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Australia considers cancelling cleric's visa over gay views


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If you were to bar entry to every cleric who preached incitement there would not be many left who could travel. This is exactly as it should be.


But you know there are some American Christian preachers that say similar things, approving death penalty for gays, so I hope that Australia and other nations applying these policies don't single out ONLY Muslims.


same ban needs to be applied all religious leaders with foam coming from their mouths due to their hatred and bigotry towards others. so maybe that is what they could not ban this f ing bigot and pervert Muslim cleric. possibly Australia allowed some clerics to enter from other religions with similar homophobia and hate speeches.

If you talk and complain too much about LGBT individuals, most probably you are a hidden gay and most probably hatred of such cleric is coming his personal contradiction and crash of his religion and his hidden sexual preferences.

same as the muslim gay guy did that horrible massacre.

Edited by Scott
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Australia considers cancelling cleric's visa over gay views

Now why would they do that? We all know Islam has nothing to do with violence.

They are not proposing to cancel his visa because he is a Muslim, but because he espouse hatred and violence. The former does not guarantee the latter, and similarly, you can have the latter without the former.

And you quite often get them together. ln fact very often.

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Australia considers cancelling cleric's visa over gay views

Now why would they do that? We all know Islam has nothing to do with violence.

They are not proposing to cancel his visa because he is a Muslim, but because he espouse hatred and violence. The former does not guarantee the latter, and similarly, you can have the latter without the former.


He is merely preaching Islam. He hasn't made it up himself. The penalty in Islam for lots of things is death, including homosexuality and leaving the Islamic faith to become something else.

The difference between Islam and Christianity ( which also has the death penalty for homosexuality ) is that Christians no longer want to kill people for such reasons. Many Muslims do.

So, as you ackowledge, the Christian fairy story is as riddled with hate and prejudice as the Islamic version; do you actually believe that all Christians are filled with loving kindness whereas all Muslims are spewing fire and brimstone?

So when the Phelps family hold up placards at the funerals of US servicemen that state 'Fags Die, God Laughs' and 'God Hates Cripple Soldiers', according to you they must either be Muslims in disguise, or some benign, tragicomic joke that influences nobody?

Strange reasoning you have there old son.

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He is merely preaching Islam. He hasn't made it up himself. The penalty in Islam for lots of things is death, including homosexuality and leaving the Islamic faith to become something else.

The difference between Islam and Christianity ( which also has the death penalty for homosexuality ) is that Christians no longer want to kill people for such reasons. Many Muslims do.

Shocking that the most vociferous supporters of islam are totally uninformed as to what islam is about. Rather than naively cheering on an imaginary view of what you would like islam to be, better to educate yourself properly and quit with the naive statements that contradict everything about islam. This cleric is a good strict muslim, and is preaching absolutely in line with normal mosque preaching. In mosques they are not discussing equal rights for homosexuals and how to end female genital mutilation. A quick education could be found asking your wife to walk around Bradford without a male escort - in fact don't bother.

How far can you see from on top of that high horse of yours? How do you suggest I educate myself? I woke up this morning at 4.01am with the call to prayer from the mosque that is around 20m from my bedroom. Being in the middle east, I usually spend most of each working day surrounded by Muslims, but this being Ramadan, they tend to disappear around 1pm. However at no point have they ever indicated anything other than fraternal friendship. Maybe tonight, at iftar, when we are sitting round our shared meal, I will ask them why they hate me so much and want me dead. Do you think that, with the explanation they will give me, I can then consider myself as enlightened as you?

You're a real hero, aren't you?

Have you converted yet?

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But you know there are some American Christian preachers that say similar things, approving death penalty for gays, so I hope that Australia and other nations applying these policies don't single out ONLY Muslims.

Not a chance. We are a bit fussy about who we let in and have refused visas to a wide scope of undesirables, including misogynists,

holocaust deniers, and christian anti-abortionists as well as run-of-the-mill muslim hate mongers. Surprising to some, a good percentage are Americans, mostly "musicians" of the ©rap variety.

