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Double entry tourist visa is gone. What is happening with teachers?


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I don't think there are any Anti Teachers here. But there are many Anti towards wandering minstrel bums who were useless back home who now teach here.

I'd like to think you're right, but it's not the impression I get from reading the thread. The "wandering minstrel bum" is a great phrase but isn't really borne out in reality.

This is yet another gripe about so many teachers and farang in general. They've traveled very little in Thailand, even less in Asia. They stumble around the school, walking cultural diplomatic disasters.

You see guys post up here on TV...I'm not going to wait THEM! It's not MY culture! Oh, really, well good luck with that...

I don't even condsider a foreigner a resident of Thailand until they've been here five years and teachers nearly ten bcz their exposure to Thai culture is nill.

Most teachers that have been here four year know absolutely nothing about this place. Of course, they will blather on as if they were born here.

It's funny what they've learned in three short years living in one place, working in a shitty job, busy with privates. But someone been here for two+ decades just another dummy.

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Just for the record and to all persons who do not have degrees:

If tomorrow the govt decided that only a degree in Education would be allowed into the classroom, I would fully understand and be done with it.

Because Thailand has worked teachers illegally and with caveat (contractors) it has given this rifftaff a sense of entitlement.


That would be a big problem for Thailand, as many Thai teachers do not have education degrees nor permanent teacher licenses. Shall we get rid of this 'rifftaff' as well?

Why would it be a problem? If they wanted all Thai in tomorrow and all foreigners out, it would happen regardless of bits of paper and especially where foreigners ate concerned.

Do I think any of this will happen? Lol, not really but I do see the floatsom getting pushed out. EP programs will need NES as well as others.

It's easy to see how it will go down? All based on your value.

JEEZUS H KRIST give it a rest, I already pled guilty. RIFFRAFF. Look on the qwerty mobile keyboard, see the R and T next to each other? Goooood, I thought you could. I created a typographic error. I maje a lot of them. Sorry its such a tribulation for so many of you. Geniuses.

alcohol and posting - not a good mix

Neither is brain damage but apparently hasn't stopped you. You're just trolling now...

What an asinine comment. It was like those really funny jokes - without being funny.

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Sounds like folks are going to have to get legal or go home. Good opportunity for the licensed teachers, I suppose.

And I suppose that you're one of them, right? thumbsup.gif

Not that you are, of course, but your remark makes you sound as though you're one of the illegal ones,.

I've got my Non-B visa and a work permit. I never worked on a tourist visa and never will. And I pay my taxes every year in February/March.

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Sounds like folks are going to have to get legal or go home. Good opportunity for the licensed teachers, I suppose.

And I suppose that you're one of them, right? thumbsup.gif


Absolutely photoshopped Could you send me a "copy", please? facepalm.gif

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Sounds like folks are going to have to get legal or go home. Good opportunity for the licensed teachers, I suppose.

And I suppose that you're one of them, right? thumbsup.gif


Absolutely photoshopped Could you send me a "copy", please? facepalm.gif

Heh. You probably know by well that I really don't care much about what the TV community thinks of me, this goes double for the TEFL teachers in this industry, and goes triple for the ones in Thailand.

Yes, I'm fully qualified to teach in two states in America (go go reciprocity!). Yes, I hold a masters of education. Yes, I'm still pursuing further advanced qualifications as well. No, I will not be sending those out here.

Not sure why one would have to prove anything, it's not as if becoming a qualified teacher is difficult. It's a year long course and a few exams. It was just something I decided to do once I had taught in Korea for two years...figured may as well get my papers done up right if I decided to go home and work in education, which is the case at this point in my life.

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Fingers crossed they are leaving, they are sad people who are generally illiterate, incompetent and.....a*se holes. How am I qualified to say that? Evidenced at several schools for my children, and talking to them. Rather embarrassingly for them actually!

Come on..you don't expect to get prime quality teachers in Thailand

..in the same way that I don't expect prime quality whaen I eat at a 30 baht restaurant.

