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Trump votes in Manhattan as aides claim upset win in sight


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All well and good but the data are prospective.


Need to present actual polling data, which should be available is some accurate form at the present time, to be refined going forward.


The actual turnout data of Bernie supporters who did vote for HRC, or did not vote for the Democratic party nominee, is the indisputable factual data. It may or may nor vary from the prospective data. 


Actual factual data. It would also assist in identifying one group of the culprits. 

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6 hours ago, CWMcMurray said:

I am going to be watching really closely on what happens in DNC.. Trust this will mark an end to the Clinton era and hopefully a clear 'changing of the guard'.. Which I believe will make the democrats a stronger and better party in 4 years


Clinton has lost quite a number of votes compared to Obama. Many Democrat supporters abstained (among others Bernie Sanders supporters) or voted for D. Trump.

GOP votes ( 2016-2012 = - 1.7M)

- Romney 2012 : 60.933.504

- Trump  2016 :   59.245.678 


DEM votes ( 2016-2012 = - 6.5M)

- Obama 2012: 65.915.795

- Clinton 2016: 59.440.178

(source  Unites States Elections Project)


Bill Clinton as POTUS  accelerated all financial deregulation begun under Reagan, for example in repealing Glass Steagall Act in 1999 and preparing the subprime crisis that burst in 2007.
Maybe this is the very liberal policy of Bill Clinton who has thwarted the election of Hillary.

Edited by Opl
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Rural voters voted at a rate of 10% higher in this election than in previous elections. That's a lot of suddenly new pig farming shitkickers trudging out to put their X on the ballot. 


The Democratic Party campaign for Potus does what it always does, i.e., it runs up the vote in urban and distinctive suburban areas. However, in this election of Potus....



"Trump countered on election day, piling up huge majorities among the non-college-educated, blue-collar whites who have long been the mainstay of his support.

"He won because of a massive outpouring of votes in rural areas and small towns across the country, overturning Democratic calculations that the party’s dominance in urban America would seal a Clinton victory.

"While Clinton won Virginia, Colorado and Nevada, states that Democrats pointed to as examples of the growing racial and ethnic diversity that would cement their majority, Trump’s appeal to an older, less cosmopolitan America brought him victories in Ohio and Florida, and buoyed him in the final fights for the industrial states."


Trump as with water sought out and found his own level. 

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I've noticed that people here are trying to ask about whether those who supported Bernie Sanders voted for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

Let's get real here. Hillary is certainly not a socialist. Lots of Bernie's supporters don't actually like things like NAFTA. And Bernie certainly hated that TPP thing that Obama was desperately trying to carry out. Trump is AGAINST that TPP thing. As for Hillary, most people (I think) were suspicious that Hillary secretly supported the TPP, but she didn't want to say so during the election campaign.

(TPP is the Tran Pacific Partnership).


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47 minutes ago, Publicus said:

Trump as with water sought out and found his own level.


Perhaps it rose and engulfed you.


I recall asking you several months ago about the hidden votes that polls can't measure i.e. the "silent majority" of secret Trump supporters who would never admit that they supported Trump because they faced too much derision from people who obviously knew far less than they gave themselves credit for. You discounted that saying that there would not be enough to change Clinton's appointment with destiny in the White House. Also the state vote favoured Clinton not the vote numbers. Reality has it that precisely the reverse happened.


Two things it looks to me that was a determining factor in this election;

first would be, not ethereal ideology surrounding gender issues, climate change, xenophobia, islamophobia, indeed all the ingredients in the deplorable basket, but economic realities often called  pocket book politics.


The other was , exemplified here by certain posters, the sneering  and domineering attitude from the LW progressives pushing their arrogant values onto the values held by others was beyond the tolerance level of the ordinary American voter.


 The ruling class elites from politics, academia, finance, justice need to wake up and smell the coffee, a circuit breaker has happened. The people have spoken,


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2 hours ago, Linzz said:


Perhaps it rose and engulfed you.


