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Gunmen shoot eleven people in Venezuela


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Gunmen shoot eleven people in Venezuela


CARACAS: -- In Venezuela 11 people have been killed including three teenagers by unidentified gunmen.

The attackers are said to have ordered the victims out of their homes before shooting them dead in the western Trujillo state on Saturday.

They then fled the scene in cars and motorcycles.

It’s thought the killings were gang related.

NGOs say the country’s crime rates are soaring as recession bites due to falling oil prices.

Last year, the Venezuelan Observatory of Violence group released its report for 2014, recording 24,980 violent deaths.

The government disputes the group’s findings, saying the rates are much lower.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-30

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On the road to implosion. This place right now has all the hallmarks of an internal conflict about to kick off. This could get real ugly real quickly.

Venezuela has already imploded.

Some Airlines are refusing service to the country because the value of their money is considered junk.

Food lines are blocks long with the situation getting worse daily.

Electrical services are being shut off and hospitals are closing with no electricity, nor medical supplies.

Most transportation has stopped.

At night the streets are empty as everyone is in hiding.

Gangs are forming and raiding anyone who has food, water, or barter items.

Be thankful you are here in Thailand now!

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On the road to implosion. This place right now has all the hallmarks of an internal conflict about to kick off. This could get real ugly real quickly.

Venezuela has already imploded.

Some Airlines are refusing service to the country because the value of their money is considered junk.

Food lines are blocks long with the situation getting worse daily.

Electrical services are being shut off and hospitals are closing with no electricity, nor medical supplies.

Most transportation has stopped.

At night the streets are empty as everyone is in hiding.

Gangs are forming and raiding anyone who has food, water, or barter items.

Be thankful you are here in Thailand now!

All but your last line.

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Venezuela is the first country to experience extreme anarchy due to economic, financial, and government breakdown...

Those naysayers...who make light of the world's dire debt, failing economies, and jobs...should really pay attention...

Other countries are on the brink...propped up artificially by the International Monetary Fund...drowning in debt and not making the necessary changes to correct their situation...

Venezuela is the first...will not be the last...and some predict that all countries will experience wide-spread killing, looting, and systemic civil breakdown as people are unable to find work and feed their families...store shelves are empty...and desperate people roaming the streets in search of food...

Take precautions now...buy at least enough food stores and keep enough money at home to get you thru a 1 to 3 month (maybe longer) period of time...while hopefully this thing plays itself out...

I am not a doom and gloom type person...I study the signs...they predict the possibility of a dreadful future in the years to come...

There is always hope...but the window of opportunity to turn away from spending way beyond our means to pay...is closing ever more quickly now...

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Venezuela is the first country to experience extreme anarchy due to economic, financial, and government breakdown...

Those naysayers...who make light of the world's dire debt, failing economies, and jobs...should really pay attention...

Other countries are on the brink...propped up artificially by the International Monetary Fund...drowning in debt and not making the necessary changes to correct their situation...

Venezuela is the first...will not be the last...and some predict that all countries will experience wide-spread killing, looting, and systemic civil breakdown as people are unable to find work and feed their families...store shelves are empty...and desperate people roaming the streets in search of food...

Take precautions now...buy at least enough food stores and keep enough money at home to get you thru a 1 to 3 month (maybe longer) period of time...while hopefully this thing plays itself out...

I am not a doom and gloom type person...I study the signs...they predict the possibility of a dreadful future in the years to come...

There is always hope...but the window of opportunity to turn away from spending way beyond our means to pay...is closing ever more quickly now...

Actually Venezuela is not the first country to experience unrest (what you call anarchy) due to economic and financial breakdown - the USA in the early 1930s had a similar experience, as did many other countries at the time due to financial meltdown.

In recent years, Zimbabwe hit the skids until the locals just stopped using its currency and reverted to foreign currencies until they fixed on the dollar, mainly. Not to mention Argentina, Cambodia etc.

You make it seem strange that countries are "on the brink, propped up artificially by the IMF." The reality is that financial systems are inherently unstable (look up an Economist called Hyman Minsky who makes the case far better than I) and need to have central banks (the Fed system in the USA) and the IMF and other institutions to keep them stable.

What has saved the World Economy is the fact that some countries, such as the USA, realised that they were on the brink of a depression (incidentally, BOTH Bush and Obama did this) and spent their way out of it, thereby avoiding the horrific situation in the 1930s.

