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Thailand waives Tourist Visa fee for ALL nationalities

Jonathan Fairfield

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51 minutes ago, Harold the Great said:

I wish they would work on getting rid of all of these farang retirees that have nothing, came here with nothing, barely getting by, whining and snivelling over an 60-80 baht beer. That might be an incentive to attract some healthier specimens and help out the country.  


But who else would walk around shirtless showing off their enormous beer guts in the grocery stores in Pattaya?  

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3 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

Great more Cheap Charlie's arriving soon.


If 1000 measly baht is an inticement I can't wait to see these quality tourists.

maybe for a family of 6 to save 6000 baht is a pretty big deal which may cause those taking a vacation to consider countries that are more "friendly" without any fees.

Times are not great for everybody nor does everybody travel as an individual.

There are things for families to do here.

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57 minutes ago, ldiablo72 said:

Waving this fee will not by any means entice tourists to come to Thailand. What they need to understand is that many tourists do not want to come to a country that is in mourning for 1
a year, entertainment venues being forced to close early as well as the government cracking down on zero dollar tour packages.


It's not about the mourning.  Well, some of it is, but Thailand just ain't what it used to be.  


Thailand is like a condo in disrepair.  Sure, it was nice when it was being kept up and you gladly paid the rent.  It was a nice place to live.  


But instead of keeping the place up, they let it go, and they keep jacking up the rent every time the lease comes up for renewal even though the nice new building across the street rents for the same amount.  


Thailand, fix the massive list of problems people have been complaining about for decades.  A temporary drop in the price of a visa that amounts to less than 1% of what I would spend on airfare and hotels is not an incentive.  Quit treating me like a cheap whore who will be impressed at you waving around your 1,000 baht note and actually make the country into a place where every foreign newspaper doesn't have to describe the country as, "Thailand, a country known for prostitution." 



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4 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

maybe for a family of 6 to save 6000 baht is a pretty big deal which may cause those taking a vacation to consider countries that are more "friendly" without any fees.

Times are not great for everybody nor does everybody travel as an individual.

There are things for families to do here.


How many families of six are traveling to Thailand for longer than 30 days?  I'm guessing that if 100 families of that size come to Thailand with the intent of staying longer than 30 days, it's been a record year for Thailand.    


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1 minute ago, harleyclarkey said:

Why on earth would they do this when tourist numbers this year are already up by 30% with projected figures to increase even further!

Tourist numbers from Europe, China and India exceed all expectations....as the figures show




Come on, man.  They're running up the score for end of year.  

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15 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

maybe for a family of 6 to save 6000 baht is a pretty big deal which may cause those taking a vacation to consider countries that are more "friendly" without any fees.

Times are not great for everybody nor does everybody travel as an individual.

There are things for families to do here.


Tourist visas are for 60 days. I don't think too many families will need anything other than the usual 30-day visa-free entry upon arrival.


The point is, will this promotion result in extra tourists through the door? Absolutely not!

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How many families of six are traveling to Thailand for longer than 30 days?  I'm guessing that if 100 families of that size come to Thailand with the intent of staying longer than 30 days, it's been a record year for Thailand.    


The Visa in question is for countries like India & China that have to have a Visa (obtained at the Embassy / Consulate before hand or on Arrival at the airport though not to be confused with the 30 day exempt stamp) for a single day's stay so 30 days doesn't come into it.

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Tourist visas are for 60 days. I don't think too many families will need anything other than the usual 30-day visa-free entry upon arrival.


The point is, will this promotion result in extra tourists through the door? Absolutely not!

Again, this is aimed at countries like China & India who cannot get a 30 day exempt stamp so must apply for a Visa beforehand or apply for a Visa on Arrival (not the same as a 30 day visa exempt stamp).

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2 minutes ago, JB300 said:

Again, this is aimed at countries like China & India who cannot get a 30 day exempt stamp so must apply for a Visa beforehand or apply for a Visa on Arrival (not the same as a 30 day visa exempt stamp).


OK, that makes sense, for nationalities which can't get the 30-day visa-free exemption... but will this discount entice people come to Thailand who were not already planning to come?


Can you imagine some people saying (for example): "Hey, let's not go to Malaysia because we can save $30 if we get a tourist visa for Thailand". 


Just having to go and apply at a Thai Consulate will cost money for many applicants.

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3 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

Great more Cheap Charlie's arriving soon.


If 1000 measly baht is an inticement I can't wait to see these quality tourists.

3 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

Great more Cheap Charlie's arriving soon.


If 1000 measly baht is an inticement I can't wait to see these quality tourists.

I assume most of them will be able to spell enticement though?


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I would think that most tourists would be coming here less than 30 days so its a bit strange.

Obviously as a previous poster mentioned it may be aimed at India and China but why then make it open to everyone?

Maybe they are double thinking the metv? 

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Well,I will run and book a flight before they all go.I think not.the baht is at 43 to the pound.The hotel, cigs ,beer ,women,food, prices.Have all gone expencive to what they used to be.The attitude towards us stinks.They dont cut your nails ,wipe you down with a nice iced flanel.And leave you to enjoy your beer in peace anymore.Ask you for a beer,and you havnt even got yours yet.Young men make you walk around them to get past.Do what they want to you in numbers,because they know nothing will happen to them.Drug you to steal from you.etc etc etc.There is nothing good about thailand anymore.I lived there for 10 years.Not been for more than 2 years now.Think that i will never go back.And so so many of my freinds from there, tell me they think they also, will never go back.They think a thousand baht.That we will forgive them,and come back to be abused.They made there bed,Let them lie in it.