For a recent sampling try http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/from-violent-misogynists-to-holocaust-deniers-who-has-been-denied-an-australian-visa-20160202-gmjico.html

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Shocking that the most vociferous supporters of islam are totally uninformed as to what islam is about. Rather than naively cheering on an imaginary view of what you would like islam to be, better to educate yourself properly and quit with the naive statements that contradict everything about islam. This cleric is a good strict muslim, and is preaching absolutely in line with normal mosque preaching. In mosques they are not discussing equal rights for homosexuals and how to end female genital mutilation. A quick education could be found asking your wife to walk around Bradford without a male escort - in fact don't bother.

How far can you see from on top of that high horse of yours? How do you suggest I educate myself? I woke up this morning at 4.01am with the call to prayer from the mosque that is around 20m from my bedroom. Being in the middle east, I usually spend most of each working day surrounded by Muslims, but this being Ramadan, they tend to disappear around 1pm. However at no point have they ever indicated anything other than fraternal friendship. Maybe tonight, at iftar, when we are sitting round our shared meal, I will ask them why they hate me so much and want me dead. Do you think that, with the explanation they will give me, I can then consider myself as enlightened as you?

You're a real hero, aren't you?

Have you converted yet?

Hero? Did I suggest that I was doing anything heroic or brave? In fact, my life is very mundane, normal and regular, probably not a lot different to most other people's; probably not even very different to the lives of the bigots who freely issue their drivel as if it was fact, and their base prejudices as if they were reasoned, inciteful positions. You see, we are all open to negative influence - whether Muslim or Christian, we can all be consumed with irrational hatred.

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They are not proposing to cancel his visa because he is a Muslim, but because he espouse hatred and violence. The former does not guarantee the latter, and similarly, you can have the latter without the former.


He is merely preaching Islam. He hasn't made it up himself. The penalty in Islam for lots of things is death, including homosexuality and leaving the Islamic faith to become something else.

The difference between Islam and Christianity ( which also has the death penalty for homosexuality ) is that Christians no longer want to kill people for such reasons. Many Muslims do.

So, as you ackowledge, the Christian fairy story is as riddled with hate and prejudice as the Islamic version; do you actually believe that all Christians are filled with loving kindness whereas all Muslims are spewing fire and brimstone?

So when the Phelps family hold up placards at the funerals of US servicemen that state 'Fags Die, God Laughs' and 'God Hates Cripple Soldiers', according to you they must either be Muslims in disguise, or some benign, tragicomic joke that influences nobody?

Strange reasoning you have there old son.

Not really - just try thinking about it a bit more.

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They are not proposing to cancel his visa because he is a Muslim, but because he espouse hatred and violence. The former does not guarantee the latter, and similarly, you can have the latter without the former.

And you quite often get them together. ln fact very often.

I would love to see the statistics that back up that 'fact'. Can you please post a link to the study?

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Australia considers cancelling cleric's visa over gay views

Now why would they do that? We all know Islam has nothing to do with violence.

They are not proposing to cancel his visa because he is a Muslim, but because he espouse hatred and violence. The former does not guarantee the latter, and similarly, you can have the latter without the former.


He is merely preaching Islam. He hasn't made it up himself. The penalty in Islam for lots of things is death, including homosexuality and leaving the Islamic faith to become something else.

The difference between Islam and Christianity ( which also has the death penalty for homosexuality ) is that Christians no longer want to kill people for such reasons. Many Muslims do.

oh really? in US, approximately 20 to 30 LGBT individuals get killed every year and it is rising. dont tell me they are also killed by Muslim!

For 2014, 60.6 percent of the reported 1,402 hate crime offenses based on sexual orientation were classified as anti-gay (male) bias.


Forces in England and Wales recorded 5,597 hate crimes against gays and lesbians in 2014-15, a rise of 22 per cent on the previous 12 months.


at every religion, there are some bloody laws and LGBT individuals are victimized by the believers of all religions.

