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Who Has A Linksys Wag54v3


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10 months ago I bought a Linksys WAG54V2 ADSL Modem/router (the blue/black thing). Together with my subscription on TOT I got a Dare Global DB120 but I wanted to go wireless. That's why I bought the Linksys.

Recently I bricked the thing. I brought it back to the computer shop but without any hope because warranty is void if you play around with the firmware. So I bought a Linksys WRT54GL router to let it work in combination with my DB120. At this moment the DB120 works as a bridge with the WRT and the WRT has Hyper-WRT Thibor firmware. The combination is great and works excellent for all my needs.

Without any expectation, as told, just ago the computer shop gave me a free replacement for my bricked WAG54GV2. Without box, charger or manual though. It is a Linksys WAG54V3. There isn't any information available on the internet. Nobody on the specialist board linksysinfo.org knows about this type too. It seems to be a type for the Thai market only. Then again, why does it seem that you can't buy it.

It works excellent. It has a much more advanced firmware and it doesn't become that hot compared with the V2. The case looks like a WAG354G but there is a removable antenna on it (RP-SMA). Also an advantage. There's no WPA2, though.

Just curious. Does anybody has a V3? What's your experience?


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the computer shop gave me a free replacement for my bricked WAG54GV2. Without box, charger or manual though.


Can you tell us the name and location of the shop? I'm in the market for a new wireless router and I would like to give the shop (you mentioned) my business.

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