kong Etc...Etc...Etc...

None of those places mentioned (with the exception of Phnom Penh and Addis Ababa) have anywhere near the crime rate of Samui, which is one of the most dangerous places in South East Asia.

Why do you guys go to so much trouble to attempt to downplay the crime situation on Samui? Even the Thai government admits it is a big problem.

Edited by pokerspiv
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bag snaches,shootings,stabbings what's happening to Samui?

No different then what's happening in George Town,KL, Bangkok, Phnom Phen, Sydney, New York, Addis Ababa , Hong Kong Etc...Etc...Etc...

You may have actually just proven the opposite of what you hoped.

Those are major cities you name with major crime networks and a huge population center. For instance, NYC has 8.3 million people not including tourists.

It seems from news reports the amount of crime in Samui is as disproportionate as it has become frequent.

I suppose it will take a year or so before we see if tourists find a new destination.

The last time I was on samui I saw alot of Russian and Chinese tourists so maybe the island is still a better destination than their home country; however, for Western tourists, especially with families, I think they will start looking for more value when it comes to safety.

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bag snaches,shootings,stabbings what's happening to Samui?

No different then what's happening in George Town,KL, Bangkok, Phnom Phen, Sydney, New York, Addis Ababa , Hong Kong Etc...Etc...Etc...

None of those places mentioned (with the exception of Phnom Penh and Addis Ababa) have anywhere near the crime rate of Samui, which is one of the most dangerous places in South East Asia.

Why do you guys go to so much trouble to attempt to downplay the crime situation on Samui? Even the Thai government admits it is a big problem.

Sorry pokerspiv, but I must be living on a different Koh Samui to you.

Where do you get the info to justify your statement? Please let us know.

I can only go by what I see/hear direct from people and from personal experience.

I provide security to more than 50 villas. No armed guards or anything. Just a couple of security guards.

We have a lot of guests/owners/tourists staying in the villas. Over the last 14 years I can probably count on two hands the number of 'incidents'. Most items stolen from the villas are recovered. Not that there have been a lot. We usually know who the culprits are. I do not include alcohol fuelled incidents where guests 'loose' items. The FMP being the main one.

I never lock my truck and my bike is left outside on the steet - usually with the key in the ignition. Our windows are always open - unless we go away.

I have occasionally left my wallet/phone/keys in bars or restaurants - they have always been there when I go back.

I had a kayak stolen from a beach once - the BIB's got it back for me. No money asked for.

The biggest crime on the island (in my view) is the standard of driving. By both locals and foreigners. Driving here is an accident waiting to happen.

To be fair - I rarely go to Chaweng.

To answer your question - I do not downplay the crime situation here - I rarely see/hear of it.

A question for you - do you live on Samui? If you do and crime is a problem for you, please let us know where you are so that we can avoid that area.

Sorry - edited for spelling!

Well, nothing like actual first-hand experience. Thanks.

I have not had crime issues on Samui; however, I have had insane local kids make sport out of seeing how close they could come to hitting farangs at high speed on their motorbikes.

And I have had some challenges on Chaweng Beach in my pre-dawn runs by locals still drinking on the beach from the previous night.

I stay at 4-star hotels and they provide excellent security on the property and beachfront.


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bag snaches,shootings,stabbings what's happening to Samui?

No different then what's happening in George Town,KL, Bangkok, Phnom Phen, Sydney, New York, Addis Ababa , Hong Kong Etc...Etc...Etc...

None of those places mentioned (with the exception of Phnom Penh and Addis Ababa) have anywhere near the crime rate of Samui, which is one of the most dangerous places in South East Asia.

Why do you guys go to so much trouble to attempt to downplay the crime situation on Samui? Even the Thai government admits it is a big problem.

I never lock my truck and my bike is left outside on the steet - usually with the key in the ignition. Our windows are always open - unless we go away.

Then you are a crime scene waiting to happen. Also, do you realise that your insurance company won't pay out if you leave the keys in the ignition?

