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Guest IT Manager

A new one has just hit the street called Farang Advertiser. I suspect it will make one or two locals have a long think. www.bahtsold.com


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Frankly I'd give Farang Magazine a pass.

It's strictly backpacker stuff. Painfully politically correct and only marginally literate.

Still, if you're a marginally literate, politically correct backpacker, well maybe.....

They are changing their focus, going more upmarket, and more articles for girls and expats.

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Thanks guys! Any idea about Big Chili and Time Out?

Oh yeah. Forgot about those.

'Big Chilli' is put out in a more-or-less one man effort by a guy named Colin Hastinings, a Brit and former Post employee who is a long-time resident. He does a damned good job without getting too slick about it so the mag has a slightly home-made look and feel. Still, it's probably got the best real reading of all the local mag's, that is if you don't mind a good deal of Brit bias in the topics covered.

'Thailand Timeout' is published by a Thai who spent a lot of time in the US. It's slicker than 'Big Chilli' with better photography, but I'd have to say that the pieces are sometimes a little on the bland side as befits a mag that is more for tourists. All in all, I'd say 'Big Chili' has better writing, better gossip, and is more focused on expats.

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Frankly I'd give Farang Magazine a pass.

It's strictly backpacker stuff. Painfully politically correct and only marginally literate.

Still, if you're a marginally literate, politically correct backpacker, well maybe.....

You know, I'm sure as ###### no backpacker and I'm not sure what constitutes political correctness but Farang Magazine is professionally published and written. It helps fills an information void that few have done including insufferable snobs such as "Old Asia Hand".

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Frankly I'd give Farang Magazine a pass.

It's strictly backpacker stuff. Painfully politically correct and only marginally literate.

Still, if you're a marginally literate, politically correct backpacker, well maybe.....

You know, I'm sure as ###### no backpacker and I'm not sure what constitutes political correctness but Farang Magazine is professionally published and written. It helps fills an information void that few have done including insufferable snobs such as "Old Asia Hand".

Is it the same mag?

There is 'Der Farang' in German, quite well written

Then Farang Magazine in English (?) which I use for cleaning the windows.

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Frankly I'd give Farang Magazine a pass.

It's strictly backpacker stuff. Painfully politically correct and only marginally literate.

Still, if you're a marginally literate, politically correct backpacker, well maybe.....

I'm still wondering how Farang Magazine is "painfully politically correct". By the way, you might try paper towels on your dirty windows since they cost less and you might not be motivated to read them.

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Guest IT Manager

Atticus if you are the publisher, say so.

I have only ever seen one copy of farang magazine and it seemed ok but I think it was slanted more towards a backpacker market, PC or otherwise.

Does it get distributed in Chiang Mai do you know?

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