I recall asking you several months ago about the hidden votes that polls can't measure i.e. the "silent majority" of secret Trump supporters who would never admit that they supported Trump because they faced too much derision from people who obviously knew far less than they gave themselves credit for. You discounted that saying that there would not be enough to change Clinton's appointment with destiny in the White House. Also the state vote favoured Clinton not the vote numbers. Reality has it that precisely the reverse happened.


Two things it looks to me that was a determining factor in this election;

first would be, not ethereal ideology surrounding gender issues, climate change, xenophobia, islamophobia, indeed all the ingredients in the deplorable basket, but economic realities often called  pocket book politics.


The other was , exemplified here by certain posters, the sneering  and domineering attitude from the LW progressives pushing their arrogant values onto the values held by others was beyond the tolerance level of the ordinary American voter.


 The ruling class elites from politics, academia, finance, justice need to wake up and smell the coffee, a circuit breaker has happened. The people have spoken,



The Trump Cheerleaders seem to have missed that their hero Donald Trump enters the presidency as the most unpopular Potus ever -- and by a thousand country shitkicker miles. The person he defeated was ranked number two. The True Believer Trump Fanboyz are in the distinct minority of the population of USA -- and abroad.


Trump defied all political norms, values, expectations, standards of integrity and morality, as no one who'd been in the race from either party, and from any previous occupant of the Oval Office or his competitor. (But at least Trump didn't murder Vince Foster eh.)


It is recognised, as this poster discussed, the significant difference in the vote to elect Trump was cast by the rural population of the USA, led by the shitkicking pig farmers or their equivalent who'd rarely if ever voted previously. NYT characterised the voting demographic of Trump's fellow ignoramuses as the "older noncosmopolitan America." (But then again we know NTY is slated for enhanced interrogation in the dungeon along with HRC and that Old Sparkey is already flaring away down there.) 


Anyone who might buy the bill of goods that Donald Trump somehow knows about or has any notion of their pocketbook issues, or would ever sit at their kitchen table to discuss them intelligibly, has as much fertilizer on his brain as the farmer supporter and his equivalent that made the difference in the election. 


Trump The Ignoramus. 


Honeymoon over because the thespian Ronald Reagan begins to look good right now.

Edited by Publicus
Spacing and format.
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13 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:


That has been true in the past, but Big Money never gives up.  They will go after SS in pieces like they went after restricting access to abortion bit by bit.  What this will look like is: COLAs based on a new formula that reduces them, "voluntary" private accounts in lieue of SS enrollment that will appeal to younger workers who don't trust the system anyway, possible restrictions on non-US-resident recipients, "needs-based" benefits, lower caps on income liable to the payroll tax, a reduction in the payroll tax, etc.  Step by step they will eliminate support, especially if younger workers do not pay the payroll tax which is what has been paying your benefits for the last ten years.


As I say, I couldn't be happier than to be wrong about this, but just remember this conversation in the coming years.


Social Security is still solvent despite all the abuse and corruption. We all know people who are getting disability while they are perfectly healthy and capable of working. How many dead people are collecting? How many programs were added that should not be part of the system?  The program was designed to support old people who paid in all their working lives. Not the leeches who are and have been collecting and never paid in. They are essentially stealing from the program. The current bloated government is too lazy to correct those problems. It's past time to correct these problems.

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The election is over. It is obvious that rabid democrat sore losers cannot be reasoned with. You just continue to spew your bile. You blind bleeding heart liberals have to suck it up and have a pity party among yourselves because I am not interested in your bleating and excuses. Save your BS and use it in four years. Good bye.

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3 hours ago, Linzz said:

the sneering  and domineering attitude from the LW progressives pushing their arrogant values onto the values held by others 


1 hour ago, Publicus said:

led by the shitkicking pig farmers


1 hour ago, Publicus said:

Trump The Ignoramus. 


