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Conmen who delivered empty boxes to shopkeepers arrested in Isaan


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Conmen who delivered empty boxes to shopkeepers arrested in Isaan


BANGKOK: -- Police announced the arrest of two members of a large gang that has preyed on gullible shop owners throughout the north east of Thailand.

The gang delivered goods to small shops out in the villages tricking owners with special deals and offers. But many of the boxes were empty or just contained paper, Thairath reports.

Arrested were Santi Srikhan, 22, and Akradech Sarakarn, 19, both of Khamkheuankaew district of Yasothon province. They were apprehended in Sakon Nakorn making deliveries to several shops in their pick-up. The arrests followed complaints to Region 4 police earlier in the month.

There are at least six more members of the gang on the loose.

Santi, in admitting his crimes, said that the gang chose their victims carefully, selecting new shop keepers in outlying areas away from big towns. Through a combination of guile and trickery using fake order sheets the gang persuaded the shopkeepers to make advantageous orders. But much of their consignments were just empty boxes or boxes filled with paper.

The gang was making 100,000s of baht per month all over Isan. Cash was always demanded on delivery before the gang went on to the next victim.

Santi further admitted that he had wriggled out of a fraud charge laid some time before against him in Ubon.

Police spokesman Yanyong Wetosop of the Region 4 force said that many shops had fallen for the con and expects some did not report it. Cash was paid and the shop keepers had only realised they had been tricked when they opened the boxes later and by that time the gang were well gone, he said.

Santi was charged with fraud while the police try to track down other members of the gang.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-04-20

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"...the gang chose their victims carefully..."

Which begs the question: How many irresponsible business owners are there who don't check on their deliveries before forking over the cash? Never underestimate the stupidity of the average person...And remember...Half the people are stupider than that.

With apologies to George Carlin

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"...the gang chose their victims carefully..."

Which begs the question: How many irresponsible business owners are there who don't check on their deliveries before forking over the cash? Never underestimate the stupidity of the average person...And remember...Half the people are stupider than that.

With apologies to George Carlin

The answer is "greed" and a perceived "deal". Like many cons, the conmen make it sound like a good deal, a once in a lifetime opportunity, a special price that won't last long, etc. So the conmen find the gullible ones, either those that are greedy, or under duress and are simply trying to save or make a buck

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In Thailand, Dont be happy too soon when you think you got the deal of the century. Everyone likes to get cheap n good deals but forget that real businesses need to make a profit. If somebody offers you a product for something way cheaper than market price. Check properly.

I do online business and distribution here in thailand with my wife.

Seen these kind of scams too often.

Some ppl do have real shops as well and offer below market price for certain products n promising they have ready stock in the shop, but once u transfer over the money, they will say oh a customer just bought up everything, so the product will take another 3 days to come in, which you have to wait another 3 or 4 days.

Online Shop owners who does this does not have much capital or stock in hand n they use this method to take money from you 1st offering it cheap and then will go n find the products you want sometimes making u wait for even longer than promise and if there is no stock they will give back money in installments. seen too many of this kind of scams. Only buy from someone you really trust and check n check if the seller is legit or not.

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