What needs to happen is a return to the Glass Steigal Act and related laws of the 1930s which was designed to prevent exactly this sort of financial catastrophe - they were all repealed (initially by Bill Clinton but then later by other countries) which set the stage for what we all experienced in 2008.

In the case of Venezuela, the situation is much more dire, a little akin to a person desperately trying to put out a fire using gasoline. Their oil boom made the authorities think they could hold captive a large section of the population who were poor by subsidising virtually everything. This was instead of developing the economy and building industrial capacity. The trouble is that the money from the oil is no longer available and no one wants to lend money to such a nightmare economy. The private sector can no longer do legitimate business, employ people, pay tax - when you see the foreign airlines pulling out, you know the place is in deep trouble.

But to equate what is happening to Venezuela with economies like the USA or even Thailand is extraordinarily far-fetched. Venezuela is no harbinger of doom for the rest of the world - instead, it is an example of how misguided authorities who do not understand Economics and have never read history can run a country into the ground if they really persevere. It is only a matter of time before one of three outcomes occurs - the authorities kill off the population through famine or violence, the population rise up and kill off the authorities, the military take over or a mixture of all three. It is always possible that a leader emerges and does a Gorbachev but nothing on the horizon yet.

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Venezuela is the first country to experience extreme anarchy due to economic, financial, and government breakdown...

Those naysayers...who make light of the world's dire debt, failing economies, and jobs...should really pay attention...

Other countries are on the brink...propped up artificially by the International Monetary Fund...drowning in debt and not making the necessary changes to correct their situation...

Venezuela is the first...will not be the last...and some predict that all countries will experience wide-spread killing, looting, and systemic civil breakdown as people are unable to find work and feed their families...store shelves are empty...and desperate people roaming the streets in search of food...

Take precautions now...buy at least enough food stores and keep enough money at home to get you thru a 1 to 3 month (maybe longer) period of time...while hopefully this thing plays itself out...

I am not a doom and gloom type person...I study the signs...they predict the possibility of a dreadful future in the years to come...

There is always hope...but the window of opportunity to turn away from spending way beyond our means to pay...is closing ever more quickly now...

Actually Venezuela is not the first country to experience unrest (what you call anarchy) due to economic and financial breakdown - the USA in the early 1930s had a similar experience, as did many other countries at the time due to financial meltdown.

In recent years, Zimbabwe hit the skids until the locals just stopped using its currency and reverted to foreign currencies until they fixed on the dollar, mainly. Not to mention Argentina, Cambodia etc.

You make it seem strange that countries are "on the brink, propped up artificially by the IMF." The reality is that financial systems are inherently unstable (look up an Economist called Hyman Minsky who makes the case far better than I) and need to have central banks (the Fed system in the USA) and the IMF and other institutions to keep them stable.

What has saved the World Economy is the fact that some countries, such as the USA, realised that they were on the brink of a depression (incidentally, BOTH Bush and Obama did this) and spent their way out of it, thereby avoiding the horrific situation in the 1930s.

What needs to happen is a return to the Glass Steigal Act and related laws of the 1930s which was designed to prevent exactly this sort of financial catastrophe - they were all repealed (initially by Bill Clinton but then later by other countries) which set the stage for what we all experienced in 2008.

In the case of Venezuela, the situation is much more dire, a little akin to a person desperately trying to put out a fire using gasoline. Their oil boom made the authorities think they could hold captive a large section of the population who were poor by subsidising virtually everything. This was instead of developing the economy and building industrial capacity. The trouble is that the money from the oil is no longer available and no one wants to lend money to such a nightmare economy. The private sector can no longer do legitimate business, employ people, pay tax - when you see the foreign airlines pulling out, you know the place is in deep trouble.

But to equate what is happening to Venezuela with economies like the USA or even Thailand is extraordinarily far-fetched. Venezuela is no harbinger of doom for the rest of the world - instead, it is an example of how misguided authorities who do not understand Economics and have never read history can run a country into the ground if they really persevere. It is only a matter of time before one of three outcomes occurs - the authorities kill off the population through famine or violence, the population rise up and kill off the authorities, the military take over or a mixture of all three. It is always possible that a leader emerges and does a Gorbachev but nothing on the horizon yet.

I could have done a better job of being more specific...like the first country in the current world crisis...certainly not first in recorded history...

Thanks for entering the fray with insight and passion...we may agree to disagree...all voices are needed for a balanced presentation...

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  • 4 weeks later...