Christians tend to kill people with their hidden agendas and indirectly unlike muslim which they do things in front of our eyes.

such as US support for then Mujaheddin now Al Qaeda or their support for ISIS and those both kill people now.

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If you were to bar entry to every cleric who preached incitement there would not be many left who could travel. This is exactly as it should be.


But you know there are some American Christian preachers that say similar things, approving death penalty for gays, so I hope that Australia and other nations applying these policies don't single out ONLY Muslims.

The key word is incitement. To express a dislike of someone or some group for whatever reason is not in itself incitement. To opine that someone will be punished by God for their behavior is not in itself incitement. On the other hand advocating some Earthly retribution be carried out by members of one group against another group or individual is clear incitement.

With the above provisos I agree with you, though I suspect those meeting these criteria will predominantly belong to the religion of peace.

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He is merely preaching Islam. He hasn't made it up himself. The penalty in Islam for lots of things is death, including homosexuality and leaving the Islamic faith to become something else.

The difference between Islam and Christianity ( which also has the death penalty for homosexuality ) is that Christians no longer want to kill people for such reasons. Many Muslims do.

Shocking that the most vociferous supporters of islam are totally uninformed as to what islam is about. Rather than naively cheering on an imaginary view of what you would like islam to be, better to educate yourself properly and quit with the naive statements that contradict everything about islam. This cleric is a good strict muslim, and is preaching absolutely in line with normal mosque preaching. In mosques they are not discussing equal rights for homosexuals and how to end female genital mutilation. A quick education could be found asking your wife to walk around Bradford without a male escort - in fact don't bother.

How far can you see from on top of that high horse of yours? How do you suggest I educate myself? I woke up this morning at 4.01am with the call to prayer from the mosque that is around 20m from my bedroom. Being in the middle east, I usually spend most of each working day surrounded by Muslims, but this being Ramadan, they tend to disappear around 1pm. However at no point have they ever indicated anything other than fraternal friendship. Maybe tonight, at iftar, when we are sitting round our shared meal, I will ask them why they hate me so much and want me dead. Do you think that, with the explanation they will give me, I can then consider myself as enlightened as you?

Before you ask them if they hate you, tell them that you are homosexual. Perhaps their attitude might change then.

PS I too worked surrounded by Muslims for many years, so I speak from experience.

Doubt that he will listen to you.

He seems to view lslam through rose coloured glasses.

l too, have worked & lived with muslims before & have seen some of the things that they are capable of.

My brother's Christian lndonesian fiancée was burnt to death in a church, along with a dozen or so other people in a fire started by muslims in Suluwesi province, lndonesia.

muslim apologists make me want to be sick.

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Shocking that the most vociferous supporters of islam are totally uninformed as to what islam is about. Rather than naively cheering on an imaginary view of what you would like islam to be, better to educate yourself properly and quit with the naive statements that contradict everything about islam. This cleric is a good strict muslim, and is preaching absolutely in line with normal mosque preaching. In mosques they are not discussing equal rights for homosexuals and how to end female genital mutilation. A quick education could be found asking your wife to walk around Bradford without a male escort - in fact don't bother.

How far can you see from on top of that high horse of yours? How do you suggest I educate myself? I woke up this morning at 4.01am with the call to prayer from the mosque that is around 20m from my bedroom. Being in the middle east, I usually spend most of each working day surrounded by Muslims, but this being Ramadan, they tend to disappear around 1pm. However at no point have they ever indicated anything other than fraternal friendship. Maybe tonight, at iftar, when we are sitting round our shared meal, I will ask them why they hate me so much and want me dead. Do you think that, with the explanation they will give me, I can then consider myself as enlightened as you?

You're a real hero, aren't you?

Have you converted yet?

Hero? Did I suggest that I was doing anything heroic or brave? In fact, my life is very mundane, normal and regular, probably not a lot different to most other people's; probably not even very different to the lives of the bigots who freely issue their drivel as if it was fact, and their base prejudices as if they were reasoned, inciteful positions. You see, we are all open to negative influence - whether Muslim or Christian, we can all be consumed with irrational hatred.