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4 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

Great more Cheap Charlie's arriving soon.

If 1000 measly baht is an inticement I can't wait to see these quality tourists.

if i could save 1000thb i would grab the opportunity with both hands. But then im not some wanabee-rich on some www forum but just an intelligent guy living a mindful life...

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1 minute ago, Thomas Hannah said:

Well,I will run and book a flight before they all go.I think not.the baht is at 43 to the pound.The hotel, cigs ,beer ,women,food, prices.Have all gone expencive to what they used to be.The attitude towards us stinks.They dont cut your nails ,wipe you down with a nice iced flanel.And leave you to enjoy your beer in peace anymore.Ask you for a beer,and you havnt even got yours yet.Young men make you walk around them to get past.Do what they want to you in numbers,because they know nothing will happen to them.Drug you to steal from you.etc etc etc.There is nothing good about thailand anymore.I lived there for 10 years.Not been for more than 2 years now.Think that i will never go back.And so so many of my freinds from there, tell me they think they also, will never go back.They think a thousand baht.That we will forgive them,and come back to be abused.They made there bed,Let them lie in it.

Not a fan of thailand are we? ???

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2 hours ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

Yes it's becoming loathsome this enforced mourning. I purcased a nice colourful dress for my girlfriend recently but she is uptight and worried about the consequences of wearing it as it is not death black. It's an oppressive society when this happens.


Don't talk shit. Me and my GF dress colourful for weeks and I never notice any strange looks...

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A Single Entry Tourist Visa (currently £25 or about 1125 baht in UK) is valid for up to 60 days. The majority of tourists from the most popular countries of origin who do not qualify for VOA enter for FREE on a Visa Exempt Stamp, so no gain to them or gain to increasing tourism to Thailand. Just a grand meaningless and (again) ill conceived and thought out gesture. 

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14 minutes ago, Thomas Hannah said:

Well,I will run and book a flight before they all go.I think not.the baht is at 43 to the pound.The hotel, cigs ,beer ,women,food, prices.Have all gone expencive to what they used to be.The attitude towards us stinks.They dont cut your nails ,wipe you down with a nice iced flanel.And leave you to enjoy your beer in peace anymore.Ask you for a beer,and you havnt even got yours yet.Young men make you walk around them to get past.Do what they want to you in numbers,because they know nothing will happen to them.Drug you to steal from you.etc etc etc.There is nothing good about thailand anymore.I lived there for 10 years.Not been for more than 2 years now.Think that i will never go back.And so so many of my freinds from there, tell me they think they also, will never go back.They think a thousand baht.That we will forgive them,and come back to be abused.They made there bed,Let them lie in it.


What you describe is not Thailand. This is the red light disctrict.

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3 hours ago, siam2007 said:

I believe you all got that wrong. This is rather to wipe out all honorary consulates worldwide, as they cannot survive without those fees


I think you're right - if you are, the next story we will hear is that Penang and Laos are rejecting applications for SETVs from frequent tourists.


I'm guessing the plan is to thin the herd of longstay tourists . . . first tell them all they must use Visas, not Visa Exempts. Then make it difficult to get visas while they are out of the country . . . that way there is no necessity to turn them away at the airport which would create a lot of bad PR. It's quite a thoughtful and well executed plan, however inexplicable the objective.

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Many tourists coming first time by self made trip often don't even know thaty there is a visa fee knowing just they can get it on arrival and people don't base on this discount for traveling.

The main problem is the ticket and accomodation cost and general economic situation. If there is an income and money people come if not then any visa discount can change the situation.

Better to give a good treatment to those "good guys" living here to avoid they escape to other countries nearby actualy more welcoming instead of making so difficult everything.

Bank garanties, 90 days, many different forms to fill each step, announcements etc etc that everyone here knows well.....

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Well, the 1000 Baht visa fee per entry has never been an issue with me, personally. The reason why I've ceased visiting Thailand is that I can no longer come and go as I please nor stay as long as I wish, hassle-free (the situation I did enjoy very much - this is exactly why I had based myself in Thailand for quite a few years before 2014) due to the change of their immigration control policy. This announced temporary visa fee waiver doesn't help it by any means whatsoever. 

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1 hour ago, SoFarAndNear said:


Don't talk shit. Me and my GF dress colourful for weeks and I never notice any strange looks...

With a response like that i would say you are insensitive and clueless to current Thai dress protocol. Btw you might consider toning down your colourful use of the English language as you are close to being barred.

Edited by SpeakeasyThai
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I agree with the majority here on this; it won't make much difference regarding the no. of tourist arrivals.

Personally, I would prefer, for instance, if the immigration-upon-arrival situation is made more efficient. Every time I arrive, it is a dreaded walk from the airplane to the immigration section, wondering and worrying about how crowded of a scene I will see. Once, I waited about 45 minutes in the queue there.

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10 years im watching visa changes and none of them are good or even logical to me.

as i remember they said all these fees are made for quality tourism.
as for me they should not worry about visa fees but instead make METV changes, without any border runs. while staying to thailand for 6 month i have to move out every 2 months. this is insane. it's like renting apartment but every two months one day you have to sleep in the yard...

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