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Chinese Vs Thai Culture


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IMO Thai girls tend to display the general cultural traits of Thailand, whereas Chinese girls IMHO seem to be more "chinesey" in their cultural makeup.

On a similar topic, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how long a peice of string is? (just roughly is fine)



Edited by ashacat
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i was just wondering this too... having met a half thai half chinese guy who insists he doesn't like thais. i figure the chinese have a superority complex over the thais? they do seem very business minded though, as opposed to a lot of thais who are more relaxed.

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Yes, there are a few "cultural differences". Indeed!

About 80% of all business ventures are (directly, or indirectly) are owned/controlled by chinese or descendents of chinese immigrants in Thailand. Ergo: Very business minded, and successful at what they do! (This is a worldwide phenomenon as far as chinese are concerned.)

No, there is no such thing as a "may pen rai" live philosophie among the chinese.

Conclusion (and returning to the OP's questioning): While it is sufficient to establish a longer term relationship with a Thai-Lady based on the fact that a male is a "Farang", this will hardly be possible with a chinese lady. A prospective family member will be scrutinized and checked-out thouroughly beforehand (by her and the familiy itself). A true "background-check" will be conducted!

In other words: The "Farang" has to be "somebody"!

The ability of the "Farang" to buy an Airplane-Ticket to Thailand and stay in a cheap hotel for a limited period of time, would not qualify him as a welcome member of the chinese family.


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can anyone tell me what differances there are between thai girls and chinese girls culture wise?

:o You couldn't have asked a more complex question.

Do you mean Thai girls and Thai/Chinese girls, or Thai and China girls ?


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I was married to a Thai woman born of 100% Chinese parents who emigrated from China after 1949. Born and raised here, she didn't think a whole lot of Thais, sad to say. Very different outlook from other Thai woman I have known, including present wife.

Say Swissie, you wouldn't have any kind of chip on your shoulder now would you?

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In Thailand most girls (and guys for that matter) can trace their family history back to Chinese immigrants (from where most Thai's originate from in any case - all beit in alot of cases it go's back thousands of years).

But if you ask the first 1st and 2nd generation Chinese and Thai/Chinese girls that live here if they consider themselves Chinese or Thai they will invaribly reply Thai, even if they are quick to add a note about their Chinese heritage.

Buy and large they tend to be a little more conservative then those who lost their Chinese heritage years back, as do those Thai/Chinese familys. They also tend to do a little better academically - and its a fact that the ethnic Chinese minorty in Thailand are the most successful economically.

But other than that - nope, I wouldn't know one from the other talking to them - girls are girls: a product of their enviroment.


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Chinese girls can usually make a decent cuppa tea...

The ones I've known - Thai/Chinese - couldn't even make an ommelette.

Thinking about times that I spent in Honkers and Keelung,Taiwan..then called Formosa.

The old General-ismo S.K.C was still knocking about then.

Throwback from the days of the M-pire..wot :D:o ...spot of tiffin me thinks...ra...therrrrr. :D

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