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25,100 Thais died of strokes in 2014


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25,100 Thais died of strokes last year

BANGKOK, 2 November 2015 (NNT)-The Ministry of Public Health has revealed that as many as 25,100 Thais died from strokes last year.

Public Health Minister Dr. Piyasakon Sakolsattayatorn, stroke is the second major cause of death of people who are over 60 years old worldwide, with nearly 6 million people killed by strokes each year.

In Thailand, an average of three people die from hemorrhagic strokes every hour. The World Stroke Organization has raised global awareness of the deadly disease and how it can be prevented.

The Ministry of Public Health has included strokes among 11 priority diseases that require fast access to medical attention. Dr. Piyasokon stated patients must be taken to the hospital within four and half hours, to increase the chance of survival and lower the possibility of becoming handicapped.

Regional hospitals are expected to form a network that caters to patients soon after the stroke occurs, before sending them on to better equipped hospitals for further treatment.

People, who are 35 years old and above, are encouraged to have their health checked every year for any health issues, particularly high blood pressure and diabetes, that could potentially lead to strokes.

The Ministry of Public Health is also determined to promote a healthier lifestyle among people across the country in a bid to reduce the number of strokes occurring in the population.

-- NNT 2015-11-02 footer_n.gif

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The Ministry of Public Health is also determined to promote a healthier lifestyle among people across the country in a bid to reduce the number of strokes occurring in the population.

Why not start by educating people, particularly food stall operators, about how to reduce the use of sugar in cooking and how to prepare food with higher quality cooking oil? How about convincing people to stop buying those street vendor drinks that are basically pure sugar, and start promoting healthier drinks like ice tea without sugar and low-sugar waters flavored with fruit juice?

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"The Ministry of Public Health has revealed that as many as 25,100 Thais died from strokes last year."

With the amount of sugar and sodium (salt, fish sauce, MSG, etc.) in the diet, compounded with a total lack of exercise, it's a small wonder why there aren't more of these strokes. I see Thais riding their motorbikes from one food stall to another, only to get off to eat. How else can a pair of flip flops last for 3 years? Morbidly obese children can be seen riding their motorbikes to 7-11s and exiting the store with giant Slushies and bags of sodium laden snacks. The only question about the future health of Thais is: Which preventable disease will kill more, diabetes or strokes?

Edited by jaltsc
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The Ministry of Public Health is also determined to promote a healthier lifestyle among people across the country in a bid to reduce the number of strokes occurring in the population.

Why not start by educating people, particularly food stall operators, about how to reduce the use of sugar in cooking and how to prepare food with higher quality cooking oil? How about convincing people to stop buying those street vendor drinks that are basically pure sugar, and start promoting healthier drinks like ice tea without sugar and low-sugar waters flavored with fruit juice?

Even should a Thai not touch a grain of sugar, they would still carry high risk of a stroke and diabetes.

The sticky rice they consume becomes sugar in their system.

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"The Ministry of Public Health has revealed that as many as 25,100 Thais died from strokes last year."

With the amount of sugar and sodium (salt, fish sauce, MSG, etc.) in the diet, compounded with a total lack of exercise, it's a small wonder why there aren't more of these strokes. I see Thais riding their motorbikes from one food stall to another, only to get off to eat. How else can a pair of flip flops last for 3 years? Morbidly obese children can be seen riding their motorbikes to 7-11s and exiting the store with giant Slushies and bags of sodium laden snacks. The only question about the future health of Thais is: Which preventable disease will kill more, diabetes or strokes?

Your comment strikes a nerve! It is the maon reason i do not let my kids thai grandparents feed my kids. I have even better reasons why i refuse to leave my kids alone with them

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"The Ministry of Public Health has revealed that as many as 25,100 Thais died from strokes last year."

With the amount of sugar and sodium (salt, fish sauce, MSG, etc.) in the diet, compounded with a total lack of exercise, it's a small wonder why there aren't more of these strokes. I see Thais riding their motorbikes from one food stall to another, only to get off to eat. How else can a pair of flip flops last for 3 years? Morbidly obese children can be seen riding their motorbikes to 7-11s and exiting the store with giant Slushies and bags of sodium laden snacks. The only question about the future health of Thais is: Which preventable disease will kill more, diabetes or strokes?

And the rich pays tens of thousands to join some fitness club, driving to the clubs, instead of walking and taking public transportation.

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Stroke kills over 25,000 Thais of over 60 years yearly


BANGKOK: -- More than 25,000 Thais died from strokes last year, according to the Ministry of Public Health.

