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Prepaid mobile plan is activated that I didn't apply.


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I was using AIS 4G plan, but yesterday got a message "3G Free Internet 500MB 2Days has been activated." that I didn't apply.

Presumably because of mistake by shop clerk. I don't think I can cancel the plan and get cash back.

I just want to know if these kind of mistake happens often? Is there a way to avoid it, any idea?


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I'm confused. If it's free, then what kind of cash would you like to get back?

Probably some kind of promotional gift from the operator I'd say, giving you half a gig of data to use over 2 days.

I've never been subscribed to a plan by error myself. Got bitten by automatically recurring plans though, but that was clearly my fault for not catching that they were recurring.

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  • 1 month later...

Oh, it's just a gift. My misunderstanding. Thanks! wai.gif

I just want to add information for someone who came here by google.

The package was a gift, but my main package subscribed before the gift was deactivated, and and after the free package I had to subscribe it again.

I realized that the free package subscription is only given when I top up mobile, it takes per hours though.

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