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Do you keep Ex's phone numbers? I'm glad I did.


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OP, used to have all the telephone numbers and names in a little black book.

Unfortunately the wife, discovered it one day and started ringing them to find out who they are.

When I came back home, I found my suitcase next to the front gate and a note,

You go back to them and never come back to me.

It took me ages to convince her they were business associates.....don't think she believed me........but after promising a gold necklace ......she backed up.

Still haven't bought it.........and she's still asking for it.

You're a funny man Costas, always good for a laugh, sometimes. How in the hell did you missus get a B100.00 Loy Krathong boat out of you. It appears you're a typical Greek, suave and full of BS. Keep the funny stories coming, everyone needs a good laugh.

maybe he borrowed the 100 Baht off her in the first place whistling.gif

Black books and phones do not seem a good place to keep numbers. Prying eyes and all that when you sleep or shower.

Thank heavens for laptop computers and e-mails to keep them secret. And dual sim phones with different ringtones for different people too.

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I guess I'm real lucky have a good lady friend when the pipe needs lube just ring her she dose the deed then gone next morning till needed again. Even once sent a girlfriend over for a romp in the hay. But I do come when needed too for her. She knows I like to butterfly for perfect fit. And she also knows If she needs something I there for her none of this being jealous garbage.

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I guess I'm real lucky have a good lady friend when the pipe needs lube just ring her she dose the deed then gone next morning till needed again. Even once sent a girlfriend over for a romp in the hay. But I do come when needed too for her. She knows I like to butterfly for perfect fit. And she also knows If she needs something I there for her none of this being jealous garbage.

That sounds like a great scenario. The reciprocal bit where you go to her if she needs something sounds good to me too.

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OPs post makes me cringe....and shake my head

You are glad that if you return as a paying customer she welcomes you back with open arms?!?!?!!?!?!


and you consider paid encounters with prostitutes as ex flames!?!?!?!?

Im simply lost for words!

seriously, back home, do you consider a paid encounter as a flame?????

I doubt it!

What happens to men when they cross over the thai border!

I think the saying is 'farang leave their brains at swampy'

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