But followers of the "Religion of Peace" figure more prominently in the hatred stakes, these days.

Glad that you don't consider yourself a hero, probably a lot of the posters here don't either.

So, have you converted yet?

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They are not proposing to cancel his visa because he is a Muslim, but because he espouse hatred and violence. The former does not guarantee the latter, and similarly, you can have the latter without the former.

And you quite often get them together. ln fact very often.

I would love to see the statistics that back up that 'fact'. Can you please post a link to the study?

Of course, how silly of me.

The people who carried out 9/11,

London 2005,

Paris 2014,

Brussels 2015 & numerous other "peaceful" demonstrations were probably Jehovah's Witnesses, or maybe Hindus, or Jews, or perhaps Catholics or Mormons. Methodists? No?

No they couldn't be, dare l say it? from the "Religion of Peace", muslims?

Pull your head out of the sand, boy.

btw-whats in it for you?

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He is merely preaching Islam. He hasn't made it up himself. The penalty in Islam for lots of things is death, including homosexuality and leaving the Islamic faith to become something else.
The difference between Islam and Christianity ( which also has the death penalty for homosexuality ) is that Christians no longer want to kill people for such reasons. Many Muslims do.

Shocking that the most vociferous supporters of islam are totally uninformed as to what islam is about. Rather than naively cheering on an imaginary view of what you would like islam to be, better to educate yourself properly and quit with the naive statements that contradict everything about islam. This cleric is a good strict muslim, and is preaching absolutely in line with normal mosque preaching. In mosques they are not discussing equal rights for homosexuals and how to end female genital mutilation. A quick education could be found asking your wife to walk around Bradford without a male escort - in fact don't bother.

How far can you see from on top of that high horse of yours? How do you suggest I educate myself? I woke up this morning at 4.01am with the call to prayer from the mosque that is around 20m from my bedroom. Being in the middle east, I usually spend most of each working day surrounded by Muslims, but this being Ramadan, they tend to disappear around 1pm. However at no point have they ever indicated anything other than fraternal friendship. Maybe tonight, at iftar, when we are sitting round our shared meal, I will ask them why they hate me so much and want me dead. Do you think that, with the explanation they will give me, I can then consider myself as enlightened as you?

Before you ask them if they hate you, tell them that you are homosexual. Perhaps their attitude might change then.

PS I too worked surrounded by Muslims for many years, so I speak from experience.

Doubt that he will listen to you.
He seems to view lslam through rose coloured glasses.
l too, have worked & lived with muslims before & have seen some of the things that they are capable of.
My brother's Christian lndonesian fiancée was burnt to death in a church, along with a dozen or so other people in a fire started by muslims in Suluwesi province, lndonesia.
muslim apologists make me want to be sick.

Yes Sulawesi, also my first experience of the brutality and hate first hand. Coming from the peaceful north and arriving in Poso to the shock that beheadings are frequent here, school burning, murdering teachers. It was an eye opener. A total tropical paradise rich with fertile soil and seas, ruined by a hateful ideology - nothing else.
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In my book, a retard is a retard.

A recording of the sermon, given by Pastor Roger Jimenez from Verity Baptist Church, was posted to YouTube the day after the tragedy.In the video, Jimenez preached to his congregation that they should not be grieving the homosexual victims of the shootings, comparing those killed to pedophiles. "Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?" asked Jimenez. "Um no. I think that’s great. I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida, is a little safer tonight. The tragedy is that more of them didn’t die. The tragedy is I’m kind of upset he didn’t finish the job – because these people are predators. They are abusers."

Jimenez went on to criticize the government, saying he wished homosexuals would be put in front of a firing squad.

"I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a firing wall, put the firing squad in front of them and blow their brains out," Jimenez said.

And most muslims turn a blind eye to homosexuality, while a significant number are gay.

There are plenty of gay nightclubs and bars operating in Muslim countries with full knowledge of the authorities, although they obviously will react if they are publicised.

