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Tot Ipstar Support Website


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I have been using the TOT IPStar since October 5 of this year. I live in the remote North East part of the country not near any decent sized city.

The service I am paying for is 1024/512 at 2600 baht a month and thought I would see if others are running into the same issues that I have. I know there are other postings with a lot of suggestions about settings and set up but find it strange that you need to get information from a web board rather than from the company.

When they installed the dish and modem it was completed and plugged into my network slot on the back of the computer and a modem now sits nearby. I have absolutely no idea of anything about settings or setup except to say that there is now a Lan installed and I do seem to access the internet very well at times with this connection reaching download speeds of near the advertised rate and other times it is much less, with the upload speed never even getting close to the 512 they sold me. Most of the time that speed is anywhere from 17 to 200 seldom getting over that.

They left no documentation or instructions of any kind except for a telephone number pinned to the modem. When we try to call the number it is busy most of the time and for sure is not for my use since the people talk Thai so my wife has to interpret and of course she understands very little of what I am asking her to find out and therefore cannot effectively relay any requests that I have.

Right now as of today my email refuses to send any email at all even though receive works just fine, when it has been working just fine until this morning. I am using Outlook and I am aware of another thread on TV that talks about all the possible settings for the modem relating to SMTP location. I have tried every combination that I can imagine, and done so with firewall disabled and virus software disabled with no change in the capability to send email. Thank goodness for Gmail.

In addition to the outgoing mail failure there is a quality issue with the downloads and most of the time they have to be done over and over again and finally you will get a file comleted that is not corrupt.

What I am getting at with this post is to see if anyone knows of a website or support site for TOT that has any clues for setting up a computer and in fact perhaps even some ability to get at the modem that they left here for settings. I have searched the TOT website at http://www.tot.co.th/content/index.php?lang=EN with no sucess at all and am hoping that there is some advice someone can give on solutions to the support issue. If that is not in the cards then I am hoping that someone got some setup and installation instructions when they were installed.

Overall the Tot service is satisfactory but by no means meets even close to what was sold and will have to be paid for. That is a seperate issue however, since no where in the literature I was given to read did they talk about support for setup and documentation.

Help Please.

Edit here. I should also mention that even with the IPStar running and email not working, if I dial up my Cellphone GPRS connection and do s send email it works just fine, with absolutely no changes to the settings that have been working for the past two weeks on IPStar????????????

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Find out the IP Address of the IPStar box. (ipconfig /all typed into a command prompt will do that if you didn't know)

Open your browser (IE..... nearly always has to be IE) type in a manual address of http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/webgateway.cgi (the x's being the IP address of the box)

Click the 'Network' tab (that's from memory, it's the second tab) when asked to log-in, leave the user name as 'admin' and type the password 'operator'...... disable Netgain and Multicast, apply the settings, reset the box and try it again, that should work.

//edit/ forgot 8080

Edited by Thaddeus
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Find out the IP Address of the IPStar box. (ipconfig /all typed into a command prompt will do that if you didn't know)

Open your browser (IE..... nearly always has to be IE) type in a manual address of http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/webgateway.cgi (the x's being the IP address of the box)

Click the 'Network' tab (that's from memory, it's the second tab) when asked to log-in, leave the user name as 'admin' and type the password 'operator'...... disable Netgain and Multicast, apply the settings, reset the box and try it again, that should work.

//edit/ forgot 8080


Thank you for the help. I tried the above and when I try to access the IP followed by the webgateway.cgi command IE (and Firefox as well) cannot find the page.

Not sure what the next step is but I did try the email send again this morning and had same results so leaving the Lan network plugged in I dialed my Bluetooth, GPRS connection and did a send email again from Outlook and it worked just fine.

Sure wish TOT had a support web site for the IPStar.

Thanks again Thaddeus

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My fault...... it's http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/webgateway.cgi?

You need the ? on the end :o

Thank you one more time Thaddeus.

I tried the ? as you suggest and am still getting a cannot locate message in the browser. I also get the same when I try to access the TOT website and suspect the two issues are related so will try again later when the TOT link is again working.


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Make sure that you outbound mail server is set to mail.ipstar.tot.co.th or subscribe to another mail service. Keep us posted.