Keep it up, humiliated but never humble

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5 hours ago, Publicus said:


Rural voters voted at a rate of 10% higher in this election than in previous elections. That's a lot of suddenly new pig farming shitkickers trudging out to put their X on the ballot. 


The Democratic Party campaign for Potus does what it always does, i.e., it runs up the vote in urban and distinctive suburban areas. However, in this election of Potus....



"Trump countered on election day, piling up huge majorities among the non-college-educated, blue-collar whites who have long been the mainstay of his support.

"He won because of a massive outpouring of votes in rural areas and small towns across the country, overturning Democratic calculations that the party’s dominance in urban America would seal a Clinton victory.

"While Clinton won Virginia, Colorado and Nevada, states that Democrats pointed to as examples of the growing racial and ethnic diversity that would cement their majority, Trump’s appeal to an older, less cosmopolitan America brought him victories in Ohio and Florida, and buoyed him in the final fights for the industrial states."


Trump as with water sought out and found his own level. 

Always the class act, "pig farming shitkickers" are the rural agricultural backbone of America whose hero will appoint 4 new Supreme Court Justices and effect your life for the next 50 years. 

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1 hour ago, Gary A said:


Social Security is still solvent despite all the abuse and corruption. We all know people who are getting disability while they are perfectly healthy and capable of working. How many dead people are collecting? How many programs were added that should not be part of the system?  The program was designed to support old people who paid in all their working lives. Not the leeches who are and have been collecting and never paid in. They are essentially stealing from the program. The current bloated government is too lazy to correct those problems. It's past time to correct these problems.


SS is indeed still solvent.  The rest of your screed is the nonsense the right-wing media deposits in your head.  But I see that SS is still important to you.  I hope you have a plan B.  The one consistent feature of Trump's resume is that he screws those who believe him: business partners, lenders, customers, employees.  Now you are in line awaiting your turn.


Good luck.

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1 hour ago, Dtrump said:

Always the class act, "pig farming shitkickers" are the rural agricultural backbone of America whose hero will appoint 4 new Supreme Court Justices and effect your life for the next 50 years. 


The Constitution is the backbone of America.


Trump & Co. are the wrecking crew.


We know about the Scotus appointments because it is a fact Donald Trump will be the 45th Potus. For the next four years at least. The mid-term election of 2018 will probably make things worse in Washington.


So cheer up...youse guyz won. 

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11 hours ago, CWMcMurray said:

25% of Sanders voters won't vote for Clinton



Here's another ... Showing only 40% Bernie supports Support Clinton


This is just a quick google, sure could find a lot more on this if spent time in it... But think this is enough to

Show its not just anecdotal..

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I wasn't referring to Sanders supporters, but replying to this:



so why were 80% of russians in favour of a Trump victory?


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2 hours ago, Linzz said:




Keep it up, humiliated but never humble


I say to each of youse guyz to cheer up cause you won the election. 


Donald Trump will be the 45th Potus.


Donald Trump won the Electoral College Vote while Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. So there are two sides to the humble coin as a currency. (Second time in 16 years the Democratic Party nominee for Potus won the popular vote but lost the ECV, each time by a close ECV margin.)


So are youse guyz happy yet or what? Are youse guyz having fun yet or what? Or do you have a long list of grievances compiled over decades and lotsa scores to settle. 

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13 hours ago, Publicus said:


Not going anywhere on the suggestion or advice of just anyone, as this poster is somewhat engaged in certain ways with a deplorable situation and circumstance to include certain people.


'Deplorable' seems to be a winning slogan these days.

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Trump lost the Popular Vote.


Here's what I saw as of an hour ago....


Hillary Clinton:    59, 916,416

Donald Trump:    59, 690,923


There aren't enough remaining ballots still being counted to change the result of the Popular Vote, which is that Hillary Clinton won the Popular Vote. (She lost it big time over there on the far out right.)


