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Australians on death row file lawsuit against Indonesian President Joko Widodo


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Australians on death row file lawsuit against President Joko Widodo


JAKARTA: -- Lawyers representing two Australians on death row - Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran - on Monday filed a lawsuit against Indonesian President Joko Widodo for denying them clemency, The Jakarta Globe reported.

The lawsuit was submitted with the State Administrative Court, or PTUN. The legal team hoped the move would buy them more time with the Attorney General’s Office.

The lawyers have been asked to see the head of the Jakarta PTUN on Feb 24.

The lawsuit challenges Joko’s decision to issue two decrees, on Dec 30 last year and on Jan 17 this year, denying clemency for Sukumaran, 33, and Chan, 31, respectively despite arguments that the pair, who have been in prison in Bali since 2005, have reformed.

Todung Mulya Lubis, one of the lawyers, said Chan and Sukumaran had shown significant and positive changes throughout the 10 years they had spent in Denpasar’s Kerobokan Penitentiary. The pair are regarded as model inmates and hold regular classes to teach other inmates new skills.

Todung also questioned the plan to move Chan and Sukumaran from Kerobokan to the Nusakambangan island prison off Central Java — where five of the last six condemned inmates were gunned down on Jan. 18 — which was announced to the media but not to the convicts’ lawyers or families.

He said the lawyers had asked the attorney general not to move or execute them, pending the ongoing legal process.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/australians-death-row-file-lawsuit-president-joko-widodo

-- Thai PBS 2015-02-17

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Not that some of the "dead from the neck up' posters will agree but I hope this president is forced to change his barbaric stance.

These boys should be allowed to continue doing their good works and attempting to set other prisoners who will be set free on a better path. They are regarded as model inmates by many, this should take precedence 10 years after the initial crime was committed.

To show just how ridiculous the decision to execute is, just look at this miscarriage of justice handled by indonesian courts last year. Indonesia's red bull heir equivalent http://thejakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/news/ahmad-dhanis-son-walks-free-horror-car-crash/

The 13 year old driver killed 6 and was not punished at all. I certainly know who is more deserving of a bullet given the circumstances

You're confusing natural justice with the justice system : right vs wrong isnt the same as guilty vs not guilty, although the Red Bull heir wont have to worry about any of that.




(That business trip to Singapore would seem to be an indefinite engagement - hope the poor kid has access to decent Thai food. Must be hell for him. )

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Not that some of the "dead from the neck up' posters will agree but I hope this president is forced to change his barbaric stance.

These boys should be allowed to continue doing their good works and attempting to set other prisoners who will be set free on a better path. They are regarded as model inmates by many, this should take precedence 10 years after the initial crime was committed.

To show just how ridiculous the decision to execute is, just look at this miscarriage of justice handled by indonesian courts last year. Indonesia's red bull heir equivalent http://thejakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/news/ahmad-dhanis-son-walks-free-horror-car-crash/

The 13 year old driver killed 6 and was not punished at all. I certainly know who is more deserving of a bullet given the circumstances

You're confusing natural justice with the justice system : right vs wrong isnt the same as guilty vs not guilty, although the Red Bull heir wont have to worry about any of that.




(That business trip to Singapore would seem to be an indefinite engagement - hope the poor kid has access to decent Thai food. Must be hell for him. )

Being a human rights lawyer in Indonesia is not a healthy profession...


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Interfering in the internal works of a foreign government.wink.png

Who's interfering?

" Todung Mulya Lubis, one of the lawyers, ". I think he may be Indonesian. Even if the other lawyer is "foreign", he's representing the prisoners, not Australia. It's a domestic case.

It is interfering to the extent that in the Republic of Indonesia granting clemency by the President is a prerogative right that cannot be obstructed or challenged by anybody.

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Interfering in the internal works of a foreign government.wink.png

Do you mean the Bali Nine and others? Yes, they would have been interfering because drug smuggling is a protected activity in Indonesia, reserved for the military.