Thanks for your help and know that it makes things better just knowing there is someone to talke to and both you and Thaddeus give me a level of comfort.

First let me say that the outbound mail server setting that I have been using smtp-adsl.totonline.net has been working just fine for the last two weeks until yesterday. Now all mail I try to send doesn't leave the computer. When I do a Test Settings with this server it returns a message that says: The specified server was found but there was no response from the server. Please verify that the port SSL information is correct. To access the settings close this dialog , then click more settings which tells me that POP3 is 110 and SMTP is 25

I tried the settings you suggest above and it fails again to send mail, and I get this message:

Find outgoing server (SMTP): Outlook could not connect to the outgoing mail server (SMTP). The problem could be the server name or port, or your server man not support SSL. Verify your port and SSL settings in the more settings under advanced. Again the POP3 =110 and the SMTP=25 are the results.

If I leave the settings as I originally had them smtp-adsl-totonline.net and leave the network running but additionally dial in with GPRS and cell phone and do a send mail it works just fine.

I am baffeled since the settings do work but do not work when it is the IPStar Lan providing the access and all of a sudden at that. It did work just fine for more than two weeks.

Again, Thanks for the advice.

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Make sure that you outbound mail server is set to mail.ipstar.tot.co.th or subscribe to another mail service. Keep us posted.


I tried every smtp address I could think of over the past many hours. When I logged on this morning the problem was still there. I tried one last time to change the smtp and changed it to smtp.totonline.net and I am now able to send email. I do not know if Tot made some changes or not at the same time as I made my change but for now at least it is working properly.

I did run into a very interesting IPStar support site that you and others may find interesting as well. Take a look at http://ut.support.ipstar.com/download.php I first ran into it at the forum link and did register there before being able to access the details. It looks like the site that Shiin uses to train their customer support techs. Lots of good stuff there for sure.

Thanks again guys for the help.

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I actually find that when something is temporarily not working, I have a tendency to repair it even though it is not broken and then when the services resumes, it is actually broken.

Thanks for the link, will have to take a look and then decide if I will again do a free ipstar support site as I had in the past for CSLoxinfo. Anyone interested in helping out? George? any other others?

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I actually find that when something is temporarily not working, I have a tendency to repair it even though it is not broken and then when the services resumes, it is actually broken.

Thanks for the link, will have to take a look and then decide if I will again do a free ipstar support site as I had in the past for CSLoxinfo. Anyone interested in helping out? George? any other others?

Mouse, Support site is for sure needed for IPStar and would love to see TOT take ownership for it but if they won't own up to their responsibility it is still needed. I did find this site, and registered for it but even after going through the email verification I cannot login to the site. It is new so growing pains are evident.

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I have the same problems with my e-mail via IPStar. It comes and goes for what appears to be no particular reason. Very annoying to say the least. The settings seem to have nothing to do with it.

This has to be TOT Ipstar related. The problem is back again for the past few days and is exactly the same. The hard to understan part of the problem is that by leaving everything set as is, with IPStar Lan running, I add another connection to GPRS cell phone and the mail is sent without a problem and never a failure. Something just does not compute..

Still looking for anyone that knows of a support line for TOT Internet service. I am not able to find any kind of link. Help if you can.

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Here are 2 contacts numbers for TOT IPSTAR HELPDESK

02 575 9607

02 575 9585

However I do not think they work evenings or weekends!

So if you are going to have a problem, try and have the problem during working hours! TIT

I have used them before when had problems with outgoing mail server.

The outgoing server that I am currently using is :


Edited by croftrobin
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Here are 2 contacts numbers for TOT IPSTAR HELPDESK

02 575 9607

02 575 9585

However I do not think they work evenings or weekends!

So if you are going to have a problem, try and have the problem during working hours! TIT

I have used them before when had problems with outgoing mail server.

The outgoing server that I am currently using is :


Thanks Croftrobin... It is amazing to me but changing to the same smtp server you suggested as your current fixed the problem Awesome and unbelievable since I have tried many, many servers over the past 3 days with no luck. First try this server worked.

I will keep the phone numers tacked to my computer and hope never to need to use them.



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