Countries like Iran that have allegedly executed people for being homosexual in the past have often used it as an excuse to clean out dissidents.

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How far can you see from on top of that high horse of yours? How do you suggest I educate myself? I woke up this morning at 4.01am with the call to prayer from the mosque that is around 20m from my bedroom. Being in the middle east, I usually spend most of each working day surrounded by Muslims, but this being Ramadan, they tend to disappear around 1pm. However at no point have they ever indicated anything other than fraternal friendship. Maybe tonight, at iftar, when we are sitting round our shared meal, I will ask them why they hate me so much and want me dead. Do you think that, with the explanation they will give me, I can then consider myself as enlightened as you?

You're a real hero, aren't you?

Have you converted yet?

Hero? Did I suggest that I was doing anything heroic or brave? In fact, my life is very mundane, normal and regular, probably not a lot different to most other people's; probably not even very different to the lives of the bigots who freely issue their drivel as if it was fact, and their base prejudices as if they were reasoned, inciteful positions. You see, we are all open to negative influence - whether Muslim or Christian, we can all be consumed with irrational hatred.

But followers of the "Religion of Peace" figure more prominently in the hatred stakes, these days.

Glad that you don't consider yourself a hero, probably a lot of the posters here don't either.

So, have you converted yet?

Of course they wouldn't - but you seem to have some bee in your bonnet about it.

Converted? I guess you could say that - raised in a Christian culture, haven't stepped foot in a church in 20 years. That is as much as I have converted.

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He is merely preaching Islam. He hasn't made it up himself. The penalty in Islam for lots of things is death, including homosexuality and leaving the Islamic faith to become something else.

The difference between Islam and Christianity ( which also has the death penalty for homosexuality ) is that Christians no longer want to kill people for such reasons. Many Muslims do.

Shocking that the most vociferous supporters of islam are totally uninformed as to what islam is about. Rather than naively cheering on an imaginary view of what you would like islam to be, better to educate yourself properly and quit with the naive statements that contradict everything about islam. This cleric is a good strict muslim, and is preaching absolutely in line with normal mosque preaching. In mosques they are not discussing equal rights for homosexuals and how to end female genital mutilation. A quick education could be found asking your wife to walk around Bradford without a male escort - in fact don't bother.

How far can you see from on top of that high horse of yours? How do you suggest I educate myself? I woke up this morning at 4.01am with the call to prayer from the mosque that is around 20m from my bedroom. Being in the middle east, I usually spend most of each working day surrounded by Muslims, but this being Ramadan, they tend to disappear around 1pm. However at no point have they ever indicated anything other than fraternal friendship. Maybe tonight, at iftar, when we are sitting round our shared meal, I will ask them why they hate me so much and want me dead. Do you think that, with the explanation they will give me, I can then consider myself as enlightened as you?

Don't kid yourself ,you are not one of them ,you never will be , when the chips are down your just another infedal, been there done that .

Edited by i claudius
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I would love to see the statistics that back up that 'fact'. Can you please post a link to the study?

Of course, how silly of me.

The people who carried out 9/11,

London 2005,

Paris 2014,

Brussels 2015 & numerous other "peaceful" demonstrations were probably Jehovah's Witnesses, or maybe Hindus, or Jews, or perhaps Catholics or Mormons. Methodists? No?

No they couldn't be, dare l say it? from the "Religion of Peace", muslims?

Pull your head out of the sand, boy.

btw-whats in it for you?

That you continue to fail understand even my question and why I asked it does not make you correct, it just makes you look clueless. Maybe you should just stick to crap facebook memes.

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I would love to see the statistics that back up that 'fact'. Can you please post a link to the study?

Of course, how silly of me.

The people who carried out 9/11,

London 2005,

Paris 2014,

Brussels 2015 & numerous other "peaceful" demonstrations were probably Jehovah's Witnesses, or maybe Hindus, or Jews, or perhaps Catholics or Mormons. Methodists? No?

No they couldn't be, dare l say it? from the "Religion of Peace", muslims?

Pull your head out of the sand, boy.

btw-whats in it for you?