This is also a reminder that Donald Trump is the most unpopular President-Elect in the history of the country. He needs to radically change his deplorable words and actions during his campaign of the past 16 months or he will be sworn in January 20th as the most unpopular Potus ever to assume office.


Youse winners over there having fun yet?

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There is an online petition to call on electors of the Electoral College to vote for Hillary Clinton even if Trump won their state.  The votes of such electors, called "faithless electors" are not invalid either according to the Constitution or any state law.  So, if Clinton receives more electoral votes on December 19, she becomes the President.


I started another thread for this discussion:




Please consider signing the petition and promoting it among friends and on other websites.  The count in my other post was apparently incorrect and has been reduced to a few thousand now. 


Protest!  It's actually not too late.

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So far I don't see any data, other than your anecdotes, to support the assertion that Bernie supporters stayed away in sufficient numbers to decide any state, much less the election.  Possibly, in WI and MI they were a factor because the percentage for third-party candidates exceeded Trump's margin, but had those two states gone for HRC she would still have lost and it hasn't yet been shown that the third-party votes were mainly at the expense of HRC.


Had Bernie been the candidate the campaign would have been different: instead of emails you would have seen more swastikas.  No way would those rural white Christian men have voted for any Jew socialist.  Trump had enough coded anti-Semitic remarks and ads as it was.

Here is another bit of info to support the fact that Bernie would have won...

What states dis Hillary loose unexpectedly that ended up causing her to fall short on electoral college votes?

Answer.. Midwest rust belt states.. Funny enough, if you remember from the primaries, these are also the areas where she faced upsets and biggest problems in the primary to Bernie..

A clear indication of her weakness in these key states and also showing Bernie's stronger support in the same areas

Also in Primaries.. Many of Bernie supporters were blue collar white males... Who ended up turning to Trump in the election, but have no doubts that if Bernie was on the ticket, many of these same voters would have voted for him

And do not believe that to be any indication that these white males are anti-women but they are blue collar working class folks that lost jobs and struggling .. They just didn't t trust Hillary due to her policies on TPP and other comments that she has made.. But they did trust Bernie

Sanders’ strength wasn’t in inner cities, but in suburbs and rural areas, which was also eel here Trump was getting most of his votes.

Would Trump still have won a majority of Rural voters, surely.. Bit by significantly lower margin against Bernie and that would been enough to make the difference in these states.

As even though Trump won them, he did not win by a large number of votes.

..... In five states Sanders won where exit polling data is available — Indiana, Michigan, Oklahoma, West Virginia, and Wisconsin — the demographics that helped Trump hit 270 electoral college votes were also Sen. Sanders’ key demographics


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Trump lost the Popular Vote.


Here's what I saw as of an hour ago....


Hillary Clinton:    59, 916,416

Donald Trump:    59, 690,923


There aren't enough remaining ballots still being counted to change the result of the Popular Vote, which is that Hillary Clinton won the Popular Vote. (She lost it big time over there on the far out right.)


This is also a reminder that Donald Trump is the most unpopular President-Elect in the history of the country. He needs to radically change his deplorable words and actions during his campaign of the past 16 months or he will be sworn in January 20th as the most unpopular Potus ever to assume office.


Youse winners over there having fun yet?

Kind of funny how things turned out in one respect... Prior to Election Day, all

The reports I saw was that Republicans saying that the electoral college system was rigged against Republicans and how it favored the Democrats..

Hmmm... Oops... Looks that that's not quite the case

And now today.... See articles in conservative sites saying this like...

Why the Electoral College Still makes sense ...

...What appears to deprive the populace of its power to decide a president is the very mechanism that preserves its power. The Electoral College works that way because the United States isn’t a pure Democracy..


Although if want to fair, see the same

Flip flop on the democratic side as well, but in reverse..

I sometimes wonder if the talking heads on both sides really realize how much they flip flop around like a fish out of water..

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