According to NNT, They were among six million people of ages over 60 worldwide who died from strokes annually.

Dr Piyasakon Sakolsattayatorn, the minister of Public Health, said stroke is the second major cause of death of people who are over 60 years old worldwide.

He said almost six million people killed by strokes each year.

He said in Thailand an average of three people die from hemorrhagic strokes every hour.

The World Stroke Organization has raised global awareness of the deadly disease and how it can be prevented.

As a result, the ministry has included strokes among 11 priority diseases that require fast access to medical attention, he said.

Patients must be taken to the hospital within four and half hours to lower the possibility of becoming handicapped, and to increase the chance of survival.

He said provincial hospitals are expected to form a network that caters to patients soon after the stroke occurs, before sending them on to better equipped hospitals for further treatment.

He also advised that people who are 35 years old and older have their health checked every year for any health issues, particularly high blood pressure and diabetes, that could potentially lead to strokes.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/stroke-kills-over-25000-thais-of-over-60-years-yearly

-- Thai PBS 2015-11-02

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Eat a low fat diet. Don't smoke, and only drink alcohol in moderation. Consume large quantities of fresh fruit, Thailand is great for this, also eat oats, nuts, garlic, vegetables. Aim for 10 hours of exercise a week - Cycling, running or fast walking. Watch the fat fall off, and then you can throw your viagra supply into the trash.

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"The Ministry of Public Health has revealed that as many as 25,100 Thais died from strokes last year."

With the amount of sugar and sodium (salt, fish sauce, MSG, etc.) in the diet, compounded with a total lack of exercise, it's a small wonder why there aren't more of these strokes. I see Thais riding their motorbikes from one food stall to another, only to get off to eat. How else can a pair of flip flops last for 3 years? Morbidly obese children can be seen riding their motorbikes to 7-11s and exiting the store with giant Slushies and bags of sodium laden snacks. The only question about the future health of Thais is: Which preventable disease will kill more, diabetes or strokes?

Thank you for your most ignorant comment about Thai parents.

I am sure that my mother in law would appreciate your comments.

Sadly though she cannot as she died on 11th October this year of diabetes mellitus, 3 weeks short of her 70th birthday

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Eat a low fat diet. Don't smoke, and only drink alcohol in moderation. Consume large quantities of fresh fruit, Thailand is great for this, also eat oats, nuts, garlic, vegetables. Aim for 10 hours of exercise a week - Cycling, running or fast walking. Watch the fat fall off, and then you can throw your viagra supply into the trash.

Wrong. Eat a low carbohydrates diet but rich in natural fats. Carbohydrates would be turned into sugar by your body.

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"The Ministry of Public Health has revealed that as many as 25,100 Thais died from strokes last year."

With the amount of sugar and sodium (salt, fish sauce, MSG, etc.) in the diet, compounded with a total lack of exercise, it's a small wonder why there aren't more of these strokes. I see Thais riding their motorbikes from one food stall to another, only to get off to eat. How else can a pair of flip flops last for 3 years? Morbidly obese children can be seen riding their motorbikes to 7-11s and exiting the store with giant Slushies and bags of sodium laden snacks. The only question about the future health of Thais is: Which preventable disease will kill more, diabetes or strokes?

Strokes (CVA's) do not just affect Thai people.


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"The Ministry of Public Health has revealed that as many as 25,100 Thais died from strokes last year."

With the amount of sugar and sodium (salt, fish sauce, MSG, etc.) in the diet, compounded with a total lack of exercise, it's a small wonder why there aren't more of these strokes. I see Thais riding their motorbikes from one food stall to another, only to get off to eat. How else can a pair of flip flops last for 3 years? Morbidly obese children can be seen riding their motorbikes to 7-11s and exiting the store with giant Slushies and bags of sodium laden snacks. The only question about the future health of Thais is: Which preventable disease will kill more, diabetes or strokes?

Using the word "stupid" in this context is Offensive.

Strokes (CVA's) do not just affect Thai people.


Not really. Just that Thais are addicted to the very high sugar content of sticky rice.

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The Ministry of Public Health is also determined to promote a healthier lifestyle among people across the country in a bid to reduce the number of strokes occurring in the population.

Why not start by educating people, particularly food stall operators, about how to reduce the use of sugar in cooking and how to prepare food with higher quality cooking oil? How about convincing people to stop buying those street vendor drinks that are basically pure sugar, and start promoting healthier drinks like ice tea without sugar and low-sugar waters flavored with fruit juice?