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bag snaches,shootings,stabbings what's happening to Samui?

No different then what's happening in George Town,KL, Bangkok, Phnom Phen, Sydney, New York, Addis Ababa , Hong Kong Etc...Etc...Etc...

A question for you - do you live on Samui? If you do and crime is a problem for you, please let us know where you are so that we can avoid that area.

Sorry - edited for spelling!

Yes, I do live on Samui.

I know of many women who will not drive on the ring road at night because they have previously been the victim of muggings/bikejackings.

There is a schizophrenic woman who roams the streets lamai, frequently with her face covered in blood after being severely beaten by locals.

I had a friend here on vacation last year who was shot in the leg by a Thai who tried to steal his girlfriend's bag.

One of my good friends has had his house burgled twice in the last 2 months (while wife and kids were sleeping there)

Violent homicides are extremely common for an island with as small a population as Samui.

There were so many shootings and stabbings at "Supersub" (the local nightclub in Lamai) that it was closed down permanently.

The police on the island are corrupt, most of them are drug dealers, and if the perpetrator of a crime is a friend of theirs they will not help you.

It's great that nothing has ever happened to you, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It sounds to you like you live in a well-to-do gated community, so of course the incidence of crime there is going to be lower than average. Leaving your car/bike on the street with the keys in it though? That's just idiotic.

Edited by pokerspiv
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bag snaches,shootings,stabbings what's happening to Samui?

No different then what's happening in George Town,KL, Bangkok, Phnom Phen, Sydney, New York, Addis Ababa , Hong Kong Etc...Etc...Etc...

None of those places mentioned (with the exception of Phnom Penh and Addis Ababa) have anywhere near the crime rate of Samui, which is one of the most dangerous places in South East Asia.

Why do you guys go to so much trouble to attempt to downplay the crime situation on Samui? Even the Thai government admits it is a big problem.

Sorry pokerspiv, but I must be living on a different Koh Samui to you.

Where do you get the info to justify your statement? Please let us know.

I can only go by what I see/hear direct from people and from personal experience.

I provide security to more than 50 villas. No armed guards or anything. Just a couple of security guards.

We have a lot of guests/owners/tourists staying in the villas. Over the last 14 years I can probably count on two hands the number of 'incidents'. Most items stolen from the villas are recovered. Not that there have been a lot. We usually know who the culprits are. I do not include alcohol fuelled incidents where guests 'loose' items. The FMP being the main one.

I never lock my truck and my bike is left outside on the steet - usually with the key in the ignition. Our windows are always open - unless we go away.

I have occasionally left my wallet/phone/keys in bars or restaurants - they have always been there when I go back.

I had a kayak stolen from a beach once - the BIB's got it back for me. No money asked for.

The biggest crime on the island (in my view) is the standard of driving. By both locals and foreigners. Driving here is an accident waiting to happen.

To be fair - I rarely go to Chaweng.

To answer your question - I do not downplay the crime situation here - I rarely see/hear of it.

A question for you - do you live on Samui? If you do and crime is a problem for you, please let us know where you are so that we can avoid that area.

Sorry - edited for spelling!

I left my windows open in the past but when i was burgled whilst i was asleep i learnt never to do that again.

Fact that someone was in the bungalow didn't bother the burglars one iota.whistling.gif

I really wouldn't advise anyone leaving windows open unless they have metal bars for extra security.

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Agree with Tropicalevo 100% (post 20....^ ) thumbsup.gif

I had better not say too much more the Mods with remove my comment facepalm.gif ....I tried that once already this week and it was removed!! ... I totally understand, why it was done!

What annoys me with some of these threads is that some people thing we are trying to defend Thailand, but it's not the case... it is a reality of living anywhere in the world... no different here.

Every one needs to be aware and cautious and use common sense.... often lacking with some.... blink.png

A majority of people living or visiting Thailand, do not have problems.... it comes down to attitude and how people treat other people (locals) in most cases... wink.png

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