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How Secure Are My Ssl Connection?


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How often has that question raced through your mind, while banking, making credit card purchases or exchanging personal & confidential information online?

In a recent Q&A podcast discussion of security matters, Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte of "Security Now!" answered the following listeners question"

The corporate network I work on requires using a proxy to access the Internet. Obviously this allows them to track everything employees are looking at, even if the data might be sensitive personal information. Now, I’m using SSL connections. You indicate that using an SSL connection prevents the use of transparent proxy by ISPs. I’m wondering if an SSL connection prevents snooping by a corporate proxy, or can a corporate proxy intercept the SSL connection. For instance, could a proxy set up two SSL connections?

You may be suprised (even shocked) at the answer. :o

Podcast and/or transcript available HERE (Episode 64)

(What's an SSL connection?....HERE)


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