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Help! Experiencing A Unique Problem When Posting


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I make whatever changes I want using NVU web authoring software and then send the html page(s) to the server using WS-FTP Pro. Having done so I see that the page or pages have arrived though WS FTP Pro.

However, when I go to see those pages I continue to see the old pages. I view the pages through both Firefox and IE7.0, still getting the same results. After clearing the cache, nothing changes. The technician at the server farm are telling me that my provider (TOT ipStar) is caching the pages.

I tested the situation by removing the pages totally form the server and find that the pages are in fact still visible. Then I had a friend post a page for me and I saw the changed results immediately, making me believe the Techs.

Does anyone have a clue as to how to overcome this or whom at TOT to contact to get this fixed?

Is anyone else experiencing this with their pages while using the same provider?

I have worked with IT for many years, but, this is a first. HELP!

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I'm not sure if the ISP forces proxy caching. If not then you can just change your connection settings for 'direct' when you test. Under FF it is "Options" "General" "Connection Settings". Depending on what your ISP has setup, the proxy will usually reset after a few hours but could be days. Does hitting page reload still show the old information?

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I'm not sure if the ISP forces proxy caching. If not then you can just change your connection settings for 'direct' when you test. Under FF it is "Options" "General" "Connection Settings". Depending on what your ISP has setup, the proxy will usually reset after a few hours but could be days. Does hitting page reload still show the old information?

Thanks tywais...changed connection settings but still same problem. Yes cleared the memory and disc cache and hit the refresh asd still getting the old material, even when no longer posted on the server.

Proxy problems (TOT/CAT). CTR-F5 will solve your problem.

thanks George will try your method next.....back in a few!!

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Proxy problems (TOT/CAT). CTR-F5 will solve your problem.

I hereby bestow upon you the title of "Wizard of ipStar" thanks that did it. Will keep you updated if it comes back.

Strange, that just does a page reload bypassing your local cache and thought your previous steps would have worked. Learned something new, I sometimes have to do that too - much quicker this way.

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Was great for my download speed too!! Download Speed: 1977 kbps (247.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

Thanks again. I was on this all day. Did everything short of a clean Windows reinstall.

Thanks also tywais.

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ctrl + F5 not only bypass the local cache, but also send a fresh new http request to the server (or the proxy in your case). It's it's new, the proxy will ask the server.

Be aware ctrl + F5 will not work in case of .swf, I go delay about 24 hours. Same apply in case of include() or <iframe ....

the trick would be to happend a pseudo GET request


would become


or any garbage of less than 250 characters after the question mark. it also byapss any proxy (more accurate than ctrl + f5)

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