This might have been a good time to also educated them on the easily identifiable signs of a stroke, such as a drooping face, weakness in the arms, slurred drunken sounding speech, or confusion.

Never mind. I'm just a simple farang who doesn't understand. Probably best just give out the stats on a possibly preventable death with no other information. Let's keep ignoring the ambulances with the flashing lights too.

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It's a waste of time telling Thais to be safe, they will do their own thing no matter what the crazy farang say and that's fine

There's been warnings on cigarettes for decades now and I still smoke them occasionally when drinking , if I get cancer then I guess I deserve it

Same goes for Thais dying from a life of KFC I guess....

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Eat a low fat diet. Don't smoke, and only drink alcohol in moderation. Consume large quantities of fresh fruit, Thailand is great for this, also eat oats, nuts, garlic, vegetables. Aim for 10 hours of exercise a week - Cycling, running or fast walking. Watch the fat fall off, and then you can throw your viagra supply into the trash.

Wrong. Eat a low carbohydrates diet but rich in natural fats. Carbohydrates would be turned into sugar by your body.

Wrong, carbs are the body's fuel and fruit is the best way to take it on board. YES! FRUCTOSE is what I want. I cycle 300k a week, how the hell am I going to that without carbs? For sedentary people, just eat much less of everything, fat and carbs. Less fat + exercise is the key to health and a far reduced risk of stroke.

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"The Ministry of Public Health has revealed that as many as 25,100 Thais died from strokes last year."

With the amount of sugar and sodium (salt, fish sauce, MSG, etc.) in the diet, compounded with a total lack of exercise, it's a small wonder why there aren't more of these strokes. I see Thais riding their motorbikes from one food stall to another, only to get off to eat. How else can a pair of flip flops last for 3 years? Morbidly obese children can be seen riding their motorbikes to 7-11s and exiting the store with giant Slushies and bags of sodium laden snacks. The only question about the future health of Thais is: Which preventable disease will kill more, diabetes or strokes?

look on the label, fish sauce contains a massive 25% Salt (Sodium)

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Eat a low carbohydrates diet but rich in natural fats.

This seems to be the headline most seen in many

nutritional reviews and stories, now, couple that with

the recent WHO report about red meat and processed

meat, well whats left, can i start shopping for my own

coffin now.

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Eat a low fat diet. Don't smoke, and only drink alcohol in moderation. Consume large quantities of fresh fruit, Thailand is great for this, also eat oats, nuts, garlic, vegetables. Aim for 10 hours of exercise a week - Cycling, running or fast walking. Watch the fat fall off, and then you can throw your viagra supply into the trash.

Wrong. Eat a low carbohydrates diet but rich in natural fats. Carbohydrates would be turned into sugar by your body.

Unfortunately, anybody with high body-fat perscribed for Statins is disqualified to comment on 'a healthy lifestyle'...

Low Carbohydrate, High-Fat Diets for Endurance?


My Recommendations

For athletes and non-athletes, I recommend a diet that is high in the “good carbohydrates”: vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains and other seeds, with plant sources of fats such as nuts and oils. I think everyone should avoid or severely limit red meat and processed meats and fried foods. Sugar-added foods and drinks should be avoided except during prolonged, intense exercise. Not only will this diet help to protect your heart and blood vessels from arteriosclerosis, it should help you avoid excess weight which harms exercise performance. Storing extra fat in muscles and liver reduces the amount of sugar that can be stored and therefore harms performance. Loss of excess weight improves performance by helping you store extra sugar in your muscles and liver.

Edited by lgking
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I always try to remember this, but not sure it would be so memorable in Thai!

F - A - S - T

F- Face distorted or drooping

A- Arm(s)Ask the person to raise their arm(s) wave around; bend; spread them out if they cannot call ambulance

S- Speech - check for slurred speech - ask to repeat a simple sentences.

T- Tongue - tongue was added - stick out your tongue -

and Time - get medical treatment immediately - you have a 3 hour window

Any one of these signs is an alarm! GET MEDICAL HELP IMMEDIATELY
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These are world wide average numbers , Thailand seldomn does cause of death by physical exam method, at a medial facility staffed by compent people. They can not get the numbers right on traffic related deaths so I doubt this is any more accurate as far as Thai specific is concerened. Not being anti Thai, just being realistic about how inaccurate some of the info published can be that is given to the public as gospel of government personel. I have adopted this attitude toweard many newspapers and government spokesmen as I have survived past what some call advanced old age.

Probably a slow day at work for the good '' Doctor'' he saw a good looking news hound and does a little self PR, as well as lets the boss know he is on top of things in his department.

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