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Ipstar Problem Accessing A Site


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I have ipStar satellite internet and have been using it for quite some time. Here is the current problem --

There is one particular web site that I need to be able to access - www.fxcm.com . Starting about 3 weeks ago periodically the site is unreachable for hours at a time. During this time when it is unreachable via ipStar you can access it fine using a proxy or any other isp within Thailand. I first was suspicious that the site was somehow mistakenly being 'blocked' therefore the proxy access would work but direct access would not. However, not the case, when inaccessable via ipStar it is always accessable via any other isp, checked several times with buddies. (Cannot simply use the proxy access to get around the problem since there is other auxilary software which needs to access the site).

ipStar acknowledges the problem and have been working on it for about 10 days. The first time I called they said the problem had already been reported to them and had something to do with the inability to resolve a DNS name.

When I call ipStar the say the problem has been referred to a Tech in the Network department who I have yet never talked to. The other frustrating thing about the problem is sometimes the site is able to be accessed fine for several hours at a time, so just by me accessing the site I don't know if they have fixed the problem or not. As of this morning the site is not accessable.

Here is the real question: My knowledge of the internet is fairly basic, I'm trying to visualize exactly what kind of setup would make a certain site unavailable for one specific isp and not others. Any explanation, insight, or conjecture would be appreciated. In the end I'm hoping to talk to one of the ipStar techs and find out what they actually did to fix the problem.

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Here is the real question: My knowledge of the internet is fairly basic, I'm trying to visualize exactly what kind of setup would make a certain site unavailable for one specific isp and not others. Any explanation, insight, or conjecture would be appreciated.

They mentioned DNS. Each ISP will have their own DNS server (name server) which is used to convert an IP name to it's associated IP number. If that specific server is having problems then it would effect you and anyone using the same ISP. But it seems others using ipstar do not have the same issue. I assume ipstar is one specific ISP? Also, verify in your network settings on your computer you are pointing to the correct DNS server, might compare settings with someone else using IPstar.

Try putting this number in your address bar instead of the www....., this is the direct IP number and won't go to the DNS server. See what happens and post again.

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The access has been there all weekend (ie. working normally). Now Monday evening I cannot access it again. I tried the direct ip address, and the same thing happens -- so I guess the DNS part was bs. I'm still working with the techs. Proxy access still works fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The saga continues. This update is more a compentary on ipStar service, which, unfortunately isn't the best.

Currently the www.fxcm.com website is unreachable via ipStar from about 7 PM to 8 AM and also on the weekends. Is is availabe using any other connection method other than ipStar.

The good part is that the service techs that answer the phones are fairly helpful. About 2 weeks ago the staff called his friend who was using ADSL to confirm that his friend could access the site --> proving it was a problem with ipStar. They agree it is their problem and they are trying to solve it.

When I talk to them, every time it has been referred to Engineering, a tech is looking at it and they will have him call me. That is as far as it ever goes. The people that answer the phones can't do anything to solve the problem and it appears that the engineers that are looking into the problem don't ever do anything.

I would figure that this problem would be easy to solve since it occurs on a regular basis, they should be able to troubleshoot it. I'm still betting that they can fix it, but am starting to realize that maybe they just won't ever get arount to it. It has been almost a month now.

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hurray! They fixed the problem, called me today and it has been working normally for the last two days. The front line support at ipStar is pretty good, it just seems that simple things take a long time to get fixed. This problem took approximately a month to resolve! If only ADSL was an option.

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