On the road to implosion. This place right now has all the hallmarks of an internal conflict about to kick off. This could get real ugly real quickly.

Venezuela has already imploded.

Some Airlines are refusing service to the country because the value of their money is considered junk.

Food lines are blocks long with the situation getting worse daily.

Electrical services are being shut off and hospitals are closing with no electricity, nor medical supplies.

Most transportation has stopped.

At night the streets are empty as everyone is in hiding.

Gangs are forming and raiding anyone who has food, water, or barter items.

Be thankful you are here in Thailand now!

All but your last line.

Assuming you're in Thailand now...why don't you just leave?

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Two things contributed to this.

1. Venezuela introduced socialism which has always failed. The government and the people are bankrupt, desperate, and in a real mess. It's chaos.

2. In 2014 Venezuela confiscated all guns promising to end violence but it increased dramatically. Law abiding citizens can't defend themselves and now it's one of the most dangerous places in the world. Sept. 22, 2014. "Venezuela Opens 'Disarmament Centers' to Take Guns from Civilians."

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On the road to implosion. This place right now has all the hallmarks of an internal conflict about to kick off. This could get real ugly real quickly.

Venezuela has already imploded.

Some Airlines are refusing service to the country because the value of their money is considered junk.

Food lines are blocks long with the situation getting worse daily.

Electrical services are being shut off and hospitals are closing with no electricity, nor medical supplies.

Most transportation has stopped.

At night the streets are empty as everyone is in hiding.

Gangs are forming and raiding anyone who has food, water, or barter items.

Be thankful you are here in Thailand now!

All but your last line.

Assuming you're in Thailand now...why don't you just leave?

He's from Venezuela, perhaps?

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Venezuela is the first country to experience extreme anarchy due to economic, financial, and government breakdown...

Those naysayers...who make light of the world's dire debt, failing economies, and jobs...should really pay attention...

Other countries are on the brink...propped up artificially by the International Monetary Fund...drowning in debt and not making the necessary changes to correct their situation...

Venezuela is the first...will not be the last...and some predict that all countries will experience wide-spread killing, looting, and systemic civil breakdown as people are unable to find work and feed their families...store shelves are empty...and desperate people roaming the streets in search of food...

Take precautions now...buy at least enough food stores and keep enough money at home to get you thru a 1 to 3 month (maybe longer) period of time...while hopefully this thing plays itself out...

I am not a doom and gloom type person...I study the signs...they predict the possibility of a dreadful future in the years to come...

There is always hope...but the window of opportunity to turn away from spending way beyond our means to pay...is closing ever more quickly now...

Actually Venezuela is not the first country to experience unrest (what you call anarchy) due to economic and financial breakdown - the USA in the early 1930s had a similar experience, as did many other countries at the time due to financial meltdown.

In recent years, Zimbabwe hit the skids until the locals just stopped using its currency and reverted to foreign currencies until they fixed on the dollar, mainly. Not to mention Argentina, Cambodia etc.

You make it seem strange that countries are "on the brink, propped up artificially by the IMF." The reality is that financial systems are inherently unstable (look up an Economist called Hyman Minsky who makes the case far better than I) and need to have central banks (the Fed system in the USA) and the IMF and other institutions to keep them stable.

What has saved the World Economy is the fact that some countries, such as the USA, realised that they were on the brink of a depression (incidentally, BOTH Bush and Obama did this) and spent their way out of it, thereby avoiding the horrific situation in the 1930s.

What needs to happen is a return to the Glass Steigal Act and related laws of the 1930s which was designed to prevent exactly this sort of financial catastrophe - they were all repealed (initially by Bill Clinton but then later by other countries) which set the stage for what we all experienced in 2008.

In the case of Venezuela, the situation is much more dire, a little akin to a person desperately trying to put out a fire using gasoline. Their oil boom made the authorities think they could hold captive a large section of the population who were poor by subsidising virtually everything. This was instead of developing the economy and building industrial capacity. The trouble is that the money from the oil is no longer available and no one wants to lend money to such a nightmare economy. The private sector can no longer do legitimate business, employ people, pay tax - when you see the foreign airlines pulling out, you know the place is in deep trouble.

But to equate what is happening to Venezuela with economies like the USA or even Thailand is extraordinarily far-fetched. Venezuela is no harbinger of doom for the rest of the world - instead, it is an example of how misguided authorities who do not understand Economics and have never read history can run a country into the ground if they really persevere. It is only a matter of time before one of three outcomes occurs - the authorities kill off the population through famine or violence, the population rise up and kill off the authorities, the military take over or a mixture of all three. It is always possible that a leader emerges and does a Gorbachev but nothing on the horizon yet.

