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12 Week Scan & Nuchal Screen


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Hi all

I am at present 9 weeks pregnant :D & am off on holiday to Thailand for 2 weeks soon (I fly on the start of my 11th week). As the window of opportunity for the Nuchal scan is so small (12 weeks +2 days till 13 weeks + 6 days) I want to have it done whilst on holiday, as I arrive back to the UK at the end of 13 weeks & it will possibly be too late by then. :D

Can anyone recommend a good hospital in either Khon Kaen or Koh Samui for this test as I really don't want to miss out on this.


Boo :o

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:D Congratulations. Don't know about the nuchal fold test anywhere you want it to be. If it is for Downs (and that's what I had mine for), the triple test is as good and may be more widely available. Once again Congratulations. Enjoy your pregnancy (I didn't) :o and enjoy the peace and quiet before babster arrives. :D:D
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My wife's at the "mother hospital" - when I pick her up I'll ask her. To be honest I don't know what test your speaking about.

I would recommend a good hospital - Ram Hospital, which is private and of course a relatively little expensive - I'd guess about 10-15 quid. I'm having dinner with a doctor friend at Sri Nakarin hosp. on Wednesday, I'll ask her for suggestions if you like.



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Bina, I assume you are talking about chorionic villus sampling? That is one test that I would not advise anyone to have, especially those for whom becoming pregnant in the first place is difficult. CVS is normally only done in UK when a scan has suggested a problem................. :o

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Bina, I am 31 so the chances of downs are reduced but as a diabetic, I am at a higher risk of birth defects. :o A nuchal Screen is done first to will see if that brings up any obvious problems & if yes, then an amnio will be the next option I suppose. But I am not thinking that far yet. Luckily I am a very pragmatic person so will worry about it if & when it happens. :D

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my sister in law died due to a very very very rare (statisticallly speaking) problem after an amniocentisis so many of us didnt do it even when over the recommended age (israel has 35 as age for govt insurance paid preg. checks that are more then the usual ones)

therefore most (not me) did the cv as the risk is really only to the fetus but as u said, for fertility prob. pregnancies, that could also be a prob.

here women also do several types of ultrasounds that women in the states for instance dont due (cost) unless they are on the problem list. in one area israel is very goood and that is anything to do with fertility/pregnancy (they want us to have lots of babies :o ) . i have three and the average for my age group is four.

as a diabetic yes u would be considered an 'at risk' pregnancy; watch your diet, etc but enjoy to the fullest. (if u were doing fertility treatments, are u carrying more then one? a friend of mine got two babies for the price of one, twice in a row!!! )

again congrats, take your vitamins folic and iron, and dont stress too much about the checks etc, i'm sure u will give birth to a large (as u are diabetic) bouncing baby !!!


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No treatments needed for us, my family are v fertile but I have had "a lot" of problems over the past few years, irregular periods due to pill injection (ladies don't ever do it) then stomach problems & finally the diabetes (diagnosed whilst having treatment for stomach problem.)

We were both tested & everything was considered normal for us both (hubby was even told he had "extra" swimmers :o ) but docs think that my body was coping with too much to concieve so the last few months, controlling diabetes, weight loss due to that & less stress has all contributed. I hope it isn't a multiple though as my maternal grandad is a twin but I supposed it would get it all out of the way :D

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I never had the test you are talking about, but if it is something a little out of the ordinary, perhaps you might be better off doing it as you pass through Bangkok. My OB at Samitevej hospital (Suk Soi 49) was Dr Pongsak and he was excellent - very friendly and very thorough. After having tests one day, he called me up within hours of the test to come back for more due to high sugar levels and for a while I was going every week for blood tests as he was concerned about pregnancy-onset diabetes (everything turned out to be fine tho). A lot of friends have had babies/used the women's clinic at Samitevej (incl using the same Dr as me) and all have had good experiences.

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:D Sorry to whoever said Sri Nakarin hospital. It is a pit and I woudn't take a dog there for treatment. I would agree never go past a hospital in an emergency but that place I would make an exception for. I have been misdiagnosed three times there, luckily not for anything serious. The bacterial problem at whatever hospital you mentioned would pale into insignificance beside Srinakarin. The last time I was there I saw used swabs all over the floors in public areas :D . I can understand this is a theatre or A+E dept, but in corridors? :o:D

I would go with the last suggestion - Samitivej. :D

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Sorry to whoever said Sri Nakarin hospital. It is a pit and I woudn't take a dog there for treatment. I would agree never go past a hospital in an emergency but that place I would make an exception for. I have been misdiagnosed three times there, luckily not for anything serious. The bacterial problem at whatever hospital you mentioned would pale into insignificance beside Srinakarin. The last time I was there I saw used swabs all over the floors in public areas . I can understand this is a theatre or A+E dept, but in corridors?

I would go with the last suggestion - Samitivej.

Are we talking about the same one - the university hospital in Khon Kaen?

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