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Four murders and a bloody battle for land rights in Thailand


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Four murders and a bloody battle for land rights in Thailand

BANGKOK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Supot Kalasong was driving home one afternoon in April when he heard a bang and assumed he had blown his newly-patched tyre.

Then he heard more bangs and realized gunfire was piercing his pickup truck door, hitting him six times on his right leg and twice on his right arm.

He was lucky, suffering only minor wounds. Since 2010, four people have been killed in Klong Sai Pattana, a small community in southern Surat Thani province, that has been locked in a bloody battle for the right to use government land.

"It is the worst case for land rights defenders - each place has people who are killed, but it's never this bad.

Full story: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-landrights-idUSKCN0Z9006

-- Reuters 2016-06-23

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its not good but people also have to realize that just squatting on land does not mean it is theirs, the govt needs to sort this out properly, would be much better to lease the land and retain the ownership with the govt giving these people the chance to utilize it but having to pay for the use as well as not being able to use it as collateral for any loans or sell it.

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"It is the worst case for land rights defenders" except they are not, they have no legal right to the land at all.

If ALMO ejected the palm oil company, and is now ejecting the squatters, who's doing the shooting?

BTW Supot Kalasong is not a muslim name (source: her indoors)

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its not good but people also have to realize that just squatting on land does not mean it is theirs, the govt needs to sort this out properly, would be much better to lease the land and retain the ownership with the govt giving these people the chance to utilize it but having to pay for the use as well as not being able to use it as collateral for any loans or sell it.

Quite right, shoot the lot of them!!

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The world now has 7.4 billion people...increasing daily...whereas it may take thousands of years for a new island to be formed from volcanic activity...

Men have been fighting over land and other world resources since the world began...it is only going to become worse...

Chinese are the most forward thinking people on the earth...going from continent to continent...buying up valuable natural resources on the cheap using the massive amounts of US dollars they have accumulated selling counterfeit products to unsuspecting US citizens...on the cheap...

The title to a piece of land in a 3rd world country...ultimately comes down to who controls the power...

Heaven help us!

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Without new clean-green electric energy, the world could become like a war zone from rebellions, local wars, insurgencies, terrorist acts, common criminalities and totally dysfunctional societies. This could be represses b y international armies of martial law and millions killed in the indiscriminatory process.

Energy means food, water and healthier societies.

I still prefer to look at this scenario in amber glasses believing in human ingenuity. One thing, the religious beliefs are a serious fault to peace however, it could last to the end of humans on Earth. Unfortunately. Common sense and science is for most like an illusion. Brainwash has had worked, does work and will work against all logic, publications, programs, science. Weak need compensation and they do believe that they get it in the afterlife. How convenient?

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