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From 3BB 13 mb To 3BB 15 mb


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Good afternoon,

last year i made a contract with 3bb for the Adsl at the speed of 13 mb / 1 mb for 900 thb a month

Now i am looking at the 3bb internet site and i see that the new package come with 15 mb / 1 mb for the same price.

So i will like to switch to that one . I was wondering if anyone here have do that before, and if you think there will be any difference.

Thank you

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and what was the actual speed you received in that year i seem to remember one poster upgrading only to receive less for his money

i am with TOT and every so often it goes down to crawling pace i complain get another 500 kb for about a month then it reverts to normal 1.5 mb

i think from what i read just not enough band width for an ever rapidly increasingly customer demand

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It's switched already. You don't have to do anything.

are you sure about this?

becouse in my bill i can still read 13 mb Adsl .

I tried jus now to do an internet test and the download spead is 15.16 mb look like they upgrade it already, but in my bill i still read 13 mb.

I will wait the next bill to see if that change


ps unfortunattly i cannot have the fiber in my condo at the moment

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I have just downgraded my 3bb package from 15mb to 10mb which i had before, reason being the 3bb has not been supplying what i was paying for. Far too many problems with them now, frequently ringing them about problems. the saying they will get someone to ring me back, sometimes they do !! and saying they will send an engineer to my house, never happened. Personally looking to change provider/

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I have just downgraded my 3bb package from 15mb to 10mb which i had before, reason being the 3bb has not been supplying what i was paying for. Far too many problems with them now, frequently ringing them about problems. the saying they will get someone to ring me back, sometimes they do !! and saying they will send an engineer to my house, never happened. Personally looking to change provider/

what provider would that be ? it's 3BBB or TRUE, and that's it. At least here in BKK, right ? Not really a "competition". No wonder they couldn't care less about actually providing what they charge for and claim to offer......

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