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Locals demand foundation for HIV/Aids people relocate


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I sadly recall the Oz family who were forced to move to NZ after their infant daughter was found to be HIV+. The cause was the same as in this case, total ignorance of how the condition is spread. This ignorance was heightened by the Oz government info ad featuring the Grim Reaper ten pin bowling and knocking down grannies and an infant, and this ads removal was forced by the AMA threatening to sue the government for false advertising.

I know of three farang men whose wives have died or suffered from HIV and eventual AIDS. They have lived in close contact and had unprotected intercourse without transmission. The chance of catching HIV from casual contact, even the sharing of food, is infinitesimally small if not non-existent. Don't believe me, ask your doctor.

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I sadly recall the Oz family who were forced to move to NZ after their infant daughter was found to be HIV+. The cause was the same as in this case, total ignorance of how the condition is spread. This ignorance was heightened by the Oz government info ad featuring the Grim Reaper ten pin bowling and knocking down grannies and an infant, and this ads removal was forced by the AMA threatening to sue the government for false advertising.

I know of three farang men whose wives have died or suffered from HIV and eventual AIDS. They have lived in close contact and had unprotected intercourse without transmission. The chance of catching HIV from casual contact, even the sharing of food, is infinitesimally small if not non-existent. Don't believe me, ask your doctor.

You didn't see this sentence: "Locals are accusing the Glory Hut Foundation of failing to follow proper sanitation". It could be either a wrong accusation. Or it could mean that used medical things (like needles and blood) are just lying on the trashing and on the street.

Without having more informations I wouldn't call them "total ignorance". It might be really some wrongdoing from the foundation.

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I sadly recall the Oz family who were forced to move to NZ after their infant daughter was found to be HIV+. The cause was the same as in this case, total ignorance of how the condition is spread. This ignorance was heightened by the Oz government info ad featuring the Grim Reaper ten pin bowling and knocking down grannies and an infant, and this ads removal was forced by the AMA threatening to sue the government for false advertising.

I know of three farang men whose wives have died or suffered from HIV and eventual AIDS. They have lived in close contact and had unprotected intercourse without transmission. The chance of catching HIV from casual contact, even the sharing of food, is infinitesimally small if not non-existent. Don't believe me, ask your doctor.

You didn't see this sentence: "Locals are accusing the Glory Hut Foundation of failing to follow proper sanitation". It could be either a wrong accusation. Or it could mean that used medical things (like needles and blood) are just lying on the trashing and on the street.

Without having more informations I wouldn't call them "total ignorance". It might be really some wrongdoing from the foundation.

Actually i did, and discounted it without some specifics and/or evidence. Those who know they have this condition are usually quite well informed of how it is transmitted. It is easy to make accusations of irresponsible acts of syringe disposal, I'll wait for proof.

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Maybe it would be a good idea if one or two people could actually go and have a look at the The Glory Hut's new site and report back on this forum. And explain to others what the Glory Hut Foundation has achieved in the few months since it relocated.

Edited by A. BOOZER
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Welcome to Thailand: the land where nothing works, nobody knows anything and nobody cares!

Disgusting how these "buddhists" don't care about people with a terminal disease, but do care about their silly little business...

It was a Buddhist Abbot who founded what (I think) was the first hospice for HIV/AIDS at a Wat near Suphan Buri. It was his compassion and care that helped overcome a lot of the stigmas associated with the disease. I know it's easy to bag religion, but it was Thai Buddhists who were the first to actually help while the state stood idly watching.

Well maybe the local Abbott in this town can sell amulets to ward off HIV/AIDS. It sounds like the populace has the right level of education to appreciate the benefits of lucky charms. Problem solved.

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The reaction of the hotel and some residents who would sign such a petition is of course horrendous. Equally the reaction of many people on TVF is equally ignorant showing it is not the sole domain of the villager but more widespread. One simpleton rants about the difference between HIV and full blown AIDS. He ignores the comment of one kind soul who visits the place and clearly states that the kids there are HIV positive and clearly do not have AIDS. People should stand up to all prejudice and ignorance. And people should try to help these children. HIV is no longer a death sentence and people on successful anti retroviral therapy will likely live as long as anyone else. Furthermore it is now widely accepted that HIV positive people on successful therapy, the great majority who take the drugs, are not infectious in any way. Give some money or some time. Just 500 baht of the former is enough for at least a months supply of drugs for those not on the excellent government schemes. The latter will show that you care and reject the stigma and prejudice that still exists in many societies.

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Do these people understand how you get HIV? I am pretty you don't get it from living in the same neighborhood


Likely not, and probably don't care.

Sad bunch of ignorant bigots.

I'm glad you said that and not me, the mods would have banned me for saying such a thing. But I agree with you 100%.

The village my girlfriend is from made a HIV+ woman move to the edge of the village and live in a shack. They more or less condemned her to die there, and everyone is OK with that. These people make me sick sometimes. It is appalling how ignorant they can be. Meanwhile, half of the village is riding on the backs of their daughters who turn tricks in Pattaya and Bangkok. Statistically, some of them will contract HIV too, and no doubt also shunned from the village. But don't worry, because grandma and grandpa are raising all their daughters kids, who in turn will also sell their body and keep the cycle going. Sad thing is, they are all too ignorant to even understand the cycle they are in.

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Do these people understand how you get HIV? I am pretty you don't get it from living in the same neighborhood

You do if ghosts of dead AIDS patients are wandering about the area.

That is how some Thais get HIV, from AIDS infected ghosts. I <deleted> you not, that was a story on the news once.

Though, as silly as such a thing is, it doesn't top their news sending a crew to investigate reports of people's heads exploding after getting a phone call from a certain number. They actually tried to find out if it was real or not.

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The inability of so many Thai to empathise and process any thought beyond immediate self gratification is one of the reasons I sold up and repatriated my money from Thailand two years ago. A ghastly self serving society.

I arranged for few thousand baht worth of food to be dropped off with Glory Hut yesterday. I expect to hear more about what's going on there later today.

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I arranged for few thousand baht worth of food to be dropped off with Glory Hut yesterday. I expect to hear more about what's going on there later today.

Well done Sir!

I am sure that your kind action will be much appreciated at the Glory Hut.

There are some individuals,business' and organizations, who I (purposely) won't name, in the area who have and continue to assist, in no mean way - long may they continue to do so!

What about some donations from other Thai Visa members?

Food stuffs, cleaning materials and day to day essentials are always needed. unwanted, but useable televisions, sound systems and the like can be used and appreciated, in fact anything (including monetary contributions) will help the people at The Glory Hut.

I found these details on the 'web', should anyone care to make use of them:

ชื่อบัญชี THE GLORY HUT FOUNDATION (http://www.gloryhutfoundation.or.th/)


Acct. 484-4-15735-6



ACCOUNT NO. 484-4-15735-6


The Glory Hut Foundation

27/5 Moo.3, Soi Chaiponvithee 29 , Nongprue, Banglamung, Chonburi, Thailand 20150

Tel: (66) 038 -730 498

Mobile phone number: 0896-068104

E-mail: [email protected]


I would just mention that I am in no way connected to The Glory Hut.

a. boozer

Edited by A. BOOZER
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As we are living here, personally think that each and every one of us expats (who is able to) should make a regular donation to a good cause in Thailand. Its quite hard to find the right charity, I did look at donating to a children's home in BK but was put off by the celebrity gala dinner stuff which went with it.

Thanks to this thread and the people on it I've found a couple of good causes to give to.

Here's the link for the Hospice btw


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