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Interfering in the internal works of a foreign government.wink.png

Who's interfering?

" Todung Mulya Lubis, one of the lawyers, ". I think he may be Indonesian. Even if the other lawyer is "foreign", he's representing the prisoners, not Australia. It's a domestic case.

I think he is talking about the AUSSIE Government.

And i agree, they should stay out of foreign governments policies.

They knew the law before they offended.

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Nobody should be doing drugs anyway ..... coffee1.gif

Drugs don't ruin your career Steve.....


Drug tests do......................w00t.gif

yes that was a poor attempt at a joke

before the knee jerk letters start

Edited by sanuk711
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No doubt this move will ensure the boys die painfully as the initial bullets are almost guaranteed to miss the mark now.

I wonder how many people would of died if the heroin the Bali 9 was carrying if it made it to the streets of Australia.

Don't know about 1st point.

The 2nd point, is a concern I have, that little or no thought has been given for those whose lives were affected or ruined by these guys, who had shipped drugs previously to AUS. Plus, the fact that they must have known the Indonesian laws for drug offenders/traffickers are severe, as is case in other Asian countries, and knowingly set about to try to flaunt the law & were caught.

Well said sir !

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While it is clear they are guilty Death is extreme. Once they are dead there is no suffering. The death penalty for whatever reason only appeases those that want vengence whether it is Society or the Victims.

On the other hand if you give them life without parole then they will suffer their entire life for the wrong they committed

So although death is a quick fix for society it is not a deterrent and is a sad state of affairs .

The guilty party does not suffer since they for a brief moment fear the death by whatever means is dealt to them. But once its done they are not suffering .

The death penalty is wrong The state can take a life but the citizens cannot How absurd

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No doubt this move will ensure the boys die painfully as the initial bullets are almost guaranteed to miss the mark now.

I wonder how many people would of died if the heroin the Bali 9 was carrying if it made it to the streets of Australia.

Don't know about 1st point.

The 2nd point, is a concern I have, that little or no thought has been given for those whose lives were affected or ruined by these guys, who had shipped drugs previously to AUS. Plus, the fact that they must have known the Indonesian laws for drug offenders/traffickers are severe, as is case in other Asian countries, and knowingly set about to try to flaunt the law & were caught.

Well said sir !

Yes, the penalty is well known. How about the penalty for the supply of explosives in a terrorist attack that kills 202 Australians? What should be done with the person with ultimate responsibility for that( not to mention the murder of the human rights lawyer who blew the whistle on the military's involevemnt in drug trafficking)?

Joko's response to that person was to appoint him as special adviser in his transition to power committee. Everyone knew about this matter as it had been disclosed in leaked US cables.

But gee...a couple of minor drug mules....same island, different outcome

I agree with you about this sir.

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There was no outcry from the Australian Government when Barlow and Chambers were hanged in Malaysia.

WHAT? has changed now.

They are not even Australian Natives, only have Aussie passports.

They did the crime so now they do the time( execution).

Getting caught saved hundreds of people from buying the SHIT they tried to smuggle into Australia.


What garbage.

The arrests of these two would have had absolutely no effect on anyone who wanted to buy drugs.

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Not that some of the "dead from the neck up' posters will agree but I hope this president is forced to change his barbaric stance.

These boys should be allowed to continue doing their good works and attempting to set other prisoners who will be set free on a better path. They are regarded as model inmates by many, this should take precedence 10 years after the initial crime was committed.

To show just how ridiculous the decision to execute is, just look at this miscarriage of justice handled by indonesian courts last year. Indonesia's red bull heir equivalent http://thejakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/news/ahmad-dhanis-son-walks-free-horror-car-crash/

The 13 year old driver killed 6 and was not punished at all. I certainly know who is more deserving of a bullet given the circumstances

You know, this would have been a good post if not for the opening sentence which immediately attacks anyone and everyone.

What is it with people that cannot say anything without first belittling someone else?

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