..and what are the alternatives to farang teachers (however flawed)...Pinoys?laugh.png

This is the most likely outcome. Trained teachers as a bonus, and cheaper of course. Thailand will never get enough prime quality educators here, we all know that. Salaries are too low and professionalism is non-existent.

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The tourist visa is irrelevant for teachers as you can't work on a tourist visa. you need a Non B. Every teacher I know here has a Non B, I have never met a teacher on a tourist visa unless they are just beginning a contract and waiting on their Non B.

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It is impossible for the farang teaching industry to function without the double entry the way it currently operates

Given that most schools are using agencies and they like to give ridiculous 9-10 month contracts, many teachers are left hanging at the end of the year. They need time to cover until the new term starts, and then more time for the new school to process paperwork for the non B. The double entry tourist visa was essential for many people to cover gaps in work and to wait for paperwork to be processed.

I expect most schools simply won't be able to find anyone next year. There is going to be a serious shortage, since Thailand has the lowest wages in Asia, as well as the most ridiculous paperwork, licensing, and visas. Even Vietnam pays a lot more than Thailand now. Only people already established (girlfriend, wife, kids etc) here will stay.

Will this result in higher salaries for those that are legal? Knowing Thailand, probably not. They will instead funnel more money to agencies who will try to lure backpackers in to working for single term contracts.

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It is impossible for the farang teaching industry to function without the double entry the way it currently operates

Given that most schools are using agencies and they like to give ridiculous 9-10 month contracts, many teachers are left hanging at the end of the year. They need time to cover until the new term starts, and then more time for the new school to process paperwork for the non B. The double entry tourist visa was essential for many people to cover gaps in work and to wait for paperwork to be processed.

I expect most schools simply won't be able to find anyone next year. There is going to be a serious shortage, since Thailand has the lowest wages in Asia, as well as the most ridiculous paperwork, licensing, and visas. Even Vietnam pays a lot more than Thailand now. Only people already established (girlfriend, wife, kids etc) here will stay.

Will this result in higher salaries for those that are legal? Knowing Thailand, probably not. They will instead funnel more money to agencies who will try to lure backpackers in to working for single term contracts.

The longest gap between contracts would be about two months around March/April, and a single entry allows 2 months extendable by another month. So that 3 months should be plenty of time to organise a Non B.

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Every single teacher I know that has a college degree is on a 12 month contract. Only folks staying on 10 or 11 month contracts are those without degrees or noobies here.

Work illegally and you're more likely to get shat on. Sorry. The visa change is doing the same thing that changes in the edu visa did.

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It is impossible for the farang teaching industry to function without the double entry the way it currently operates

Given that most schools are using agencies and they like to give ridiculous 9-10 month contracts, many teachers are left hanging at the end of the year. They need time to cover until the new term starts, and then more time for the new school to process paperwork for the non B. The double entry tourist visa was essential for many people to cover gaps in work and to wait for paperwork to be processed.

I expect most schools simply won't be able to find anyone next year. There is going to be a serious shortage, since Thailand has the lowest wages in Asia, as well as the most ridiculous paperwork, licensing, and visas. Even Vietnam pays a lot more than Thailand now. Only people already established (girlfriend, wife, kids etc) here will stay.

Will this result in higher salaries for those that are legal? Knowing Thailand, probably not. They will instead funnel more money to agencies who will try to lure backpackers in to working for single term contracts.

The longest gap between contracts would be about two months around March/April, and a single entry allows 2 months extendable by another month. So that 3 months should be plenty of time to organise a Non B.

A month enough time a public school? Not likely, many schools are simply not on the ball at all about this stuff. Many don't even start their foreign teachers until June. Which is already 3 months.

There is no wiggle room at all, it will simply be unworkable except for schools that really have their shit together. Which most do not. People aren't gonna want to deal with the uncertainty and the danger. There is going to be a massive shortage next June. Schools scrambling everywhere to find people, wondering where everyone went.

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Every single teacher I know that has a college degree is on a 12 month contract. Only folks staying on 10 or 11 month contracts are those without degrees or noobies here.

Work illegally and you're more likely to get shat on. Sorry. The visa change is doing the same thing that changes in the edu visa did.

