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7 Year Overstay Cleared

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I think they enjoy writing about how they beat the system (as in): I overstayed for for X years and paid my 20K and NOTHING HAPPENED. I'm back now free-&-clear.

Maybe, but I'd wager that if you offered any over-stayer a change in their visa circumstances at any stage of their over-stay, they'd have taken your hand off. I don't think there's any element of bragging here, just sharing their relief at having beaten a ban.

They chose to go the illegal route. Nobody forced them.

And now they just brag and boast about their achievement.

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I think they enjoy writing about how they beat the system (as in): I overstayed for for X years and paid my 20K and NOTHING HAPPENED. I'm back now free-&-clear.

Maybe, but I'd wager that if you offered any over-stayer a change in their visa circumstances at any stage of their over-stay, they'd have taken your hand off. I don't think there's any element of bragging here, just sharing their relief at having beaten a ban.

They chose to go the illegal route. Nobody forced them.

And now they just brag and boast about their achievement.

You must be reading different posts than I am -- what I have typically seen is "oh sh$t, new rules - what do I do" and then "thank god, cleared the overstay - and was able to come back to the life they know".... Then you have people posting odd things as sort of a competition on those that survived the longest in overstay before clearing - but that happens with anything you can manage (good or bad). I just think you are reading things through your own bias.

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I think they enjoy writing about how they beat the system (as in): I overstayed for for X years and paid my 20K and NOTHING HAPPENED. I'm back now free-&-clear.

Maybe, but I'd wager that if you offered any over-stayer a change in their visa circumstances at any stage of their over-stay, they'd have taken your hand off. I don't think there's any element of bragging here, just sharing their relief at having beaten a ban.

They chose to go the illegal route. Nobody forced them.

And now they just brag and boast about their achievement.

You must be reading different posts than I am -- what I have typically seen is "oh sh$t, new rules - what do I do" and then "thank god, cleared the overstay - and was able to come back to the life they know".... Then you have people posting odd things as sort of a competition on those that survived the longest in overstay before clearing - but that happens with anything you can manage (good or bad). I just think you are reading things through your own bias.

What bias is this?

Because I believe in living by the rules of the country I chose to live in?

While others do not give a toss.

Biased? I must be then.

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What really irks some people on here is that the d-day change of rules actually has helped motivate people that were in overstay - into finding a solution and putting themselves in a better position now than before.

All of a sudden these people miraculously have the cash to sort out these long overstays in spite of pleas of poverty, ill health etc.

Strange that.

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"I think they enjoy writing about how they beat the system (as in): I overstayed for for X years and paid my 20K and NOTHING HAPPENED. I'm back now free-&-clear." -- JLCrab

Maybe, but I'd wager that if you offered any over-stayer a change in their visa circumstances at any stage of their over-stay, they'd have taken your hand off. I don't think there's any element of bragging here, just sharing their relief at having beaten a ban.

They chose to go the illegal route. Nobody forced them.

And now they just brag and boast about their achievement.

You must be reading different posts than I am -- what I have typically seen is "oh sh$t, new rules - what do I do" and then "thank god, cleared the overstay - and was able to come back to the life they know".... Then you have people posting odd things as sort of a competition on those that survived the longest in overstay before clearing - but that happens with anything you can manage (good or bad). I just think you are reading things through your own bias.

What bias is this?

Because I believe in living by the rules of the country I chose to live in?

While others do not give a toss.

Biased? I must be then.

Well, I was out walking together and there were LOTS of people pissing on the rules of Thailand by jaywalking. I probably drive people nuts because I will stop at empty intersections and wait for the lights to change and not cross in the middle of the road - while 95% of the people on either side of me cross the road ILLEGALLY (horrible criminal activity that should be punished by deportation).

Simply, most people that have posted have not posted how they got away with things - they have posted that they were able to clear their overstay and come back and it was a big relief to have to constantly be in an alert situation trying not to look at police, or have their eyes dart away - lest they ask for ID.

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From Google Search: beat the system (phrase of beat)
1.succeed in finding a means of getting around rules, regulations, or other means of control.

Slang and your words....

And none of the overstayers "got around the rules" since they were punished as per the regulations of the time. You might not like the punishment, and thought it too light - but there was no getting around the rules.

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Oh come on 'administrative infraction' is how one of our most prominent digital nomads and overstayers has categorized the overstay provisions.

Days are numbered for the DN's and other illegals. The days of soft option visa runs etc are over !

Yes, the beloved nation is becoming pure indeed, as the other threads on Thai News are suggesting.

You care more about overstayers than officials do, they have more important concerns...charter...elections...getting rid of red bowls etc.

Edited by lkv
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Overstaying a few days or even 60 days is acceptable .

No its not acceptable (except if in Hospital)

Pretty much it was acceptable... Just cost 20000 baht, as well as being on your best behavior to enjoy the longest possible overstay your heart desired.

It was practically an incentive vice a punishment for some..

Now that the new ground rules are in effect, it appears less than 90 days overstay, qualifies as an acceptable number not to be banned for an extended period..

Those currently over 90 days or multiple years overstay and decided just to ignore the new rules.. Those guys, with a family or not, I can see banning them for year(s).. But also don't care either way..

Overstayers made a zero effect on my life period...

There were overstayers when I first traveled to Thailand in March, 2002, to joining the club in 2010..

If you think overstayers made your ability to stay in Thailand more difficult, then look in the mirror, because that's your problem..

Those that decided to share their stories on how they cleared their long overstay, and what they went through, departing and returning..

Most, if not all were 'NOT' bragging about their overstays, some could have shared less info, but they were just belping others in clearing their own.


Conscious overstaying is not "best behavior" to begin with, so the rest of the justification fails.

The 20,000 cap on fine is clearly insufficient on its own to curb gross over stay behavior, which is the purpose of law and penalty.

Those who are predisposed to exploitative decision making process, and other mental gymnastics, might consider the 20k an "inducement", but it's not. Immigration certainly shares responsibility in the little mess they've allowed to flourish and occasionally try to clean up.

Tightening the screws with the prospect of a re-entry ban seems to have struck a chord. I did, however, enjoy the one meek 3rd party comment made earlier, that Thailand isn't a compelling and progressive place (as if it ever was except in their head).....so who cares about being banned. LOL.

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