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New strawberry will be pick of the crop for flavour and health benefits


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1 hour ago, aussieinthailand said:

South Korean strawberries are the best I've ever eaten even better than OZ.

I remember being in Busan for three days, and the first night I bought a flat of strawberries for like 200 Baht - a lot of strawberries.  But I finished them all in those three days!  hahaha.

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Strawberries, were never intended to be grown in the tropics, stick to the fruits that love this climate, strawberries don't. As for being an anti carcinogen, a pair of running shoes and the tiniest amount of self discipline will take care of that.

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If you do research strawberries lost their taste when the railroad crossed America and they bred them to survive the journey to Chicago.    Being able to he picked green.   Attempts are being made to bring back the Flavor.  In the US berries are grown on raised rows on top of plastic so that the berries never touch the ground for sanitary reasons.     I think if sewar  water is fed this way the plants filter it and berries are ok to eat.  

Edited by Elkski
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