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Weird dog deads

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Hi all,


i have a question for, specialy, peoples who live in or near Songkhla.


The last two weeks my family in law have some very strange dog killings.


It started with their 5 puppies the week before new year. They got sick 2 times. The first time they did get better but then after about 1 week they got very sick again and passed away.


The vet being called to the house said it was because of the bad weather and also said more puppies got passed away that time.


Today my gf told me now 2 of their older dogs also got sick about 3-4 days ago and last night also passed away.


I have no idea how old one dog was ( think 5-6y) but the second dog was about 1.5y.


In fact i know they are taken care very good with fresh food every day and my gfs niece adores them all. And they are not real stray dogs. They almost stay 24h in the garden and in or around the house.


So i just wonder if some of you know about more multiple and sudden sicknesses  among dogs because of, maybe, the very bad weather in the south.


For me this looks very weird and made me think  about them being poisoned but without any proff i can only think.



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The idea that the weather has got anything to do with it sounds like nonsense. We're in Hat Yai and have been experiencing the same weather but our dogs are just fine. There's no reason why a healthy dog couldn't survive a few days of bad weather...


Sounds more like a virus or possibly poisoning. If it was poisoning, the dogs will typically die within 24 hours after the first symptoms and it's a rather unpleasant sight with the dog getting seizures and being in severe pain and all. 


At this point, you will most likely never know for sure. It would be good to keep an close eye on future dogs, as some dog viruses can lay dormant in the soil for a quite some time and other dogs can get sick as well several months later.


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