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Women take to the streets of Cologne


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There is an easy solution to this issue of violent immigrant men in Germany. The government should issue either a hockey puck, or a baseball bat to every women, and give her a right to beat a man to a pulp, if he assaults her.

What are women supposed to do with a hockey puck?

Throw it and yell "puck you"

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I am sorry to say this is the start as I said before

The Muslims for their own good should leave Germany

Remember what happen to other groups that were unliked

The Germans will react as well as the rest of Europe

Do you believe the German mind has really change?

Not really, but I would give them a chance.

The combination of sexism with racism was already used by the by the Nazis some 80 years ago. Germans now have a chance to demonstrate that they don't fall for that kind of propaganda again. If they fail again, then Germany should be destroyed.

Germany Will be destroyed if it allows millions from an intolerant dangerous religion to flood its country. Not comparable to anything in the 20th century
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Imagine if European men treated muslim women this way ..

The silence of the 'liberals' and feminists towards the misogynistic Muslim culture currently invading Europe is deafening.

Guess 'machismo' is the issue here. There are machos both in Cristian and Muslim cultures. Here in Pattaya, one could also speak of a Farang invasion if the same measures would be applied that Westerners apply to Muslims.

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I am sorry to say this is the start as I said before

The Muslims for their own good should leave Germany

Remember what happen to other groups that were unliked

The Germans will react as well as the rest of Europe

Do you believe the German mind has really change?

Not really, but I would give them a chance.

The combination of sexism with racism was already used by the by the Nazis some 80 years ago. Germans now have a chance to demonstrate that they don't fall for that kind of propaganda again. If they fail again, then Germany should be destroyed.

Germany Will be destroyed if it allows millions from an intolerant dangerous religion to flood its country. Not comparable to anything in the 20th century

Germany and rest of Europe including Russia know how to kill and will do it again this time the Muslims will suffer

They should go back while they can get out or they will be in camps

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This article is different view from News head line in France

French news prefer to focus on german far right rally..

"Merkel out!", Turned manifestation of the extreme right in Cologne


most french news outfits have heavy socialist leanings - they are now scared shitless because French Front National scored nearly 40% in the last regional vote, but was barred from accessing any seats due to all other parties conniving to deny representation to 40% of voters.

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I am sorry to say this is the start as I said before

The Muslims for their own good should leave Germany

Remember what happen to other groups that were unliked

The Germans will react as well as the rest of Europe

Do you believe the German mind has really change?

Not really, but I would give them a chance.

The combination of sexism with racism was already used by the by the Nazis some 80 years ago. Germans now have a chance to demonstrate that they don't fall for that kind of propaganda again. If they fail again, then Germany should be destroyed.

Germany Will be destroyed if it allows millions from an intolerant dangerous religion to flood its country. Not comparable to anything in the 20th century

Germany and rest of Europe including Russia know how to kill and will do it again this time the Muslims will suffer

They should go back while they can get out or they will be in camps

You might be right, I usually don't advice Muslims to rely on the current welcome culture in Germany.

It's not that easy, though. Most of the refugees cannot go back as long as there's war in their home countries. On the other side, Europe (excluding Russia) needs natural resources from these countries.So, the only way for both cultures to survive is an end to war and negotiations about further terms of trade.

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The women in the pic demonstrate against sexism *and racism*, in accordance with many Muslims in Germany.

They also protest against the part of the public opinion that exploits the incidents in Cologne for refugee & immigrant bashing. Please keep that in mind.

Exactly.I saw an interview with some of those demonstrators and all of them basically said "although what happened on New years eve was terrible we must not forget that this is not representative of the vast majority of immigrants and that most cases of sexual violence happens in a relationship " coffee1.gif ...................................

Useless and nothing learned !!

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Amazing ! Hockey puck ? A hockey stick I can imagine is as lethal as a baseball bat. But a Puck? Puck or baseball projected accurately has potential for damage. But to project it with accuracy takes more than random talent surely ?

Why advocate a violent solution?

Why not INSIST/DEMAND the law gives precedence for victims and publically condemns the violation.

Few realize that although "law" is deemed equal it is not often equally applied. And so it is that one gender superiority almost globally is biased.

But because of the current focus on a certain group this issue has provoked righteous outrage.

Is that outrage actually applied to the equivalent offenders who are not members of the focus ? Either by jurusdiction or social opinion?


I am stating nothing that justifies the original issue of this topic.

What I am trying to suggest is some introspective consideration very pertinent to TVF members. Too many come here to laugh about how "cheap and easy" women are in Thailand. Try and move that perspective back to your places of origin and see if the "outrage" is misplaced or not!

Individuals undergoing culture shift can easily ignore what is not to their advantage if they only want the advantage they did not have before !

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Amazing ! Hockey puck ? A hockey stick I can imagine is as lethal as a baseball bat. But a Puck? Puck or baseball projected accurately has potential for damage. But to project it with accuracy takes more than random talent surely ?

Why advocate a violent solution?

Why not INSIST/DEMAND the law gives precedence for victims and publically condemns the violation.

Few realize that although "law" is deemed equal it is not often equally applied. And so it is that one gender superiority almost globally is biased.

But because of the current focus on a certain group this issue has provoked righteous outrage.

Is that outrage actually applied to the equivalent offenders who are not members of the focus ? Either by jurusdiction or social opinion?


I am stating nothing that justifies the original issue of this topic.

What I am trying to suggest is some introspective consideration very pertinent to TVF members. Too many come here to laugh about how "cheap and easy" women are in Thailand. Try and move that perspective back to your places of origin and see if the "outrage" is misplaced or not!

Individuals undergoing culture shift can easily ignore what is not to their advantage if they only want the advantage they did not have before or could not obtain !

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