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Most Thais spend 14 waking hours doing nothing physically, study shows


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Most Thais spend 14 waking hours doing nothing physically, study shows

Puangchompoo Prasert
The Nation


Apart from the time spent sleeping, Thais appear to spend 14 hours of the day being inactive.


"Despite being awake, they are not physically active. They spend their day sitting inside cars, at their desk or in meeting rooms. They usually lie down while watching TV or checking their smart phones," Health Department's director general Dr Wachira Pengjuntr said Tuesday. 

He was citing findings from a survey conducted by the Mahidol University's Institute for Population and Social Research. 

Wachira pointed out that such long hours of physical inactivity were harmful to health. 


Full Story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Most-Thais-spend-14-waking-hours-doing-nothing-phy-30296314.html

-- © Copyright The Nation 2016-09-27
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All the women around our way work pretty hard; it's the men who are the lazy b******s and like nothing better than stroking their chickens, smoking rolled up tobacco leaves, drinking beer and laying in the shade all day while their wives are out earning money at the market.

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I think the headline should read most MALE Thais spend 14 waking hours doing nothing. That plus 1 hour 58 minutes and 15 seconds for eating three meals a day, thus leaving 1 minute and 45 seconds for sex and 8 hours for sleeping. Tough being a male Thai!

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Its probably the same for all people who live in hot countries. The hot weather does not encourage going out for a jog, etc. Also folks tend to jump onto a motorbike rather than walk a short distance.


I have observed that Thais have got bigger over the last 20 years; because they eat more and the diet has moved from primarily fish/rice/vegetables to a much more fatty diet.


We have a fishing village not far from us; the general consenus there is that people live longer and are slimmer if their diet is mainly fish.

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It's true though. To go from their room to a 7/11 they jump on a motorbike even when it's virtually next door to where they live. I've said to them that they're going to suffer when they get older and if they fall over they'll probably break a leg. Walking or jogging strengthens the bones in your legs.


Also Thais don't seem to drink milk or eat cheese so they'll likely suffer from calcium deficiency when they get older which can lead to osteoporosis.


So many of them skip breakfast and just buy a pot of instant noodles for their main meal. Very unhealthy lifestyle.

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7 hours ago, Scotwight said:




That's 2012!  There were a lot of aerobic groups around the nation for a time around then. I remember seeing them at Lotus and places like that and in the rural villages. Most all faded away after a few months. For a few years it has been quieter. Just recently they started a small group up again where my wife lives. People do it for a while and give up generally. As the cool winter air comes along there will be more of them again.


One problem now for those parking lot groups is there are so many cars they don't have space for the dancing as they used to. Year and year all the little nooks and cranies in the greater BKK area fill up. Open space is fading as the rest of Thailand is forced to move into the chosen land of Bangkok for work. Stress is rising as people fight more and more crowds to get to work. And with that stress, outlets are need for these folks to release some tension. Thailand really has to stop the bs building in the metropolis and outskirts and save that open space for real life and happiness.

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15 hours ago, Crossy said:

My lady must be the exception, she spends every waking hour cooking, cleaning, ironing, gardening, chasing her pets etc. etc.


Oh, and "seeing to my needs" :tongue:




:thumbsup: I like the fact that a Moderator just wrote this, because frankly when I saw the title, I was kind of taken aback. Mods here regularly warn members against 'baiting', which is a good policy, but then it's obvious that this article itself is nothing else than pure, unabashed baiting.


Knowing how many TVF posters never miss a chance to lash out at Thais and their supposed laziness (a typical white-expat attitude, not just nowadays and not just in Asia), I find the choice of this article in pretty poor taste, honestly, and not very consistent with the ethical rules TVF puts forward.


So, thank you Crossy for telling us that your Thai wife is a normal person, not a caricature designed by a bitter lot of expats who have nothing better to do, apparently, than criticize the people of the country they elected to live in. In that respect the post just yours (by 'Tallagada') is brilliant too.

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He was citing findings from a survey conducted by the Mahidol University's Institute for Population and Social Research. 


Was the survey done among the staff of Mahidol University's Institute for Population and Social Research??? :P


Frankly sounds like a crap survey, as others have said already, yes there are some lazy people in Thailand (as in every countries) but most Thai are at work daily to try to get some cash to survive and feed their family...


That survey is totally out of touch with reality imho.. :post-4641-1156693976:

Edited by CantSpell
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14 hours ago, starky said:

Good to see this one start with a bit of positivity. Won't last though it is the ultimate TVF Quinella. Click bait with a chance of gratuitous Thai bashing.. 


Thai bashing

Wouldnt you agree that this post came from a very distinguished Thai gentlemen throwing scorn on his own brethren. 


Thais are naturally bone idle it's ingrained in their make-up and I'm not relating to Max Factor. They're so laid back it's as if they've slipped into a coma. It's not as if I'm making all this up.


Just look around any street. It's a toss-up between the Soi dogs vs motorbike sloths vying for best sleeping patches to get them through the long haul of the day  :coffee1:

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"most Thais" now means older folks, even if that is not what we would see in farlang or urban areas. I'm a 60 year old youngster in my district. quite seriously. almost everyone is my age or older and I'm not talking just the ones who don't commute to CM. 

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I seem to have married yet another exception.

My Thai wife never stops from when she gets up around 6 am until she goes to sleep well after midnight. She's either cooking, cleaning the house, always seems to be doing laundry as we have two young children. I try to help but she prefers to do things herself.

Yet there is a Thai male in the village and every time I have passed his house, he is always lying at the front of the house or occasionally sitting in the same spot no matter what time of day it is.

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