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Agriculture Min wants trading in fake or substandard fertilizers to come under AMLO’s jurisdiction


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Agriculture Ministry wants trading in fake or substandard fertilizers to come under AMLO’s jurisdiction


BANGKOK: -- The Ministry of Agriculture has wanted trading in fake or substandard agricultural chemicals and plant seeds to be treated as a criminal offence in accordance with the anti-money laundering law.

Agriculture permanent secretary Thirapat Prayoonsit disclosed that, late last month, the ministry asked the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) to consider including the sale of fake or substandard chemicals used in agriculture such as fertilizer and pesticides and plant seeds into the list of offences which must come under the anti-money laundering law to discourage the traders from the trade.

The ministry has found out that many farmers bought fake or substandard fertilizers, pesticides or substandard plant seeds without knowing that they are fake or substandard, said Mr Thirapat, adding that this malpractice on the part of the traders has caused substantial financial burden on the farmers, forcing them to use more fertilizers or more plant seeds, resulting to increased production cost and low productivity.

He pointed out that there are about 30 million people who are engaged in farming to make a living.

The agriculture permanent secretary said that if AMLO agreed with the ministry’s proposal, the ministry will, in the next step, seek to make illegal slaughter house business a criminal office under the anti-money laundering law.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/agriculture-ministry-wants-trading-fake-substandard-fertilizers-come-amlos-jurisdiction/

-- Thai PBS 2016-07-04

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Seems that selling fake fertilizer, old seeds and weak pesticides is currently OK as no mention of any current law violation. And what is an illegal slaughter house in Thailand (other than those closed for dogs)? Animals are killed and butchered in barn yards and street side then sold in all kinds of markets. I fail to see the connection between money laundering and illegal slaughter houses.

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Seems that selling fake fertilizer, old seeds and weak pesticides is currently OK as no mention of any current law violation. And what is an illegal slaughter house in Thailand (other than those closed for dogs)? Animals are killed and butchered in barn yards and street side then sold in all kinds of markets. I fail to see the connection between money laundering and illegal slaughter houses.

or a connection between fake fertilizer, pesticides and seeds with illegal slaughter houses.

Edited by Lee4Life
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Why not have a set of laws that deals with fake and substandard products, expired foods, and similar frauds; and then have a consumer protection authority that finds the cheaters and reports them to the police?

OK, AMLO it is.

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Agriculture Ministry wants trading in fake or substandard fertilizers to come under AMLO’s jurisdiction

So if I understand correctly, they want only AMLO to be able to trade in fake and substandard fertilizers ;)

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The involvement of AMLO lets the officials impound all assets of the shysters, which is the way to get the attention on the right companies /people. China has been selling mis labeled fertilizer here for years (inferior grade) same with pesticides, etc The middlemen selling to the farmer knew what was going on just by price quoted to them, said nothing and charged premium price for inferior product.

When you set up a system bring attention to, hurt the dishonest bad, (more than they profited) your going the right way in fighting corruption, and dishonesty.

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In all seriousness, I am sure there is some sort of rationale for thinking of AMLO to take on some responsibility for fake/diluted fertilizer, but I am hard pressed to think of a reason that is compelling.

AMLO deals in money laundering investigations. They are an organization comprised of accountants, auditors, ex bank employees, and computer experts (that is, I hope they have people like that).

On the other hand, an organization focused on detecting and investigating fake/fraudulent goods would be comprised of trade specialists, logistics specialists, goods inspectors, and product testers. Probably some chemists and other scientists as well.

It makes little sense to combine these two. If AMLO has knowledge and expertise, some knowledge transfer and job rotation might be the best.

Anyway, perhaps the rationale will be clarified; or perhaps this idea will go the way of so many ideas before it.

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