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Rice deal winners can now tranport rice out of warehouses at night


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Rice deal winners can now tranport rice out of warehouses at night


BANGKOK, 18 March 2016 (NNT) - The Public Warehouse Organization (PWO) has informed five winning rice bidders of requirements from the rice purchase deals, before they can transport rice out of the government stocks.

The five bidders won the purchase deal under the scheme developed by the Rice Policy and Management Committee to sell 140,000 tons of low-quality grains to producers of animal feeds and noodles.

Representatives from relevant industries were also invited to provide the winners with advice on how to manage rice. All rice deals are expected to be made within March 23. Most criteria under the agreements will remain unchanged, except for the transportation time.

The grains can now be transported out of the warehouses at night. However, the nighttime transport permit will be deliberated on a case by case basis. Violators will be prosecuted if the low-quality rice is being used for purposes other than producing animal feeds and noodles.

-- NNT 2016-03-18 footer_n.gif

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Excuse me ! "if low quality rice is being used for the purpose etc"

I am so sure each truck laden with rice will be followed to its destination,

Over time for the followers at night,

and the rice will be used acordingly !

reminds me of the tooth fairy

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Why at night? The question in many people's minds will be whether these shipments may "accidentally" include a large proportion of good quality rice, with the losses blamed on the previous government. Where there is no public accountability, there is room for corruption. And where there is room for corruption in Thailand, the rich get richer.

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Thais like to sleep!! After they've drank! Why oh why would they do this at night if it's above board. I'm sorry you don't even have to be cynical to know that this stinks. As someone else said a scam of a scam comes to mind. And so it continues. Very sad.

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What else could be transported at night along with the rice?


Wouldnt it to be to do with the fact trucks are not suppose to be on main roads at night, in fact think there is some law about trucks on main roads after dark and they need specific permission

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What else could be transported at night along with the rice?


Wouldnt it to be to do with the fact trucks are not suppose to be on main roads at night, in fact think there is some law about trucks on main roads after dark and they need specific permission

Interesting, didn't know that..still doesn't explain why they need to do though !!

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I realize that this sounds like a scam, but quite possibly, because the rice has already deteriorated a lot, the difference of 7 degrees Celcius could make a difference to the rice being usable for any purpose or not at all.

Where I am doubtful is whether the rice will really be used for the agreed purpose. Nowadays in Thailand, expecting the companies and corporations buying the rice to keep a promise is like expecting a Thai politician to be honest.

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I'm guessing the temperature is far cooler to perform that much labor in the warehouses and less traffic on the roads at night.

At night it's supposed to be dark too, and there are far less people on the streets to see anything not koscher (ar daytime it seems very hard anywhere NOT to have been seen by ANY Thai), and most BiB are at the stations sleeping or playing cards and drinking (or 'at watch' near a pooltable or a bar), while about all officials have 'switched off' till the next morning... And do you think even the storage places will be fully manned...? Don't you smell it...?

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Why at night? The question in many people's minds will be whether these shipments may "accidentally" include a large proportion of good quality rice, with the losses blamed on the previous government. Where there is no public accountability, there is room for corruption. And where there is room for corruption in Thailand, the rich get richer.

Or even more simple: deliver under the cover of darkness poor quality/rotten rice to processing facilities supposed to be using good quality rice only...?

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