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Six More Arrests In Bangkok Terror Raid


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16 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

Good for the RTP and The Military.  If you are a

suspect it's because of the people you associate 



In The States every Murder of innocent people by

terrorists could possibly,have been prevented if the

terrorists and their families had been detained and

questioned.  But the pussy PC politicians are afraid 

to use profiling.   I say if you suspect a terrorist, due to

phone messages, inside wire taps, Internet chatter:. You

should have the legal right to detain the person, spouse,

mother, father, sister,brother if they are all in close proximity 

even the dog if it will prevent the murder of innocent shoppers

at a mall, nightclub, or walking the streets.  Hard line, yes; but

if people are willing to kill innocent people, you need hard line 



I think you meant even the cat. Muslims consider dogs as dirty animals, and should avoid touching one...

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The Radical faith is making freedom and justice a very hard thing to manage. It looks to me like they are using our own values and beliefs against us. If they can't keep their own nest clean than they should not be surprised when we come in to clean it up, ruffling a few feathers along the way.  

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19 hours ago, Rorri said:

Where's the EVIDENCE to show they are terrorists, where's the evidence of bombs... geez

They have shown NO proof at all, in fact of 40 previously arrested only 15 remain in detention, or so they say. So, why where 25, if not more, arrested in the first place. You do know what PROOF is, don't you.

Yes I know what proof is. Sometimes it is obtained while the suspect is in detention on suspicion of terrorism - something that is accepted in most parts of the world. Or do you think this is the only country that has legislated detention on suspicion?

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Jesus Christ. This thread has got to be a repository of some of the worst, most heinous, most ill-informed opinions I have had the misfortune to read in a long time. It's no wonder that governments can use the perceived threat of terrorism to so easily control people and convince them to give up their rights. Many posters don't seem to realize that by arguing in favor of removing the rights to due process and protection from arbitrary detention from others, they are inadvertently arguing to forfeit them themselves.

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On 10/16/2016 at 5:24 AM, Rorri said:

As I've said before, absolutely  no evidence at all, simply arresting innocent  people, here they claim most are kratom users, geez RTP,  you are just lowlife, even if they are users, how do they justify the raids on terrorism  grounds.

Agree except in this case the article says the lowlifes are not the RTP but the army

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21 hours ago, futsukayoi said:

Agree except in this case the article says the lowlifes are not the RTP but the army

"Police commandos raid a building Monday in Bangkok as part of a counterterrorism operation," it does go on to say theyou are being detained by the army.

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48 minutes ago, Rorri said:

"Police commandos raid a building Monday in Bangkok as part of a counterterrorism operation," it does go on to say theyou are being detained by the army.

We have jurisdiction, No we have jurisdiction !

Pointless asking for everyone to play nicely or they'll be banned from the sandbox.


Everyone here wants the favourable publicity until something goes wrong and no one will take responsibility.

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