That you continue to fail understand even my question and why I asked it does not make you correct, it just makes you look clueless. Maybe you should just stick to crap facebook memes.

Don't do facebook, is that where you get your inspiration from?

What an apologist! l'm impressed.

They can do no wrong in your selective eyes.

Oh well, you & your ilk will answer for it one day.

lf not in this world, then the next(thanks, Gladiator!).

You can't insult me.

l have a hide as thick as a rhinoceros, especially when it comes to dealing with the mentally challanged.

You protesteth far too much, rudi old bean.

Carry on with your apologising, l've got all the time in the world.

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Shocking that the most vociferous supporters of islam are totally uninformed as to what islam is about. Rather than naively cheering on an imaginary view of what you would like islam to be, better to educate yourself properly and quit with the naive statements that contradict everything about islam. This cleric is a good strict muslim, and is preaching absolutely in line with normal mosque preaching. In mosques they are not discussing equal rights for homosexuals and how to end female genital mutilation. A quick education could be found asking your wife to walk around Bradford without a male escort - in fact don't bother.

How far can you see from on top of that high horse of yours? How do you suggest I educate myself? I woke up this morning at 4.01am with the call to prayer from the mosque that is around 20m from my bedroom. Being in the middle east, I usually spend most of each working day surrounded by Muslims, but this being Ramadan, they tend to disappear around 1pm. However at no point have they ever indicated anything other than fraternal friendship. Maybe tonight, at iftar, when we are sitting round our shared meal, I will ask them why they hate me so much and want me dead. Do you think that, with the explanation they will give me, I can then consider myself as enlightened as you?

Don't kid yourself ,you are not one of them ,you never will be , when the chips are down your just another infedal, been there done that .

I never said that I felt one of them, but I have lived in a few countries around the world, and while I have always tended to integrate quite easily, I always sense that very different life experiences mean that the bond is never quite complete, no matter where, regardless of religion.

It has been suggested here that I am naive in my trust - well, 20 years of this way of life has not given me any reason to change my willingness to take people at face value. If others cannot see beyond their blanket distrust then that is a problem they have to deal with, not me.

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Shocking that the most vociferous supporters of islam are totally uninformed as to what islam is about. Rather than naively cheering on an imaginary view of what you would like islam to be, better to educate yourself properly and quit with the naive statements that contradict everything about islam. This cleric is a good strict muslim, and is preaching absolutely in line with normal mosque preaching. In mosques they are not discussing equal rights for homosexuals and how to end female genital mutilation. A quick education could be found asking your wife to walk around Bradford without a male escort - in fact don't bother.

How far can you see from on top of that high horse of yours? How do you suggest I educate myself? I woke up this morning at 4.01am with the call to prayer from the mosque that is around 20m from my bedroom. Being in the middle east, I usually spend most of each working day surrounded by Muslims, but this being Ramadan, they tend to disappear around 1pm. However at no point have they ever indicated anything other than fraternal friendship. Maybe tonight, at iftar, when we are sitting round our shared meal, I will ask them why they hate me so much and want me dead. Do you think that, with the explanation they will give me, I can then consider myself as enlightened as you?

Don't kid yourself ,you are not one of them ,you never will be , when the chips are down your just another infedal, been there done that .

I never said that I felt one of them, but I have lived in a few countries around the world, and while I have always tended to integrate quite easily, I always sense that very different life experiences mean that the bond is never quite complete, no matter where, regardless of religion.

It has been suggested here that I am naive in my trust - well, 20 years of this way of life has not given me any reason to change my willingness to take people at face value. If others cannot see beyond their blanket distrust then that is a problem they have to deal with, not me.

I have no wish to get into a dispute, but, IMO, you were tolerated, rather than integrated. Even some areas of one's own country don't welcome outsiders to their clique, but they allow them to associate.

eg I would never have felt integrated into Saudi society, and I feel the same way about Thai society. They allow me as the farang married to a Thai to live among them, but I'm not ONE of them and never will be.

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