Many people with college degrees and temporary teaching licenses are not. I know people who are working legally, work permit plus temp license, but their contracts will run out in Feb and then they are on their own until the next term starts in May/June.

Double entry tourist visa is good for people that want to change jobs as well. Contract ends in Feb/Mar, you don't renew, so visa is finished. A single entry is cutting it too close to find a new job and get them to do the paperwork for a new Non B. Most schools are simply incompetent at this stuff. People are going to have serious visa issues next year.

The situation just isn't gonna be workable for many without DE TV. And yes, it affects mostly noobies, but that is what most people are. That is who government schools employ, most people don't want to stay 10 years at those places. These people are gonna have major headaches and are gonna leave. No one is gonna want to put up with it for the crap salaries here when you can make so much more in China or even Vietnam. Government schools are gonna face serious problems getting farang staff.

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Every single teacher I know that has a college degree is on a 12 month contract. Only folks staying on 10 or 11 month contracts are those without degrees or noobies here.

Work illegally and you're more likely to get shat on. Sorry. The visa change is doing the same thing that changes in the edu visa did.

Many people with college degrees and temporary teaching licenses are not. I know people who are working legally, work permit plus temp license, but their contracts will run out in Feb and then they are on their own until the next term starts in May/June.

Double entry tourist visa is good for people that want to change jobs as well. Contract ends in Feb/Mar, you don't renew, so visa is finished. A single entry is cutting it too close to find a new job and get them to do the paperwork for a new Non B. Most schools are simply incompetent at this stuff. People are going to have serious visa issues next year.

The situation just isn't gonna be workable for many without DE TV. And yes, it affects mostly noobies, but that is what most people are. That is who government schools employ, most people don't want to stay 10 years at those places. These people are gonna have major headaches and are gonna leave. No one is gonna want to put up with it for the crap salaries here when you can make so much more in China or even Vietnam. Government schools are gonna face serious problems getting farang staff.

Maybe this difficulty is what the government want. No foreign teachers means no influencing the students with their free thinking out of the box nonsense. ...........maybe !

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Every single teacher I know that has a college degree is on a 12 month contract. Only folks staying on 10 or 11 month contracts are those without degrees or noobies here.

Work illegally and you're more likely to get shat on. Sorry. The visa change is doing the same thing that changes in the edu visa did.

Many people with college degrees and temporary teaching licenses are not. I know people who are working legally, work permit plus temp license, but their contracts will run out in Feb and then they are on their own until the next term starts in May/June.

Double entry tourist visa is good for people that want to change jobs as well. Contract ends in Feb/Mar, you don't renew, so visa is finished. A single entry is cutting it too close to find a new job and get them to do the paperwork for a new Non B. Most schools are simply incompetent at this stuff. People are going to have serious visa issues next year.

The situation just isn't gonna be workable for many without DE TV. And yes, it affects mostly noobies, but that is what most people are. That is who government schools employ, most people don't want to stay 10 years at those places. These people are gonna have major headaches and are gonna leave. No one is gonna want to put up with it for the crap salaries here when you can make so much more in China or even Vietnam. Government schools are gonna face serious problems getting farang staff.

Oh I don't disagree here. I've long said that Thailand didn't offer enough benefits to fill their labor market with degreed teachers. They sure as shit don't offer enough to get fully licensed or masters degree holders. The powers that be, in my opinion, are making it that the majority of teachers will be from ASEAN nations, and only the higher paying, wealthier schools will have a farang teacher. At least legally anyways.

I know plenty of newbies here who were able to get decent jobs on 12 month contracts with school, hell I work with a fair number. It's in part due to timing but also due to not jumping on a job straight away.

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I don't think the situation will change much in the Bangkok Gov. EPs, having just done a short stint in 2. It's not unusual for the students to experience a change of teacher every 1-2 months. No problem for the school as they just call up the agency & tell them to send another 'Mexican'.

As said, these teachers come for a working holiday & can easily come with an METV from their home country. They'll be able to fulfil the financial requirement as most come with savings to supplement the meagre wages - one reason that there has been drastic wage deflation, in real terms, in the Gov, EP sector.

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