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New Zealand begins final vote on whether to change its flag


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New Zealand begins final vote on whether to change its flag
NICK PERRY, Associated Press

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — New Zealanders began voting Thursday on whether to change their flag from a design which features the British Union Jack to one which features a native silver fern.

The postal ballot will extend over the next three weeks, with preliminary results to be announced March 24.

Organizers say that deciding the issue by popular vote represents a world first, and that other countries have changed flags by revolution, decree or legislation.

Opinion polls indicate the nation of 4.7 million people will opt to stick with its current flag, although proponents of the new design say they have momentum on their side and that more and more people are embracing a change.

Those favoring change say the current flag is too similar to Australia's and references a colonial past that it's time to leave behind.

Those opposed to change say the new design is uninspiring or is an attempt by Prime Minister John Key to create a legacy. One group seeking to keep the status quo is the Returned and Services Association, which represents war veterans.

The process of choosing a potential new flag has been long and sometimes amusing. People submitted more than 10,000 designs, including bizarre ones like a kiwi bird shooting a green laser beam from its eye and a stick drawing of a deranged cat.

A December popular vote saw a flag by architectural designer Kyle Lockwood become the official challenger. Like the current flag, it features four red stars representing the Southern Cross, but replaces the Union Jack with a fern and changes the background colors.

Prime Minister Key told Radio New Zealand this week that people had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to vote for a new flag.

"If they don't vote for change now, they'll never get another chance until we become a republic," he said, adding that he could not see that happening within his lifetime because of the popularity of the young British royals.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-03

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Time to ditch the 'Butcher's Apron'. thumbsup.gif

I think a few of the real Kiwi's who fought under the NZ flag would disagree with that, can combine the two, show some respect for the people who died in two World Wars, not on behalf of Uk, but on behalf of world freedom.

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Time to ditch the 'Butcher's Apron'. thumbsup.gif

I think a few of the real Kiwi's who fought under the NZ flag would disagree with that, can combine the two, show some respect for the people who died in two World Wars, not on behalf of Uk, but on behalf of world freedom.

What bullshit. Who cares about England and the Union Jack. That all stopped when the UK joined the EUC (or whatever it's called). We need our own flag and not anything to do with the UK. Cut loose. The Silver Fern is how we are known to ourselves. Not some bastardized English remnant of the 1930's. Jeeez.

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I agree with commogwinto a LOT of people died for their country men's freedom.

I hope they NEVER change the Australian flag.

If the Republicans try all hell will break lose.

My Grandfather and Father fought for our country.

I can not see how a flag change is warranted.

We are our own country.

This is the AUSTRALIAN flag NOT the BRITISH flag.

Who cares if the SMALL Union Jack appears on it.

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Time to ditch the 'Butcher's Apron'. thumbsup.gif

I think a few of the real Kiwi's who fought under the NZ flag would disagree with that, can combine the two, show some respect for the people who died in two World Wars, not on behalf of Uk, but on behalf of world freedom.

What bullshit. Who cares about England and the Union Jack. That all stopped when the UK joined the EUC (or whatever it's called). We need our own flag and not anything to do with the UK. Cut loose. The Silver Fern is how we are known to ourselves. Not some bastardized English remnant of the 1930's. Jeeez.

Suit yourself, but I have no desire to have a trademark on the flag. The koru is just as relevant.

Anyway, the whole project has been a debacle, and is definitely not democratic. Everyone I know is voting no just on principle.

Handled properly, asking the citizens if they wanted a change first, and then having a competition to select the best flag, would have seen a new flag being a shoo in.

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two World Wars, not on behalf of Uk, but on behalf of world freedom.

...and you still believe the two world wars were about world freedom?

Well, world or not, the second war saved me from being a German slave, and NZ from being a Japanese property. Neither of which was a happy outcome.

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Time to ditch the 'Butcher's Apron'. thumbsup.gif

I think a few of the real Kiwi's who fought under the NZ flag would disagree with that, can combine the two, show some respect for the people who died in two World Wars, not on behalf of Uk, but on behalf of world freedom.

No, I'm not saying become a republic or even leave the Commonwealth, but have a flag of your own without ties to John Bull. I have the greatest respect for the fallen of both wars, especially the Great War.

