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Health Insurance 75 yrs. + ???


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Good morning. Good friend just got hit with a price hike of 50% for his comprehensive international insurance plan. 18'000 Euros/yr!!! He lives now full-time in Thailand and is of excellent health with no prior issues at all. Any chance to find a plan that covers him in/out-patient for around 12'000 Euros/month at this stage of his life? Does not need to be international plan, but must be incl. of the many illnesses that get excluded by many providers. Difficult subject, I know. But there is TV and there is hope :-)   Thank you all. MS>

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Yes, at his age, Cigna Global is a good bet.


Also suggest he not get "comprehensive" insurance but rather inpatient cover only. Inpatient policies will cover day surgeries, out-patient chemotherapy and dialysis, and pretty much anything else out patient is affordable.

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