The above just a mish-mash of shallow observations. Venezuela has particular problems due to rubbish populism served up by a corrupt crony left-wing government whose main comparison in Latin America is Argentina with the prior government under the equally useless Peronism. Zimbabwe? we're just waiting for the nasty Mugabe to die. Another failed populist government under a left-wing flag.

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Two things contributed to this.

1. Venezuela introduced socialism which has always failed. The government and the people are bankrupt, desperate, and in a real mess. It's chaos.

2. In 2014 Venezuela confiscated all guns promising to end violence but it increased dramatically. Law abiding citizens can't defend themselves and now it's one of the most dangerous places in the world. Sept. 22, 2014. "Venezuela Opens 'Disarmament Centers' to Take Guns from Civilians."

Capitalist Right Wing drivel.

France, Germany, Sweden, Norway are Socialist countries hardly failed States.

Most developed Nations have strict Gun ownership laws none are failed States because of it.

So wrong on both counts.

Venezuela is a 'failed State' due to total reliance on Oil and void of diversified income streams, Political corruption at ALL levels and a State controlled media, Justice and Electoral system.

The civilian violence is a result of the above and Zero to do with Socialism or Gun control.

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Two things contributed to this.

1. Venezuela introduced socialism which has always failed. The government and the people are bankrupt, desperate, and in a real mess. It's chaos.

2. In 2014 Venezuela confiscated all guns promising to end violence but it increased dramatically. Law abiding citizens can't defend themselves and now it's one of the most dangerous places in the world. Sept. 22, 2014. "Venezuela Opens 'Disarmament Centers' to Take Guns from Civilians."

Capitalist Right Wing drivel.

France, Germany, Sweden, Norway are Socialist countries hardly failed States.

Most developed Nations have strict Gun ownership laws none are failed States because of it.

It ain't over yet. Let history decide how this socialism pays for this mass influx of hateful "refugees" Oh, and there is plenty of corruption in those countries too not to mention the EU. Europe is failing.


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Two things contributed to this.

1. Venezuela introduced socialism which has always failed. The government and the people are bankrupt, desperate, and in a real mess. It's chaos.

2. In 2014 Venezuela confiscated all guns promising to end violence but it increased dramatically. Law abiding citizens can't defend themselves and now it's one of the most dangerous places in the world. Sept. 22, 2014. "Venezuela Opens 'Disarmament Centers' to Take Guns from Civilians."

Capitalist Right Wing drivel.

France, Germany, Sweden, Norway are Socialist countries hardly failed States.

Most developed Nations have strict Gun ownership laws none are failed States because of it.

So wrong on both counts.

Venezuela is a 'failed State' due to total reliance on Oil and void of diversified income streams, Political corruption at ALL levels and a State controlled media, Justice and Electoral system.

The civilian violence is a result of the above and Zero to do with Socialism or Gun control.

The suggestion that France, Germany, Sweden And Norway are socialist states would only come from a soggy dilettante who probably hasn't read a word of Karl Marx, ever.

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Capitalist Right Wing drivel.

France, Germany, Sweden, Norway are Socialist countries hardly failed States.

Most developed Nations have strict Gun ownership laws none are failed States because of it.

So wrong on both counts.

Venezuela is a 'failed State' due to total reliance on Oil and void of diversified income streams, Political corruption at ALL levels and a State controlled media, Justice and Electoral system.

The civilian violence is a result of the above and Zero to do with Socialism or Gun control.

The suggestion that France, Germany, Sweden And Norway are socialist states would only come from a soggy dilettante who probably hasn't read a word of Karl Marx, ever.

Karl Marx would not be the starting point in understanding Socialism.

Socialist ideology was in place before Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and their respective ancestors were even thought of

Venezuela is not the victim of Socialism it is a victim of corrupt governments, corrupt oligarchs, corrupt and controlled media, corrupt judiciary, corrupt elections. Also Sovereign Risk plays a big part in their downfall and social collapse.

It is a pity really Venezuela could quite easily be the wealthiest Nation in South America and out strip the USA in their standard of living. Instead they are killing each other for a loaf of bread. With the World transitioning from Fossil Fuels their future is bleak. Their Oil wont be worth a cracker.

What a mess but nothing to do with Socialism or gun control laws.

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