402.gif This years marks the centenary of the Somme. 402.gif

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I say "Who cares !". It,s only a flag, and the really important relationship will always stand. There was, is, and always will be an unwritten agreement that unites the United Kingdom, America, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Call it the Caucasian Brotherhood or whatever, but it is there :)

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The Union Jack simply says where the basis of Government came from, The blue is the vastness of the Ocean. The Four Stars are where We sit under the heavens and hope for the future. My Grandfather and his Brothers served NZ WW1 with My great Uncle wounded with Wellington Battalion Gallipoli and then killed later a Ypres. My Father fought WW2 NZ Division. Over 30,000 died for their Country. In 2 word wars. Their names written in blood on Our flag. Those who scream for freedom from Our so called colonial past should think of their sacrifice . As to Our current MP,s claim it is too often mixed with the Australian flag. We have used Our flag in One form or another since 1869 like Australia not formally adopting until March 24 1902. How you can confuse our flag 4 stars and Australia's 6 stars. I will be voting for the status quo as do my family. As to the Republicans the current system allows for a Governor General to be picked from the General Public who is of Good Standing. This has allowed us Maori, Euro descent and Indian among many others. A Republic will mostly be a Rich White and the bs that is US Politics

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Time to ditch the 'Butcher's Apron'. thumbsup.gif

I think a few of the real Kiwi's who fought under the NZ flag would disagree with that, can combine the two, show some respect for the people who died in two World Wars, not on behalf of Uk, but on behalf of world freedom.

What bullshit. Who cares about England and the Union Jack. That all stopped when the UK joined the EUC (or whatever it's called). We need our own flag and not anything to do with the UK. Cut loose. The Silver Fern is how we are known to ourselves. Not some bastardized English remnant of the 1930's. Jeeez.

Best you give all the land and laws back to the real indigenous people of New Zealand the Maoris,that would really be ditching the bastardised English remnant.

I trust you agree ?

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I am only a pretend Kiwi, a Brit who lived and worked in wonderful NZ for a number of years.

I an sure my Kiwi friends and colleagues will make a wise decision concerning their National Flag.

There are, of course pro's and con's associated with any change and I understand the desire of those who want a flag that represents the true nature of their country.

I will be sad if the Union Jack disappears from the flag because it does not represent, at least to me , "colonialism" but rather a long standing relationship which has stood the test of time and represents a true and continued friendship.

Whatever is decided I will support and welcome.

Edited by sunnyjim5
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Time to ditch the 'Butcher's Apron'. thumbsup.gif

I think a few of the real Kiwi's who fought under the NZ flag would disagree with that, can combine the two, show some respect for the people who died in two World Wars, not on behalf of Uk, but on behalf of world freedom.

What bullshit. Who cares about England and the Union Jack. That all stopped when the UK joined the EUC (or whatever it's called). We need our own flag and not anything to do with the UK. Cut loose. The Silver Fern is how we are known to ourselves. Not some bastardized English remnant of the 1930's. Jeeez.

i care. i am proud of where we came from. taking the union jack off our flag is as flaky as a child divorcing its parents. the flag is not going to change, and we just pissed 26 million away in the process.

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I am only a pretend Kiwi, a Brit who lived and worked in wonderful NZ for a number of years.

I an sure my Kiwi friends and colleagues will make a wise decision concerning their National Flag.

There are, of course pro's and con's associated with any change and I understand the desire of those who want a flag that represents the true nature of their country.

I will be sad if the Union Jack disappears from the flag because it does not represent, at least to me , "colonialism" but rather a long standing relationship which has stood the test of time and represents a true and continued friendship.

Whatever is decided I will support and welcome.

nz is part of the greatest club in the world. the commonwealth. we gain a lot from it and loose nothing. i am proud to be from British descent. god save the queen.

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Fifty years ago that happy little land called Canada decided to change their flag from the Dominion red ensign to the Maple Leaf flag.

Canadians had as much love for mummy as all other dominions & colonies who had sent men to fight and die for her.

If the majority of the population of New Zealand, and for that matter, Australia, want to change their flag, so be it. London will still function.

Interestingly enough, the U.S. state of Hawaii still has the Union flag on it's own state flag.


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