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Thai Cabinet gives nod to increase garbage collection fee to 220 baht


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Cabinet gives nod to increase garbage collection fee to 220 baht


BANGKOK: -- The cabinet has approved in principle to raise garbage collection fees to 220 baht per month per household.

Government deputy spokesman Maj Gen Sansern Kaewkamnerd said however that the fee increase is necessary as the government has not sufficient budget to handle collection of huge amounts of garbages.

He said the government spent over 10 billion baht a year on collection of garbages while fees collected from households was less than 3 billion baht.

Average collection fees ranged from 20-40 baht a month or 23 baht per household, he said.

He said 23 million tons of garbages are generated each year or 60,000 tons per day.

But he asked the public not to panic over the skyrocketing jump in fee, saying more studies needed to be conducted before it is to be put in force.

It was merely an approval in principle, he said.

(Photo : Thai PBS File)

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/cabinet-gives-nod-to-increase-garbage-collection-fee-to-220-baht

-- Thai PBS 2015-06-17

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How about some transparency about where the extra 170 baht per collection will go first, then some education about recycling and reducing some packaging at source by taxing non recyclable packaging should help. All the while promoting biodegradable packaging so that the garbage pile will wilt moe by itself. Just a lot of work for lazy civil servants who's more than likely just wanna cream abit more from a topped up trough

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Great! Lets clean up this country. Driving through a flooded Bangkok today, seeing the amount of garbage floating around is disgraceful. People dump it wherever they can with no respect for their environment. Lets raise the fee to 1,000 baht a month and speed up the process.

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Great! Lets clean up this country. Driving through a flooded Bangkok today, seeing the amount of garbage floating around is disgraceful. People dump it wherever they can with no respect for their environment. Lets raise the fee to 1,000 baht a month and speed up the process.


Great idea.

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Great! Lets clean up this country. Driving through a flooded Bangkok today, seeing the amount of garbage floating around is disgraceful. People dump it wherever they can with no respect for their environment. Lets raise the fee to 1,000 baht a month and speed up the process.


Great idea.

The more it will cost the more garbage you'll find in the streets or on that vacant plot next to your house. That's a great idea.

I know in Europe it costs a household quite some money and effort to get rid of their garbage.

Look at Ang Thong where the Amphur takes resposability for their citizens and garbage as garbage is collected there every day at a rediculous low amount per week and maybe even free in some low budget parts of the town.

Big blue plastic drums on many street crossings where people can dump their trash without even having to buy the black bags. Way to go.

What that town's cost pattern is? Things will probably change there too, but till now, there is hardly any smell in the streets due to garbage in the streets being there about one week old like in Chiang Mai suburbs. Chiang Mai city is better organized I thought, but I have no recent info.

Whatever people think of 'you litter, you pay', I believe that it is also in the interest of public health that garbage is taken of the streets as quick as possible in hot climates. That is a task of government.

But since it will be hard to pay that cost from taxes................and many litterers don't pay taxes..........

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With the figures they gave...3 Billion collected and costs of 10 Billion then it seems a 100 baht fee would more than cover their costs so why the 220 baht fee?

Oh, I forgot the new pockets that need to be lined with tea money. Lots of Foretuners to be bought.

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Ferkin marvelous! I already have a bunch of cheap bastages putting their trash into my bin at night now! I suppose I have to go hire a skip as the rest of the village will look to the farang's bin now! sad.png

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But he asked the public not to panic over the skyrocketing jump in fee, saying more studies needed to be conducted before it is to be put in force.

Who are you trying to kid sunshine you have found a new cash cow and you are going to milk it dry.

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Collection? In Cha Am we have to lug our bags of rubbish a couple of hundred meters to a couple of (usually already full) plastic bins at the side of a busy street - and pay 200 baht a month per household to the soi "manager" for the privilege.

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In the area I stay I think the garbage collection service is excellent, but with the fee collections being so intermittent, and collection being so frequent, I have often wondered how they could remain viable.

It still doesn't stop people on bikes or in vehicles from using whatever part of the street they may be on from using that as their disposal point though (Bins are at the end of the streets, so any passer by is able to utilise them).

I'd be happy to pay several times more than they currently collect to keep some stuff off the streets.

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looks like more roadside trash is in the future for thailand....which will attract more dogs and then more car-dog accidents which then means more collision repair work for the collision shops and insurance rates will go up and people will just drive without insurances and................

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It's a shame - all they do with it burn it or dump it in the waterways as if there aren't waste-to-energy technologies feasible for all different sizes of communities since decades available- Thailand and Asia is drowning in garbage .

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With the figures they gave...3 Billion collected and costs of 10 Billion then it seems a 100 baht fee would more than cover their costs so why the 220 baht fee?

Oh, I forgot the new pockets that need to be lined with tea money. Lots of Foretuners to be bought.

I believe the 3 billion figure is just for collection. At some point the government is going to have to build some proper land fills that dont catch fire on a weekly basis, that could be where the extra is coming from.

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